Big Talks

The banquet hall was silent, leaving only the members of the Clarkson family all staring at each other in awe, not knowing what to say.

Initially, today was supposed to be a happy day for them. Zoey was getting married to Larry, and then, with Larry's help, they would be able to partner with Winston's family.

From there, they would be able to move up the ranks and advance to a third-tier family, but Jordan suddenly came back and destroyed everything.

Now they were at the risk of losing everything in three days if they didn't get Zoey to divorce Jordan.

"Zoey, what the heck were you thinking, listening to him, do you know the consequences of what you've done?" Mark bellowed, breaking the silence.

"Yes, what were you even thinking, you'd better hurry up and divorce that criminal." The others started to voice out, glaring at Zoey who was holding Jordan's arms.

"Aren't you even ashamed of staying with someone who tried to sleep with your husband, talk more or less about calling that person your husband." They continued.

"You should hurry up and divorce him if you don't want the family to be destroyed!"

"He's nothing but a criminal and a rapist. What do you think would have happened to your cousin if he was not caught that night?"

"Haven't you had no Shame?"

Zoey's face turned red with embarrassment, but there was nothing she could say about it.

She knew that Jordan was innocent and even if she tried to explain it to them, they were not going to listen to her, so she could only just pull her head down, not daring to look at any of them.

Jordan, on the other hand, had a frown on his face. Though he wasn't bothered about what they were saying, they couldn't just let them continue to blame his wife.

"Mother, what are we to do? You should talk to Zoey and tell her to divorce that Criminal." Mark demanded, turning to Mabel.

"My husband is not a criminal; besides, he did nothing wrong. He was framed, and you all know it!" Zoey couldn't take it anymore and yelled.

"Shut the heck up, what do you know!" Sneered Mark and then turned to Mabel.

"You all should stop arguing." Mabel sighed and shook her head, breaking the silence.

"What has been broken has already been broken." She continued.

"Even if we force Zoey to divorce Jordan, do you think the Young master would be willing to give us the contract?"

"At most, he would just spare our family, so we just have to look for another solution." Mabel sighed.

She was more versed in the ways of the world and knew that there was no way Larry was going to let them go just like that even if they presented Zoey as a gift to him.

At most, he was going to spare their family, but that didn't mean they were not going to face any attacks from the other families under the Winston family.

"What are we going to do, mother?" Mark asked, looking at his mother.

"If we can get to partner with a company or family more powerful than the Winston family, then we might just be able to evade the crisis." Mabel shook her head and sighed deeply.

"What company are we going to partner with?" Mark questioned and everyone turned to look at Mabel.

"With our condition, there are only a few companies that would be willing to partner with us even though we've offended the Winston family."

"Skyline Technologies, and Garrison Group of companies," Mabel stated slowly..

Everyone's jaw dropped to the floor upon hearing what Mabel said. Those toe companies were one of the top companies in the whole of North Hampton.

One of the companies was a company that Jordan once owned but now was the Garrison's property.

But then getting a contract with them was nil. There was no way they would be willing to look at a family like theirs and give them a contract.

"Since all of this is Zoey's fault, then she has to go get us a contract from one of these companies, or else she is going to divorce that Criminal." Mark suddenly suggested.

"Yes, that's true, she needs to carry the burden. If she had not been stubborn, then all of these wouldn't have happened." The others agreed to it almost immediately, pushing all the work to Zoey.

"Zoey, you go get a contract with either Skyline Technologies or Garrison Group of companies in three days or You're going to divorce Jordan." Mabel turned to Zoey and said calmly.

"Yes...yes grandmother..." Zoey stuttered, knowing that the possibility of getting the contract was Zero

There was no way she would be allowed into the company, talk more or less about showing her proposal, and then get a contract with them.

But at the moment, she had no other choice but to agree, or else she was going to be forced to divorce Jordan, and it was not something that she was willing to do.

"Don't think that this time we'll go easy on you if you fail. You have to divorce that criminal if you don't land the contract." Mark sneered, looking at Jordan in disdain.

"You don't need to threaten my wife, isn't it just a contract?" Jordan suddenly Interrupted.

"She doesn't need three days; she'll get the contract in twenty-four hours, and that's with Skyline Technologies," Jordan continued, emanating a confident aura as if the contract had already been given out.

Or the contract was going to be given out as soon as he said it.

This stumped everyone as they looked at him in shock wondering if something was stuck in his head.

Could it be that the time he spent in prison had rotten his brain and thus didn't allow him to think before talking or he was just being delusional?

What the heck was he talking about? And how dare he talk that way? He was just a criminal.

What rights did he think he had?

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