Chapter nine

Chloe was getting ready to attend Sage’s birthday party. She didn’t want Authur to punish her like he did the night before.

Just because she had failed to attend to him during a certain period, he made her clean the entire house and she didn’t sleep all the night

Just then, someone barged into her room. The person was no other than Authur.

“Take this and wear it!” Authur threw an ugly-looking dress at her.

“Wh…what’s this?” Chloe scrunched her nose as she held the dress up and looked at it scornfully.

“I want you to wear this now!” Authur said in a demanding tone.

The dress was a black maid dress, and it had white designs that said ‘MAID’ printed boldly on the chest.

Chloe dropped the dress on the floor, she spat at it, and then said, “I can’t be caught dead in this”

“I don’t care how you get it on, but if you don’t wear it and come to the party room in the next five minutes, then I will make sure I send you back to where you belong!” 

After hearing Authur’s bitter words, she picked the dress back up and tried to imagine herself wearing it.

How could he give her such a dress like this?

She had never worn a disgusting-looking dress like that, not even a maid would accept to be seen in that.

Chloe was starting to feel uncomfortable. She waited for Authur to leave, but he seemed to be waiting for her to change in his presence.

“I need privacy!” she gulped her saliva before she continued. “Pl… Please”

Authur left the room, he didn’t have any intention of staying there any longer than that. He just wanted to see how she would react and then leave.

Chloe went down on her knees immediately after he left.

Why did life have to be this cruel to her?

“Is this karma?” 

She used to treat him like this, and now he was treating her the same way.

Chloe regretted her decision. She would have treated him much better if she knew he was going to be a billionaire someday.

She remembered that Authur had given her five minutes to get ready, she wiped her tears and stood up from her knees.

Soon she got dressed and looked at herself in the mirror.

She couldn’t recognize herself. She had eye bags under her eyes, which were probably from cleaning and working all night.

She breathed down deeply and rushed out of her room.


Everyone was present in the party hall, which was located right in Authur’s mansion.

The rich and influential people were present and each came with their presents to give to the only sister of Mr. Maxwell.

After hearing what happened to the Carter’s group, rumor had it that the CEO of Emerald Isle was the one behind their current misfortune.

Even the Carter’s were present, but they excluded themselves from the crowd and tried to hide their heads in shame.

“I can’t believe these losers are here!”

“They used to be an elite but now they are not and I can’t stand them!” 

“Such losers!” 

Lady Carter especially was ashamed of herself, even her friends who were once worshiping her were saying harsh words and spitting it at her face.

She would surely find a way to speak to Chloe after the party, she couldn’t bear to face the humiliation anymore.

Even Ethan had stopped his wedding arrangements with Chloe.

“Mom!” Chloe whispered as she saw her mom, she was holding a tray in her hands and was serving the guests drinks when she caught sight of her family.

“Concentrate on your work and stop mumbling you fool!” The woman hissed loudly and shouted at Chloe.

Chloe clenched her teeth, everyone treated her differently now that they knew she worked as a slave for Mr Maxwell.

“Sorry ma’am,” Chloe said between clenched teeth and excused herself from the group of women.

As she was walking, she unfortunately bumped into a woman and she quickly said, “I am so sorry!” 

“Where do you think you are going? Look at what you did, you good-for-nothing!” 

The woman was Lady William, even though her son was married to Avery Carter, she wasted no time in humiliating Chloe.

After all, the Williams family almost got wretched and it was all their fault.

Everyone turned to look at Chloe and some cursed her loudly, some people even went to the extent of spitting on her.

Lady Carter and her daughters heard the loud noise and they immediately went to check what went wrong.

“Lady William, why are you treating me this way? We are family!” Chloe didn’t expect Lady William to treat her that way, she of all people should have known better.

“We are not family! We were once family, but not anymore!” Lady William said loudly, she wanted everyone at the party to hear her.

“What has gotten over you lady William? Do you realize that you are speaking to my daughter?” Lady Carter went in between Chloe and Lady William and stood facing Lady William.

“You didn’t train your daughters well lady Carter, if you did then she wouldn’t have ended up as a maid in her ex-husband’s home! I am ashamed of you!” Lady William held her chin up and confronted Lady Carter.

“Ooh, a family show haha!” 

“Maybe a show of miserable people!”

“But I think Lady William is right!”

The argument made people gossip loudly amongst themselves.

Chloe didn’t want to cause a scene, she felt like tearing Lady William apart but she couldn’t.

She could only bite her lips until she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth.

At that moment she wished the ground would open and swallow her.

“Mother-in-law you shouldn’t treat my family that way” Avery decided to stand up for her mom and her sister.

“Oh shut up! You should be grateful that you are still a part of my family, I am only tolerating you because you are married to my son, Nolan.”

“Why are you making a scene in my house!” Authur’s voice resonated around the room as he walked, everyone made way for him and they all pretended to mind their business because they were scared of his presence.

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