Chapter 11

Justin sighed and repeated the same statement the third time. What had Benson been doing, hiring idiots?

"Alright Sir. I'll use this and let you know the outcome."

Justin gripped his phone hard, resisting the urge to throw his phone as an alternative to punching the man's face.

He had officially launched his restaurant three weeks before, and just like he had known, it was doing well both in terms of sales and popularity. He had chosen his staff himself and had trained them on what was expected of them if they wanted to remain in his employ, but apparently, it hadn't been needed. Rumors had already spread about the way and reason the former staffs had been fired.

Despite that, he had visited his dad's company the week before and had been alarmed at the state of the company. It was a wonder they still had shareholders. Since he had long being interested in tech and knew more about it than the idiot that had been appointed acting director, he had spoken with the board members in an emergency board meeting and they had started changing things up and the company's stock had increased between that time.

He dropped his phone and left his office. He needed to speak to Benson. Seeing the state of his dad's company had put in him the desired to take over the company now.

Tyler looked at the faces of the five men he had hired to do the job and smiled joylessly. He was going to ruin Justin and have so much fun ruining him.

"So what's the plan?" Martha asked.

Tyler glared at her. "Did you listen to any of my informations? He runs a pretty big restaurant now. All we need to do is send our little friends to teach him a lesson or two about messing with the wrong people.


Justin opened the restaurant and put on his flashlight, enjoying the ambience of the restaurant, like his everyday ritual, except today was a lot different from his normal. He switched on the light bulbs and looked around in shock. Either some people had fought for hours in his restaurant, or someone had intentionally taken a hammer and other heavy tools with an interest in destroying his restaurant. Since he wasn't dumb, he knew the answer

He looked around, taking note of his broken tables and chairs. None of the furniture had been left intact, he thought grimly. He walked slowly, anticipating the damage he would find, and he couldn't say he was disappointed. Whoever had come in here obviously had their reasons because the breaks and destruction looked intentional—maybe a little too intentional. His bar top, which had been made with granite, had been broken. If he wasn't so stupefied, he would have laughed. That was how ridiculous the situation looked to him.

He went through the bar to the kitchen, the store, the staff dressing rooms, his office, and even the restrooms, all the while stepping on broken utensils and furnitures. None of them had been left untouched. All his foodstuffs lay opened and were on the floor, there was nothing he could do about them. He sighed at the thought of the money he would need to restore the restaurant, as well as the one he would lose while it underwent renovation. He went outside, locked the door, and opened it through the secret passage he'd installed. He went to his security room, which, thankfully, they hadn't noticed, and put on his computer.

His assailant or assailants were obviously stupid as well as foolish because they hadn't bothered to check if there were cameras before breaking in, not that they would have found them. He had hidden it well.

He sat down and watched the video, pausing and rewinding several times to make sure he didn't miss anything. A chill went down his back as they started their attack, though. He had assumed it had been an intentional attack, but he had underestimated how intentional. Watching the five men break and destroy his restaurant with a tandem that showed they were following someone's orders was a bit chilly. He was going to find out who that person was and make sure they regretted ever touching. He had some leads, but they were just suggestions, and he wasn't in denial that he had lots of enemies who would gladly do that.

He tensed and stood up, rewinding it a few times to make sure he was correct. He felt the wind knock on his door. That face. He was aware of that face and had come into contact with the fist that was currently throwing his own.

Justin transferred the video file to his external storage and turned off the system. He had to confirm his suspicion, and the moment he did, he would regret his foolish choice. He pulled out his phone and dialed Nelson. One thing about having an ex military brother was the fact that he knew so many people in strategic posts who owed him favors. It was time to call in some favors.

"Hey bro." Nelson's voice sounded over the phone.

"Hey. I need a favor from you."


"Thanks. I have a picture I'm trying to confirm the name for. Can I get the Intel on the person in the next hour?" Justin sent the picture of the man whose mask had gone down to Nelson.

Nelson sounded like he stood up from somewhere. "Sure. Is anything going on?"

Justin shook his head and then realized his brother could not see him. "Not really, or better yet, not yet. I just need to confirm the name first."

"Alright then. I'll get back to you as fast as possible."

"Thanks bro."

Justin left the security room and went into the restaurant taking note of the damage and seeing how bad the damage was while he waited for Nelson's answer. What he saw made his blood boil. He knew he had enough money not to worry about the restaurant and renovate it but it was infuriating. Since he hadn't grown up rich, he still had qualms about wasting money and seeing his newly renovated restaurant in a state where it was unrecognizable set his blood boiling.

His phone dinged with a message from his brother and he gritted his teeth. He had seen a face when his mask had loosened due to the force of his hits and his brother had just confirmed who it was. He could remember the face clearly, that same face had beaten him lots of time before until he had become unconscious. He looked at the clearer picture Nelson had sent of one of the Romano's security guard.

He rushed back to the security room and looked closely at the other men and noticed what he had failed to the first time. All the men looked of the same size and really looked familiar even with their masks. It should have been easy for Justin to have noticed the first time since he was more knowledgeable of their body and power in their fists than their faces. He closed his laptop slowly, thoughts flying through his head. He was going to deal with the henchmen first before he dealt with the one that had send them. And by the time he started with Tyler, he and his family would regret ever crossing paths with him. He was going to start with what they cherished most, their reputation.

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