
“I have my reasons for choosing you, Deryl.”

“Because I’m good? I think this really doesn’t make any sense at all, because I think there are so many good people in this world, even among entrepreneurs. What’s more, your granddaughter is just a cripple, I’m sure there are still many men who would like her, right?”

“Because they all only have bad intentions.” Mrs. Moe answered.  Deryl fell silent. “Some men did come to propose to Serena, but the majority of them had bad intentions. Getting married is just a camouflage, but what they really want is the position and position that I have, and I don’t want Serena’s paralysis to be taken advantage of. And another reason why I chose you is because I believe that if you are a responsible man, a man with a past like you would never hurt any woman because they know what it’s like to be hurt.”

Deryl fell silent again, his eyes felt watery now. He never thought that Mrs. Moe would really put pressure on his heart in such a way and be able to make Deryl unable to say anything.

“Okay, I assume that right now you are still in shock. So I’m giving you time to think things over carefully. This is my business card, and contact me if you have changed your mind. Remember, Deryl.  If you agree with me, then you will no longer be a beggar, your life will change completely, you will become a boss in a company and you will have a lot of money. You will no longer be humiliated like what you experienced earlier, and you can show your ex-wife that your ex-wife doesn’t deserve you, make her regret leaving you, Deryl.”

Deryl immediately lowered his face deeply, his hands clenched into tight fists. For some reason, Mrs. Moe’s words really pierced Deryl’s heart perfectly. Mrs. Moe got up from her seat, leaving Deryl alone there. With tears in his eyes, Deryl tried to eat all the remaining food on the table until it was finished. He even gulped down the bottle of wine. After all the sad things that were going on in his heart, Deryl then left the restaurant. He was still treated sweetly by the two security officers, they even lowered their faces in deep respect. Deryl grinned, then he walked away through the cold night of the city where it was snowing everywhere.

In the morning, Deryl returned to his routine. Tried applying for jobs in several places then he sat down putting his empty can in front of him. And sure enough that day the atmosphere was not friendly at all, a snowstorm started coming and that afternoon Deryl immediately rushed away. He felt it would be better to just stay at home today to cook instant noodles, because that was the only thing he had. Until finally, when Deryl was walking in a place that was quite muddy with puddles of sewage there, Deryl’s steps stopped when a car seemed to deliberately splash the sewage water on Deryl’s body.

His only coat was dirty, his only shoes were dirty, Deryl glanced as the car pulled over and then stopped.

Deryl’s jaw tightened even more when he realized who the figure who came out of the car was. Yes, that figure was Miya and her new husband.

“Oops, sorry, I did it on purpose.” Miya said with an annoying expression on her face, and Deryl knew this was what his ex-wife liked most. Deryl tried to leave, but was held back by Miya, once again Deryl stopped in his tracks. “Where are you going, Beggar? I still haven’t finished talking to you.” Miya continued. “Honey, introduce yourself. This ignorant beggar, who you deliberately dirty with sewage water, is the man who teased me yesterday on the street. He is an ignorant beggar. How disgusting, right?” said Miya.

Deryl’s jaw tightened, he had no idea that Miya would have the heart to embarrass him to this point.

“This man is so insolent, is he harassing you, darling? If this beggar hurts you again, tell me, I will not hesitate to make him feel sorry for trying to abuse my beloved wife. You are okay, right?”

“Of course, look… don’t you feel sorry for him, darling?” Miya asked her husband

Deryl was still trying to leave but now it was not only Miya who was blocking his way, but Miya’s new husband too.

“Wait a minute, Beggar. Because my beloved husband and I have deliberately splashed you with sewage water, we want to compensate you for the loss. Tell us approximately how much we should pay to replace your shabby coat? Is it five dollars? Tell us how much should we pay to buy your shoes? Is it ten dollars? And more than that, tell us how much it will cost us to buy this… your pride?”

“I don’t think a dollar will sell.” added Miya’s new husband.

“Are you guys done humiliating me?” said Deryl at last. “If my situation like this is enough to make you happy then laugh, and I will never care. And one more thing, sir. What your wife said was a lie, let alone teasing your wife, I don’t even look at your cheap wife.”


A slap landed on Deryl’s cheek, Miya’s new husband started to get angry with Deryl’s words.

“Stop calling my wife a cheap woman or else I’ll tear your mouth apart, Beggar!”

“Your wife is a cheap woman!”

Miya’s new husband was about to hit Deryl again, but Miya immediately forbade him. Miya then looked at Deryl with an annoyed look because Deryl’s words were quite presumptuous.

“You poor man, you poor beggar. How could you say something like that in front of me? Okay, I’ll pay for your coat, shoes, dignity and even your mouth, and I think this money is enough to pay for all that, Beggar!”

Miya immediately threw the money in front of Deryl’s face perfectly, then she spat at Deryl. Miya immediately pulled her new husband’s hand away, and left Deryl alone.

Enough… enough! Deryl really couldn’t stand being treated like this any longer, his hands clenched into fists then he walked with determined steps towards the public telephone booth. This was a decision that he should have made yesterday, but Deryl insisted on rejecting this tempting offer. Deryl had had enough of being insulted and humiliated by Miya, and now he had to show Miya that he was capable of far surpassing his ex-wife’s new husband.

“Hello, Mrs. Moe. I agree to your offer and I am willing to marry your granddaughter.”

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