Chapter ten

"Mr Maxwell, the Carter's should be blamed for this! They never should have been allowed in here in the first place!" Lady William rolled her eyes at the Carter's and frowned.

"You dirty bastard! You are the one to be blamed!" Lady Carter let out a harsh breath, if she had the opportunity to rip Lady William apart then she would have.

The two women stared at each other and were only able to control their burning desires because of Authur.

Chloe didn't know what to say, she felt like it was all her fault, she just watched quietly and waited for Authur to say something.

Authur knew the Carter's would surely cause a scene at his sister's birthday party, and that was why he invited them over.

If he was able to humiliate and embarrass them then he would gain a few EXP points and it was all a win-win situation for him.

"System, will I get enough EXP if I make them feel humiliated and ashamed in the presence of all these people?" He decided to ask his system.


[Host gets 10 EXP for each person that feels ashamed of themselves when host is around]

"This would be a great time to make the Carter's and the Williams pay" Authur thought to himself and smiled.

He turned his attention back to them and grinned evilly before he said, "Filthy bastards! You should be grateful that I allowed the Carter's to attend the party , despite all you have done to me." 

They knew he was referring to them, he was referring to every member of the Carter family.

Lady Carter bowed her head shamelessly, she couldn't talk back because Authur had become a more powerful person.

Who was she to even talk back?

"Authur stop it!" Chloe quickly defended her mom, she didn't know where she got the confidence from, but she would not let Authur treat her mom that way.

The crowd gasped and whispered among themselves, everywhere was quiet and only their heartbeats could be heard.

"How dare you! If you don't learn to control your dirty mouth then I will do it for you!" Authur trembled with rage, his voice was loud enough for everyone present in the room to hear.

"Big bro, what's happening?" A young lady dressed in a beautiful white gown shouted.

The young lady was Sage, she was holding hands with Josephine, they were having a drink when they heard Authur's angry voice in the distance and decided to check what was happening.

Josephine and Sage had become close ever since the last time they met and Sage really liked her around, so she invited her to her birthday party.

"What did you do this time?" Sage felt a flicker of irritation as she looked at Chloe.

"None of our business, spoilt brat!" Chloe rolled her eyes, she wanted to redeem herself in front of everyone present in the room, and she wouldn't let a person like sage make her lose face in front of all those people.

Sage raised her hand and gave Chloe a hard slap on her face.

Everyone's mouth was wide in shock, including Authur.

He didn't expect Sage to slap her so loudly and fiercely as she had done.

Authur clapped his hands in a mocking manner, and then he said, "I hope that taught you a lesson to never talk rudely to people who are above you…the next time you do that, I will make sure you spend the rest of your life in the dungeon where you belong." 

Chloe silently moaned in pain, she looked at her mother and then at her sisters and then she shook her head.

She could not bear it again, she didn't care if the Carter's group got to the bottom anymore.

She would not let Authur and the rest of the people treat her that way.

Chloe made up her mind and then she angrily said, " I will not work for you anymore you bastard! I quit! I will not work for Mr Maxwell anymore and I no longer care if the Carter's group gets to the bottom" 

Avery, Emily, and Lady Carter were the most shocked, how could she quit?

They thought she must be out of her mind.

Lady William just gave a half-shrug and watched the drama.

Authur's first instinct was to talk, but he refrained from doing so, instead he just glared at her like she was out of her mind.

"Didn't you hear me? I said I quit! Everyone present here should hear that, I quit! I hate you Authur, I will not let you treat me like trash anymore!" Chloe dragged her hair like she was about to go crazy.

She didn't care if everyone thought she was a mentally deranged person, she had endured enough.

"Chloe, are you out of your mind?" Lady Carter said between clenched teeth, she wanted to spank Chloe for doing something stupid.

"No Mom! We have endured enough, we wouldn't act like fools anymore! Everyone who had humiliated us would regret this" Chloe threw her hands in the hair.

"If the Carter's group stops working with Emerald Isle then all the other little companies would stop also"

"That serves them right!" 

"They don't deserve to work with a company like that!" 

Some men that were close gossiped to themselves.

"Chloe, you are saying nonsense!" Emily hissed and shook Chloe violently, she was trying to talk some sense into her sister.

"Emily is right! You need to apologize to Mr Maxwell now, he is the one keeping the Carter's group relevant." 

Chloe ignored her family, they were only saying that because of their greediness and their selfish desires.

"Didn't you read the contract?" Authur asked pretentiously.

"What? What the hell are you saying?" Chloe was furious and all she wanted was to be a free person.

Authur laughed half-heartedly before he said, "You can't quit! You signed the contract remember?"

"What nonsense are you saying? I already quit! You can stop partnering with the Carter's group, I don't care!" Chloe extended her middle finger towards him.

"The Contract you signed stated that you must work with me, till I say it is over." 

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