Chapter seven

"Who does he think he is?" Lady Carter smashed her cup on the floor angrily.

Chloe had arrived back in the Carter's mansion and hell broke loose after she relayed the information to the entire Carter family.

Lady Carter especially, had been smashing everything she could get her hands on.

"My precious daughter will not work as a slave for that boy who was once a nobody!" Lady Carter further announced and gritted her teeth as she looked at her family's shocked expression.

"But mom! If Chloe doesn't agree to this then the Carter's group will become irrelevant and useless in the industry" Avery immediately retorted, she also didn't want her sister to work as a slave for her ex-brother-in-law, but she just had to make Lady Carter see the benefits from her point of view.

"Shut up Avery! We are the Carter's and we do not work for people…people work for us!" Emily hissed loudly at Avery, even though she had always been jealous of Chloe, she didn't want people to call her the sister of a slave, especially when the person in question was Authur Maxwell.

Chloe just listened to their conversation in silence, how would she tell them that she had already agreed to be Authur's slave?

She was lost deep in thought, she leaned back on the sofa and she could immediately feel her eyes well up with tears.

"She must do it or the Carter family will be as poor as a church rat!"

"We don't need that bloody bastard to make our company relevant!"

Just as they were arguing a maid stormed into the room with a letter in her hand, she bowed her head before saying, "Lady Carter, the Omega company just dropped this letter for the Carter's group."

Lady Carter collected the letter from the maid's hand and waived her off disdainfully.

After Lady Carter saw that the maid was out of sight, her expression softened a little and she wondered why the Omega company dropped a letter for the Carter's group.

The Omega company was one of the best companies in the country, it had a great reputation, and a lot of companies dreamt of working with them.

Even the Carter's group was no match for them and the only reason why the Omega company partnered with the Carter's group was because of his friendship with Lord Carter, The owner of Omega company was Lord Carter's best friend, and even though Lord Carter was dead, they still partnered with the Carter's group.

"Who needs the Emerald Isle company anyway when we already have Omega company? I am sure they have something important to tell us and that is why they delivered a letter to us at home, maybe they want to increase our profit share." Lady Carter admired the letter in her hands, " here open it and read it to me." Lady Carter hummed as she thought of what good news the Omega company had for them.

Emily collected the paper from Lady Carter and opened it, her face turned white as she read the content of the letter.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that, Chloe and the other family members stood up from their seats and went to meet Emily.

Lady Carter snashed the letter and read it aloud, "What? Contract terminated? How dare they do this to us!"

Chloe and Avery gaped in extreme shock, if the Omega company stopped partnering with them then no companies would want to work with them anymore.

Soon their cellphones started beeping and Chloe checked her phone to see what was wrong.

"This is impossible! It's all over the news!" Chloe was amidst tears, the Omega company had publicly announced on the media that they would no longer be working with their company again.

Soon all other companies started talking about their plans to terminate their contract with them.

Lady Carter could feel her blood boil in anger, she dialed a number and waited for the receiver to pick up the call, before she said bitterly, " I hope this isn't real Mr. James Omega, I just received your letter and I believe you must be playing a prank on us haha"

"I am Mr. Omega and whatever I say is final, the Carter's group has stepped on the wrong toe and I do not want to be punished for being with the Carter's group." The voice was loud and the person sounded angry from the phone

"We are friends with everyone, this is all a minor misunderstanding, why don't we have a peaceful conversation somewhere and discuss this…rather than taking it to the media." Lady Carter tried her best to convince the owner of Omega Company.

"Enough! The Carter's company has gotten me nothing over the years, you should thank your God's that I didn't do this sooner." The voice sounded a bit low this time.

"Mr Omega, please…" Lady Carter gave a long pause before she continued, "Have a rethink, we will…"


The call ended even before she could say the next word.

Emily, Chloe, and Avery kept quiet, lady Carter had never begged anyone but she did it to save her reputation and the company.

Chloe thought maybe it was the right time to tell Lady Carter, so she cleared her throat and said, "Mom! I have agreed to work as a slave, I will do it for our family! Even though I would work for that filthy bastard!"

Lady Carter just looked at Chloe and said no words, her ex-son-in-low whom she once hated was now above her.

How could she let her precious daughter work for her ex-son-in-low?

What would people say? Everyone would mock them and laugh at them.

Even her friends would laugh at her!

Lady Carter's knees fell to the ground and Chloe rushed to comfort her with a light pat on her back.

"It's okay Mom! I will do it!" Chloe gave her a sad smile.

Avery smirked, she was glad that Chloe agreed to it.

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