Strange Offer

In the morning, Deryl was sitting in front of the flower shop as usual. He waited calmly for the figure who had an appointment with him. Then there was a luxury black car, and Elisabeth got out of the car along with her personal bodyguard.

“Deryl, come with me. We need to make an agreement before you marry my granddaughter.”

Deryl immediately stood up, then he nodded and followed Elisabeth’s steps, got into the car, and it turned out that there was already a large black suitcase there.

“Open the suitcase, it’s a gift for you for agreeing to my request.”

Deryl also raised an eyebrow, curious as to what was there, that’s what he felt. He opened the suitcase, and how shocked Deryl was when he found out that the contents of the suitcase were such a large amount of money. Deryl was shocked to death, then he closed the suitcase again with a very panicked expression.

“Ehm, it doesn’t seem like this is for me, ma’am.”

“That is a gift for you, Deryl. Later, after you marry Serena, you will get much more than that. The money is a token, and you can improve your life personally. Buy a decent house, buy a vehicle, then you also have to show the world that your economy is now much more advanced. Moreover, you also have to improve your clothing style and appearance. Deryl, you are not an ordinary person anymore, you are the grandson-in-law of the Moe family, a noble family that owns the most advanced company in this country. So choose appropriate clothes, or later I will ask you to improve your appearance.”

Deryl could only swallow hard. A noble family? Honestly, up to this moment he still didn’t know how rich Moe’s family was that they were able to give him money at the start of the agreement in an almost unreasonable amount.

And the agreement finally became legally valid with the signatures of both parties, and it didn’t take long for Mrs. Moe to immediately invite Deryl to go shopping. Just as usual, several employees at the shopping center looked at Deryl sideways until Mrs. Moe said that Deryl was her grandson-in-law, then all the employees there bowed in front of Deryl.

“This is crazy, ma’am. I can’t buy clothes here!” Deryl exclaimed after seeing the price on the T-shirt he was holding. “How is it possible, the price of just one piece of this t-shirt is even more than five hundred dollars? Is this t-shirt made from the best silk in the world? Or is this t-shirt fire and water proof? Why does the price even exceed the money I earn in more than a year? This doesn’t make sense.” Deryl looked at Mrs Moe then smiled trying to seduce her. “What if I choose to buy a few clothes at a regular shop, madam, and—”


“Yes, Mrs. Moe.”

“Take the entire premium collection in this shop in a size that fits my grandson.”

“W… what?”

“Yes, Mrs. Moe. We will take care of everything for you.”

“Don’t forget clothes, shoes, bags and everything, okay?”

“Yes, Madam!”

And sure enough, the waiter there immediately took all the premium editions of the clothes, making Deryl gape. Can you imagine how many millions of dollars Mrs. Moe spent just on Deryl? This was absolutely crazy!

Deryl looked back at Mrs Moe then shook her head perfectly. Because really, he really didn’t want something as excessive as this.

“Mrs. Moe, I think you’re just wasting money, Madam and this—”

“Deryl, you need to know. The price of these clothes for me is not something expensive, all of this is the same as buying a snack that I will share with everyone. So, stop being so excessive, because after all I don’t want that when you meet all the members of the Moe family, you will be embarrassed by them.”

Deryl immediately fell silent. Shit! He forgot who he was dealing with now.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Moe. I really didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

Mrs. Moe seemed to smile faintly, then she patted Deryl’s head without feeling disgusted at all.

“Deryl, you are a good young man. That’s why I like you so much. Therefore, I hope that you are able to understand and understand that this is part of what you have to do. The entire Moe family are typical people who judge a person by money. Whoever is rich will be good, whoever is below them will definitely be treated harshly. Therefore, I want you to become the dream son-in-law of the Moe family, do you understand now?”

“Yes, Mrs. Moe!”

“Okay, after this we will go to the salon to clean your body and tidy up your appearance.”

And after that, they actually went to the salon to dress up and clean every part of Deryl’s body. After everything was neat, Deryl was told to change into an expensive suit. It took quite a long time for Deryl to actually come out of the changing room with a completely different appearance.

Mrs Moe looked wide-eyed in shock, until then she smiled and clapped her hands at the change in Deryl’s appearance. Mrs. Moe felt that she didn’t make the wrong choice, Deryl was truly so incredibly handsome.

“I didn’t choose you at all, Deryl. Now come with me, I will meet you with my extended family, especially… Serena.”

Their journey was quite long, Deryl continued to feel nervous to death. What will Deryl say next? How should Deryl behave in front of all the members of the Moe family later? Deryl was really confused and nervous to death.

Until finally the car drove into a house with a yard larger than a golf course, the house like a palace pavilion stood majestically in the middle of the yard. There was a very large fountain, and several statues of Greek gods made of gold were neatly lined up on the side of the road leading to this magnificent building. The car stopped right in front of the house and once again Deryl was shocked beyond belief. Instantly, Deryl’s guts sank. How could he be made the son-in-law of this noble family? Deryl felt that the decision taken by Mrs. Moe was completely wrong and he felt that he did not deserve to be in this place.

“Mrs Moe, are you sure about all this? You are a rich woman while I am just a beggar, I—"

“Look ahead, the Moe family is already waiting for your arrival there. Just keep smiling and be quite cocky. Because right now they are trying to assess and look for your shortcomings, and as the future grandson-in-law of the Moe family you have to be perfect without lacking anything.”

Mrs. Moe immediately asked Deryl to get out of the car, and sure enough. A group of people were already there looking at Deryl up and down, not infrequently they even looked at Deryl with a look of… disdain.

“Let me introduce myself, my name is Deryl Witslon. I am Serena’s future husband.”

Deryl tried to reach out his hand but none of them took the outstretched hand.

“Tch! Grandma, which other beggar did you bring here? Is Grandma so frustrated that Serena is still unmarried now that Grandma is bringing trash into the Moe family now?”

Suddenly those words made Deryl swallow hard, it turned out to be true. The Moe family’s view of him was really so bad.

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