Chapter 185

Cecil's anger boiled over as he drove to Elizabeth's house. Since he knew Lecter was responsible for his uncle's death, Cecil hadn't rested. The thought of his uncle's life being taken by the man who had manipulated him fueled Cecil's rage.

He arrived at Elizabeth's house, his heart racing with fury. He burst through the door, slamming it shut behind him. Elizabeth cowered in the corner, sensing the danger emanating from Cecil.

"You're Lecter's secretary," Cecil spat. "You're just as guilty as he is."

Elizabeth trembled. "P-please, Cecil. Please don't kill me. I have a child."

But Cecil wouldn't listen. He attacked Elizabeth with brutal force, his anger consuming him. Elizabeth's screams were silenced as Cecil's hands wrapped around her throat.

As Elizabeth lay lifeless, Cecil's eyes fell upon her daughter, Sophia, who had been hiding in the next room. He stormed in, grabbing Sophia by the arm.

"You'll pay for your mother's sins," Cecil snarled, dragging Sophia out of the house.

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