Diana gasped. She was shocked that Lima would show such a disinterested attitude to the matter at hand. She folded her hands and walked silently. At a point she left Liam behind and wanted to join her children.

‘Where are you going?’ Liam asked, noticing her change in attitude and the silent treatment. He joined her and she slowed down, then she looked at him and asked.

‘What do we do now?’

He was deep in thoughts. He wasn’t going to give up just yet. They might have planned wrongly but it is time to restrategize and do things right. He turned to Diana and said.

‘We have to get Michael drunk and ask the prostitute to pose with him. Then we can spread the pictures around. Such pictures will make the CEO sack him for misconduct and the ceo post will be vacant for me again. Then you can have the project, uncontested.’

Diana looked at him. Her mouth fell open. She thought it was ridiculous at first but on a close look at it, she could see some sense in it. The last heist wasn’t successful
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