Chapter six

After Authur freshened up, he drove his car to Emerald Isle.

Even after buying Emerald Isle, he became friends with Joe Fletcher and they have communicated since then.

Joe had offered to help him look for a new personal assistant and help him anytime he needed help.

A lot of people stood outside the front of the one-fifty story building, each beside their fashionable car, they were all checking their files and trying their best to look good in order to impress the new CEO of Emerald Isle.

Authur parked his car in the private parking space made specially for the CEO, he had driven his classy car by himself because he had not yet hired a driver.

He had the money to hire a personal driver but he wasn't ready to get one yet.

Authur saw the crowd of people walking out of the public parking space.

They were all striding elegantly into the building.

For a moment, he was taken aback by the huge group of people, he never expected a lot of companies to hurriedly take the opportunity and work with a new CEO of the company.

He got out of his car and went straight to the elevator that leads to the executive office.

Luckily he was able to get into the company without being seen by anyone because his personal parking space had a secret passage way to his office.


The elevator door rang and Authur walked towards his office.

A simple but elegant lady in her early twenties approached Authur, she had a light make-up on and her green eyes complemented her outfit.

"Hi, Mr. Maxwell, I am Aria, nice to meet you!" Aria extended her hand for a handshake.

It was the first day of her job and she needed to impress the CEO.

Authur smiled and shook her hands

Aria was a little nervous, she expected to see an old man but the man before her was a much younger man than she had expected.

She forgot to introduce herself properly so she quickly said, "I am the new personal Assistant you hired, I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I am excited to start working for you."

Authur said with a smile, "It's great to meet you Aria"

Authur walked past her and she followed him to his office.

"How many companies have submitted their documents?" Authur sat down on his chair and his gaze fell on Aria.

Seeing this Aria immediately kept her head low, she folded her sweaty palms and thought for a while.

"A hundred and fifty are currently waiting outside to submit their documents and fifty have successfully submitted and we are waiting for you to review them, Sir," Aria said with enough confidence.

Authur placed his hands on his desk "That's a lot and I don't think I will be able to attend to them all" he paused for a moment before adding, "Bring them in! One at a time."

Aria smiled gently and left the office.

 Authur was reviewing some paperwork that was neatly arranged on his desk when a woman entered.

It was Chloe Carter, she was standing and holding a file in her hands.

She was wearing one of her best corporate outfits and her face was covered with heavy makeup.

Chloe walked towards the chair opposite the desk and sat down on it.

Even with his head down, he knew it was her.

Her fragrance was all over his office and Authur immediately knew because Chloe had always worn the perfume and it was like her signature perfume.

Authur sneered as he looked up at her "Why did you enter my office without knocking?" 

Chloe faked a smile and said, " I am sorry…it won't happen again"

She had to be nice to the man she once hated, the man who made her look like a fool in the presence of everyone.

She still held grudges at Authur for humiliating and throwing them out of Emerald Isle.

Authur rolled his eyes at her, " Go outside and knock before coming in!"

What? Was he trying to humiliate her for the second time? 

Chloe clenched her fist and went out of the office.

She tapped her fingers on the transparent glass doors and waited patiently for Authur's command.

Authur heard her knock but he wanted to punish her so he didn't answer or ask her to come in.



"Come in" Authur's voice echoed in the office.

After taking a deep breath, she walked back into the office and sat down on the chair.

"Did I tell you to sit?" Authur questioned her as she sat down.

"I…it is…" 

Chloe was about to talk when Authur interrupted.

"Stand up" Authur immediately shouted at her.

Who gave her the right to sit comfortably in his office?

Did she think he was still the forgiving person he used to be?

Authur decided that he would punish and humiliate her till she could not take it anymore.

Surprisingly Chloe was calm, the Chloe he knew would have walked out of his office with her head high.

"I am here to submit our best designs in Carter's group and we hope we can get the opportunity to work with Emerald isle" Chloe's voice trembled as she spoke.

At that moment she hated Lady Carter, she didn't want to be here begging and listening to Authur's orders.

But she had to do it for her family, she had to do it for the Carter's to remain relevant in the industry.

She handed a document file to Authur and continued " Mr Maxwell, inside this port folio is the best design that Carter's group has ever made."

Authur collected the documents from her, he checked the documents clearly and made sure to check every little details.

The Carter's group was a big company and it was known for its magnificent designs, the company had been doing well and making names for themselves.

But things took a turn for the worse when Lord Carter died, no one wanted to work with them anymore and they were slowly going bankrupt.

"Your designs are not that bad but also not good… why should we partner with an upcoming and small company like Carter's group?" Authur gave her back the documents.

He was impressed with the drawings and the design, Chloe was a designer and he knew she had drawn them.

"Although Carter's group is not as strong and prominent as the other groups, we produce and make great and irreplaceable designs that are captivating and beautiful." Chloe's hands shook as she spoke.

"From your designs I don't think that you are good enough, you may leave!" Authur responded in a cold tone.

"Please don't do this Authur… I will do anything please" Chloe immediately went on her knees and pleaded with Authur.

Seeing that Authur smiled, who knew his ex-wife could act so disciplined.

"You would do anything?" Authur arched his brow.

"Yes anything! Please, the Carter's group really needs this" Chloe tried to blink back her tears, she couldn't go back to the Carter's mansion, she would be made fun of.

"I would let the Carter's group work with me on one condition and that is if you come stay with me as my slave" Authur gaze was fixed on her.

"No! I don't think I can do that!" Chloe stood up from her knees.

Chloe felt stupid, she should have never agreed to come here in the first place. How could her ex-husband turn her to be a slave!

"Then leave my office!" Authur shouted at her.


Chloe stood still, she wanted to leave the office but she couldn't get her body to move.

If she went home without a piece of good news then the Carter's group will remain at the bottom and no one would want to work with them.

"I…I would do it " Chloe heard the words come out of her mouth.

Authur furrowed pretentiously " I didn't hear you?" 

"I said I will do it!" Chloe repeated, this time more seriously.

"Good! My personal assistant will give you the necessary documents to sign and then the Carter's group will start sending designs to Emerald isle." 

Chloe didn't reply, she had gotten the contract but it had cost her freedom.

how would she would explain it to her family, everyone would think that she was out of her mind.

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