Moe's Familly

Deryl still couldn’t digest the words of the woman named Elissabeth, he blinked his eyes several times because he felt like it was all a dream. Until finally Deryl gasped, then he laughed out loud.

“Come on, what joke are you playing on me, madam? Are you on one of those TV programs where you have to be nice to a beggar? If yes, then tell me where is the camera? So I can wave there.”

Deryl spread his gaze perfectly, but the woman named Mrs. Moe was just silent and didn’t say anything and therefore it was very clear that the old woman was not joking at all. Deryl immediately changed his attitude to become much more reluctant because of this.

“Because I think we need an important conversation, then can we move to that side restaurant? I need to talk to you about some things.” Mrs. Moe gave instructions. As if she didn’t want to be contradicted, the woman immediately walked first, a female bodyguard carrying a black umbrella with Mrs. Moe seemed fierce, then the woman looked at Deryl.

“Mrs Moe is the most irresistible, so please come with us if you want your life to be much better than this, sir.”

“However, I don’t know that Madame at all!” exclaimed Deryl, who still rejected everything that happened to him, because according to him it all made no sense.

However, instead of being cared for, in the end Deryl gave in too. Deryl walked sluggishly while exhaling his breath on his cold palms. He followed Mrs. Moe’s steps at some distance. Until finally, when Deryl wanted to enter the restaurant, a hand blocked Deryl perfectly, Deryl glanced to see if the figure was a security guard from the restaurant.

“Sorry, beggars are prohibited from entering. Don’t you see the big writing, Trash?”

Deryl glanced at the writing affixed to the glass wall of the restaurant and sure enough, there was writing prohibiting beggars from entering. So, what can Deryl do now?

“I was invited here by the lady. So give me a way.”

Hearing Deryl’s answer. The two security officers even laughed, then he pushed Deryl’s body until Deryl took several steps back. This was an extraordinary insult to Deryl.

“What are you doing, you two are just security guards in this restaurant, but your behavior is really annoying!”

“Then who are you? You’re just a beggar, how can you hope to enter this restaurant, huh?  You want to make all the visitors here leave because of you!” snapped the security officer.

Deryl really wanted to hit the security guard, but the door opened again and the figure called Mrs. Moe came back out.

“I brought this young man, is there something wrong?” said Mrs. Moe.

The two security officers were shocked beyond belief, because how could it not be, Mrs Moe was one of the VVIP guests of the restaurant.

“Is Madam not mistaken? He is a beggar who often begs in front of that side-opening shop, Madam.”

“So what, is he not human?” Mrs. Moe snapped. The two security officers were silent. “He is my future grandson-in-law, so after this I hope you will be nice to him and if he comes here again, serve him well as you served me and send all the bills he eats to my company.”

And there the two security officers immediately stared, Deryl, who saw the stupid expressions of the two security officers, immediately grinned. Didn’t know why at this point Deryl feels so proud of being a rich person, because it turned out that having power and making everyone around you obey was a matter of having a position and a lot of money.

“Did you guys hear clearly about that? So, clean my shoes and coat before I come in to say sorry to you.”

“O … okay, sir.”

The two security officers immediately rushed to clean Deryl’s coat from dust and snow water, then Deryl had enough and went with Mrs. Moe to a VVIP room, and of course because of this Deryl was once again amazed by the food menu ordered, there was not one. Even the food there was cheap and Deryl didn’t even feel full because the portions were really so small. However, it was impossible for Deryl to show his greedy attitude in front of Mrs. Moe because they had just met, so in the end all Deryl did was take the glass containing the wine and then take a sip.

“I know that you haven’t eaten since morning, so there’s no need to hesitate and eat.”

Deryl smiled stiffly, then he started enjoying the food. “What exactly do you want from me, milady?” asked Deryl finally.

“I want you to marry my granddaughter.”

“Are you crazy?” Deryl asked with a surprised expression. “You know, I’m just a poor beggar, with no job, no income, and no home.”

“It doesn’t matter to me, because I have it all and I can give you it all if you want.”

“This is crazy!” Deryl still avoided it.

“I have a granddaughter named Serena, she is a very kind and beautiful woman. It’s just that, after an incident that caused her to have an accident, Serena experienced a heartbreaking incident. Serena is permanently paralyzed. And at the age of twenty-seven, Serena wants to get married, but there is not a single man who wants to marry her. So I was trying to find her a husband then I met you.”

“Is your granddaughter Serena not that valuable to you, Madam, that you have to match her with a man like me? I am a scavenger.”

Mrs. Moe was silent for a moment then she smiled very faintly. “I chose you not because you are a beggar, but I already knew who you were as long as you were a beggar in front of the flower shop. How is your daily life and so on, your wife left you because you were fired from your job, right? And for breakfast you always ask for leftover bread from the owner of the bakery at the end of the district, I know all about you and I assume that you are a good young man. So once again, I want to make you my grandson-in-law, Deryl. Are you ready for that?”

Deryl was silent for a moment, then he shook his head very steadily. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Moe. I think your reasons are completely unreasonable, and I don’t want to marry your granddaughter whatever the reason.” Deryl answered steadily.

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