Michael woke the following morning with a headache. The events of the previous night were still foggy in his memory. He remembered that he had been moving his body to the music. That was the last thing he remembered. He sat in the shower for a long time. then had a rushed breakfast and took three cups of coffee to knock him back to his senses. It helped to clear his head a little and he drove to work. When he strode to the office, everyone was looking at him. Even the receptionist, who usually greeted him and exchanged jokes with him, rarely spoke to him. She just stared at him and continued her work. He did understand what was going on. People came out of their offices to look at him as he passed, even Isabella. She had a huge look of disappointment and anger on her face.

The doctors were now sure that Clara was out of danger and since has refused to amputate her leg; she is no longer required to be in the hospital. Diana and Liam walked behind Steven and Clara. Steven was pushing Cl
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