The Awakening

The military base of Neo-Citadel's mess hall was alive with activity, with a steady hum produced by trays clattering and conversations being whispered. Usually, the room would be alive with the casual conversation of soldiers relaxing after a mission, but there was an air of tension and intrigue today.

Private Liam Connor sat at one of the tables, his eyes wide with excitement and confusion. “Did you see that? Maya turned into a freaking Behemoth! How is that even possible?”

Corporal Jenna Harris shook her head, a look of caution mixed with amazement on her face. "I'm not sure, Liam. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. She was unconscious and bleeding out one moment, and then she was this—this formidable being.

Across the table, Specialist Ava Martinez leaned forward, her dark eyes intense. “She saved us all. Without her, we’d be Behemoth chow right now. But it’s still pretty terrifying.”

Private David Lee, who had been Maya’s closest friend in the squad, frowned. “Terrifying? She’s our friend, Ava. She didn’t ask for this. Whatever happened, she was just trying to protect us.”

Sergeant Noah Bennett, a veteran soldier known for his steady demeanor, nodded in agreement. “David’s right. We’ve seen stranger things in this world. The important thing is Maya used her abilities to save lives. We need to support her, not fear her.”

Liam rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Still, what does this mean for the rest of us? If she’s got these powers, what if there are others out there like her?”

At that moment, Lieutenant Asher Graves entered the mess hall, his presence commanding immediate attention. Conversations hushed as he approached. He looked around, his gaze steady and calm.

“I know you all have questions,” Asher began, his voice carrying a tone of authority and reassurance. “What happened out there with Maya was unprecedented. We don’t fully understand it yet, She's under supervision currently but the Diamond heads has asked that she be transported to HQ.”

With a hint of worry in her voice, Jenna spoke up. “We're not sure what to make of it, lieutenant. Although Maya has always been one of us, she is now different.”

Asher nodded. “I understand your feelings. Change is difficult, especially when it involves something unknown. But Maya is still the same person she was before. She needs our support now more than ever.”

Private Emma Collins, who had joined the squad only a few months prior, shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “But, sir, what if she can’t control it? What if she turns on us?”

David shot her a sharp look. “Emma, Maya wouldn’t hurt us. You saw her out there—she fought to protect us. She’s one of us.”

Noah placed a reassuring hand on Emma’s shoulder. “We’re all in this together. We’ll help her learn to control these powers. That’s what comrades do.”

Asher nodded approvingly. “That’s the spirit we need. We’ll be conducting thorough assessments and training to understand Maya’s abilities better. Dr. Elara Frost from the research division will be working closely with her.”

Liam’s eyes widened. “Dr. Frost? The lead scientist? This must be serious.”

“It is,” Asher confirmed. “But we have faith in Maya and in our team. We’ve faced Behemoths and worse. We’ll face this too.”

A reflective silence descended upon the room as Asher's remarks finally registered. While Maya's metamorphosis had shocked them all, it had also made clear that they had a new, potent ally in the Behemoths. The soldiers' initial dread gave way to a sense of determination as they exchanged eyes.

Just then, the door to the mess hall opened, and Dr. Elara Frost entered, her lab coat trailing behind her. She made her way to Asher, her sharp eyes taking in the assembled squad.

“Lieutenant Graves,” she said, her voice brisk. “I need to speak with your squad about Maya’s condition and the steps we’ll be taking moving forward.”

Asher nodded and turned to the squad. “Listen up, everyone. Dr. Frost has important information for us.”

Elara stepped forward, her gaze sweeping across the soldiers. “What happened to Maya is extraordinary, but it’s not without precedent. We’ve seen hints of these abilities before in isolated cases. Maya’s transformation suggests a latent potential within certain individuals to harness Behemoth-like powers.”

Ava raised her hand, a question burning in her eyes. “Dr. Frost, do we know why this happens? Why Maya?”

Elara gave a headshake. "We're still investigating the precise reason. It might be caused by a mix of environmental, genetic, or other factors. Right now, it's critical to protect Maya and assist her in realizing and exercising her powers.”

Jenna frowned. “And what about us? Are we at risk?”

Elara’s expression softened. “I understand your concerns. We’ll be conducting screenings to determine if anyone else has similar latent abilities. But I assure you, our priority is to protect and support each one of you.”

Noah leaned forward, his eyes serious. “We’re a team. We’ll get through this together, just like we always do.”

David nodded in agreement. “Maya’s one of us. We won’t abandon her.”

Leaving the hall, Asher went to the infirmary where Maya was kept, his heart saddened as the young girl he once knew was bound in neo chains as she is now perceived as a monster.

Sensing Asher in the room, she beckoned to him weakly.

Asher rushed to her side, “Maya! What happened? Are you okay?”

Maya blinked up at him, her vision swimming. “I…I don’t know,” she murmured, her voice weak. “I just wanted to protect you all. I didn’t know I could…”

“It’s okay,” Asher said gently, his eyes filled with concern and awe. “You did what you had to, You saved us.”

“Hey,” he said softly, a relieved smile breaking through his concern. “How are you feeling?”

Maya tried to sit up, wincing as her muscles protested. “Sore,” she admitted. “But I think I’ll live.”

Asher’s smile widened. “You scared us out there, Maya. What happened?”

Maya took a deep breath, trying to recall the events of the battle. “I don’t know,” she said slowly. “I was hurt, and I just wanted to protect you all. Then…something inside me changed. I transformed.”

Asher nodded, his expression thoughtful. “We’ve heard rumors…..reports of people with abilities, but nothing like what you did. You’re…unique and the Diamond heads has asked to see you.”

Maya’s heart skipped a beat. “What does that mean for me? For us?”

“They are just….scared of having a humanoid in the NCDC, I don't know what they would do personally but I would be there with you throughout”

“But I'm scared……what would happen to me? What does this even mean?” Maya asked, her voice weaker with each word.

“It means we need to understand what you can do,” Asher said gently. “And how to control it. But first, you need to rest and recover.”

Maya nodded, questions buzzing through her head. She had found a strength within herself, the strength that had kept her unit alive. It was a power, though, that both she and others around her were afraid of and didn't understand. One notion came to her as she reclined on the bed, fatigue lulling her into slumber.

What am I?

The answer, she knew, would change everything.

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