Chapter 22

She frowned, feeling something strange about him.

Celine took the package and opened it slowly.

A Smile watch worth hundreds of millions surprised Celine and made her eyes round. Unexpectedly, this luxury item was sent without the name of the sender, which made her curious.

Who was the person who had sent her such an expensive watch, and it seemed that the watch was for a man, not for her.

"Did I give this watch to Grandpa Martin? I forgot to give him a present," she said to herself.

Celine went back to her seat, holding the gift tightly in her hand.

"Dad, the gifts I buy can cost tens of millions, you should take care of them and use them well." Mrs. Amy said, bragging loudly about herself as she turned to Leon with a dismissive look.

She thought her son-in-law couldn't possibly have that much money to buy a gift, let alone one of such high value,

Mr. Patton replied to his wife's words,

"That's right, our gift is very useful for Dad to keep him healthy. "

"Do you think I'm sick? So you're giving me a gift of healthy therapy equipment?

Grandpa Martin was upset, his face quickly turned sour. He thought he was sick and needed treatment to get better.

"It's a medical device, Dad, you can use it if you need to, it doesn't mean I think you're sick." Mr. Patton explained at length.

Grandpa Martin was silent as he was offended by the gift from his daughter Mrs. Amy and son-in-law Mr. Patton. He thought he was ill and sickly, so he said nothing more.

Immediately, the atmosphere of the party became cold and awkward, and no one spoke a word.

They just looked at each other, feeling the silence of the crowd.

Marko elbowed his brother's hand to take the initiative and break the tense atmosphere,

"What, grandpa looks angry, I'm afraid he'll scold me too," Celine whispered to Marko.

"Grandpa looks awful when he's angry." Marko said to Celine.

Seeing the two siblings whispering to each other, Leon wanted to break the ice and convince Grandpa Martin.

Leon approached Grandpa Martin and sat next to him, he took an apple and peeled the skin bit by bit.

"I peeled this apple for you."

Leon peeled the apple, and then he cut his hand on the knife he was using.


Leon cried out in pain, startling Grandpa Martin,

"What happened Leon?" Grandpa Martin was worried and immediately saw Leon's bloody hand, everyone was shocked and focused on Leon.

"Celine, let's help find some medicine for Leon's wound." Grandpa Martin started to get up from the chair he was sitting in, but Leon pulled his hand and told him to stay there.

"I can do it Grandpa, don't worry."

Leon took a band-aid from his pocket, he always carried it with him wherever he went since he was always fighting.

"I always carry this band-aid with me, so if I get hurt, I can use it." Leon said, smiling weakly at Grandpa Martin.

He wanted Grandpa Martin not to misjudge his daughter Mrs. Amy and Mr. Patton who loved him.

Grandpa Martin was silent, feeling that he had misjudged his son and daughter-in-law,

"I'm sorry, Father, you love me so much, but I don't see the love."

Grandpa Martin looked in the mirror and saw his daughter, Mrs. Amy.

"Dad, you don't have to apologize, I love you." Mrs. Amy hugged her father and apologized to each other.

The atmosphere became emotional but happy.

After Grandpa Martin's heart improved, Celine presented Grandpa Martin with a gift, and everyone was surprised, knowing that Celine hadn't bought a gift and had even forgotten that it was Grandpa Martin's birthday.

Grandpa Martin opened a watch worth hundreds of millions and his eyes widened in shock at what he saw, as if he couldn't believe it.

Grandpa Martin loved watches, even collected antique watches, Leon knew this and ordered it within minutes.

For him, a watch worth hundreds of millions was like buying candy.

"Celine, you bought Grandpa that fancy watch, did you get a lot of projects?"

Grandpa Martin asked curiously, and Celine stammered her answer because she hadn't bought the fancy watch, and if she had, her company would be in trouble because she couldn't afford the watch.

"What am I going to tell Grandpa Martin about this?" She said in an apparently worried voice.


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