Chapter 23

Celine looked at Leon who was watching her movements from earlier, could it be Leon who bought this luxury watch? But how could he have so much money for a luxury watch with such a fantastic value is beyond her comprehension.

Celine replied stammering,

"Yes, this watch, I bought it for Grandpa and it's the latest Smile edition, do you like it?"

Celine took the watch and put it on her grandfather's arm, Grandpa Martin looked very happy to receive the gift from Celine.

"You are my best granddaughter, Celine."

Grandpa Martin smiled and grinned, happy beyond measure, his watch collection had grown even more, this time a luxury watch worth hundreds of millions.

Grandpa Martin continued to stare at the luxurious watch on his hand.

"It's beautiful."

Marko replied as he stared intently at Leon, who was sitting next to Grandpa Martin.

"Do you have a present for my brother-in-law's grandfather?"

Marko smiled slightly. If he bought a present, there was no way he could top his sister Celine's gift.

He didn't even have the money to buy new clothes, Marko underestimated Leon, his brother-in-law.

But without further ado, Leon handed Grandpa Martin a small box and opened it immediately.

Marko was surprised that Leon had a present for Grandpa Martin, even though he probably didn't know that today was Grandpa Martin's birthday.

A sparkling reddish-green jade made Grandpa Martin's eyes widen, the stone was very rare, if a collector knew the market price of jade was amazing.

Leon, you really gave Grandpa this jade. Grandpa Martin was so happy to see Leon's gift that he didn't expect to receive such a special gift.

But Mrs. Amy and Mr. Patton saw it as just an ordinary stone that might cost a dollar in an antique store.

"Huh, what a loser," Mrs. Amy looked down at Leon's gift for Grandpa Martin.

"I told you this loser would buy such an expensive gift, hahaha"

Mr. Patton whispered to his wife, looking down and laughing at his son-in-law.

Celine whispered to Leon, "Why did you give me a jade?" Celine was surprised to see Leon's gift.

"Grandpa Martin was a collector, didn't you know?"

Leon explained to Celine, leaving her speechless.

"Is it true that Grandpa is a collector? Why didn't I know that Grandpa was a collector, I'm a bad grandson."

Celine thought she was bad for not paying enough attention to her grandfather because of her busy life.

Leon, where did you get this rare stone, is it of fantastic value?" Grandpa Martin asked curiously.

"I found it in a far away place, it's top secret. "

Leon smiled embarrassed at Grandpa Martin, if he told the truth the whole family would know that he was insanely rich. He bought the stone online for a million dollars.

Grandpa Martin was very happy on his birthday today, but he was still moody and cold sniffing.

Leon asked Grandpa Martin, "Is there anything else you want, Grandpa? Just say so!”

Grandpa Martin smiled at the sight of Leon and Celine, who looked at each other in surprise.

"I want the successor to Luis' family as soon as possible, Grandpa wants a cute little baby and to hold it immediately. " Grandpa Martin said, surprising Celine and Leon.

Hearing Grandpa Martin's words, Celine shivered and swallowed, "Why would you want that? I don't want that with Leon, I want Fredy." Celine murmured in her heart.

But for Leon, Grandpa Martin's request was like a breath of fresh air that he had always wanted, Leon really liked Celine, his request gave him a strong urge, he couldn't wait to make out with her.

"All right Grandpa, I'll do it."

Leon smiled happily at Grandpa Martin's request.

Knowing that Celine was so worried, her heart was not at peace.

After dinner, the whole family rested,

But before going to his room, Grandpa Martin took Celine's hand and said.

"My granddaughter wants a baby, I can't wait to hold her."

"What?" Celine's heart trembled again, full of fear and anxiety.

"It's Grandpa," Celine smiled slightly at Grandpa Martin as he turned to leave.

Celine looked confused, she was so restless, she liked Fredy, how could she have to do that again with Leon.

Just thinking about it made her want to scream as loud as she could.

Celine and Leon entered her room, for some reason Celine's legs were so heavy when she stepped into her room.

Leon dropped his body onto Celine's bed, he usually slept on the sofa chair in front of her bed.

"Hah, really tired today," said a tired looking Leon who started to close his eyes.

Celine looked at Leon who was about to fall asleep on his bed, she changed her clothes and left slowly so that Leon wouldn't wake up.

"Finally nothing happened today, Leon is sleeping in his bed and I will sleep on this sofa." Celine said happily and her heart was relieved.

Suddenly, as Celine was about to close her eyes to sleep on the sofa, Leon picked her up and moved her to the bed, much to her surprise.

"Leon, what are you doing? "

"Didn't Grandpa Martin want a baby in this house?" Leon said, and smiling slightly at Celine's supine body.


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