Chapter five

Meanwhile, Authur stood in his room, he wrapped a white cloth around his hands.

[Is the host ready?]

"I am, tell me the rules"

[Host must defeat opponent within 5 minutes]

[Host can be any character they want]

[Host must choose only one weapon]

[If the host loses his HP then the whole game will be over]

[Host will gain 1 attribute point with each enemy defeated and will only increase when the host gets to a certain level]

[Host can level up and get to the next level when they defeat their opponent]

Suddenly the room turned white and no object could be seen, it was as if Authur had transmigrated to another place.

Authur stood in the middle and surveyed the empty room, different fighting characters could be seen floating mid-air.

"I want this" Authur pointed to the character dressed in a black cloth with armor all over his chest, the character had a weapon holstered at his waist.

[Select your weapon]

Authur selected a long sword and immediately the cloth merged with Authur and he became the character.

[Current level>1, beat the opponent to get to the next level ]

[Opponent approaching]

[Hp has been increased to 100/100]

Opponent stats>

Name of opponent: the reaper]

[Physical Stamina: 100]

[Hp: 100/100]




[Attributes point:0]

"What type of ability?"


Authur stared at the opponent that stood right in front of him.

The reaper was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, he activated his fire abilities and soon his hands were covered in fire.

Authur's leg stood firm on the ground, he sized his opponent and gauged his abilities.

"System Why don't I have any ability?"

[Host can only have an ability when they get to level 50]

Authur had never fought with a weapon and the last time he used a sword was when he was a young boy, he used to play sword games with his friends when they were younger.

The reaper balled his fist and threw the ball of fire in Authur's direction.

Seeing that Authur immediately shifted to his side, but the force of the fire was so powerful that it brushed Authur's shoulders.

[Host current Hp]


Authur's body felt weak as his hp dropped, at that moment he knew he needed to fight the reaper no matter what.

He swung his sword with all his might and rushed forward to strike the reaper.

But he stopped right in his tracks as he was hit with a rope of flames, the rope went through his sleeves and he could see the blood flowing down his shoulders.

[Host current Hp]


"Argh Argh" the reaper yelled and exposed his crooked teeth, he didn't wait for Authur to recover before he lunged forward.

Authur dodged the rope and moved to the side, he couldn't find a way to get the sword into the reaper's skin.

He had to find a way or else he wouldn't level up, he had never expected imaginary characters to be this strong.

Authur aimed for the reaper's neck as it was exposed, he swung his sword one more time and it landed on the reaper's neck.


The reaper shrieked and screamed, his eyes turned red and he stared at Authur, he made two fireballs in each hand and threw them at Authur non stop.







Authur's HP rapidly dropped as the fire continuously hit his body, he laid down on the floor lifeless.

He struggled to keep his eyes open, he couldn't afford to lose in his first game.

Suddenly he sprang up and rushed forward grabbing the reaper's neck, he dropped his sword and punched the reaper in his face continuously.

Authur only stopped when he heard the system notification pop up.

[Congratulations you won]

[You have successfully defeated the reaper]

[You have gained 100Exp points for defeating the Reaper]

[You have leveled up and will now be in level 2]

[You have gained 1 attribute point]

[[Host can withdraw 1 billion dollars when they level up and get to level 15]

[Current host stats]

[Physical Stamina:20]


[Hp: 10/100]


[Combat skills: Unlocked]

[Movement skills:locked]

[Confidence boost: 1]

[EXP Points: 180/200000EXP]

[Rewards for completing quest: 1]

[Abilities :0]

[Social skills :0]

[Intelligence: 0]

[Attributes point:3]

[Current level:2]

The images suddenly vanished and Authur was in the room all by himself, he breathed a sigh of relief as he checked his shoulders.

The blood on his shoulders vanished and he was back to normal.

Authur's lips curved into a smirk, he had just leveled up and he was now in level two.

He just needed to get to level 15 to unlock more of his wealth.

Authur asked his system, "How much do I have currently?"

The system immediately replied to Authur and displayed a virtual window that could be seen by only Authur.

[Available balance: 1,900,000,000]

[A new quest has just popped up]

[Does the host want to see it?]

Authur's eyes were fixed on the balance, he had less than two billion and he needed to level up to unlock more money from his system.

He was eager to find out his new quest so he asked the system "What's the new quest?"

[Fight a person with level 5 abilities to get 5000 Exp and level up with a double combo]


How the hell would he be able to fight a person with a level five ability if he could barely win the easiest level?

The system was able to read his thoughts so it quickly explained to Authur.

[You can use your combat skill to learn how to fight your enemies, you had recently unlocked it]

"What's combat skill like?"

[The creator of the system created the combat skill and it was programmed to help the host learn the basics of martial arts]

Authur carefully listened to the system, he could use martial arts to learn how to fight and level up.

[Does the host want to start the Martial arts tutorial?]

Authur thought for a while, he checked the time on his phone and realized that he still had a few minutes left before leaving for the company.

"Yes! Let's do this!"

The system listened to Authur's words and a man who looked to be a martial arts teacher appeared in the room.

The man was in a hologram and his presence could be felt in the room.

It felt as if the man was alive and in the room.

"Hi Authur, I am your master art teacher and you can call me Sebastian"

Sebastian was dressed in a garment called 'gi' it was a traditional uniform worn by martial arts teachers.

Sebastian had a soothing voice and a calm Aura, he looked to be in his late fifties.

"So you will be teaching me martial arts?" Authur had a questioning look on his face.

"Yes! I will start with the basics, the most important thing in martial arts is to know how to focus your 'ki' and use it when fighting enemies"

Sebastian explained how 'ki' was a life force energy and how it could be used to fight an opponent to create a damaging effect.

Sebastian sat down and his body floated freely in the air "You should also sit"

Authur listened to his advice and sat down on the floor, crossing his legs in the same position that Sebastian kept his.

"Learn to focus your mind and control your breathing! Breathe in and out slowly and feel the ki moving through your body."

Authur shut his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing, he took in a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"Imagine your ki flowing from your head to toe"

Yellow ball-like object surrounded Sebastian and was moving around his body like a strong force.

Authur frowned as he wasn't feeling anything, he tried to imagine the ki flowing through his body but he couldn't.

"I can't do it" Authur opened his eyes.

Sebastian held the yellow ball-like object and showed it to Authur "It takes time to summon your ki, why don't you try it one more time."

Authur felt it wouldn't hurt to try, so he closed his eyes and tried it one more time.

Authur could feel a little energy moving inside of him, it was faint and he tried to force it.

He could feel a faint energy moving around around his body without control.

Sebastian felt the presence of Authur's ki "you can stop now that you have felt your ki, we will continue some other time."

Authur opened his eyes and his breath quickened, he had never felt that way before.

Sebastian immediately disappeared into thin air and only Authur was left in the room.

He went into the bathroom to have a quick shower.

He needed to go to Emerald isle, a lot of companies had sent their Representatives and they were all waiting for Mr. Maxwell.

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