Shian left the room and made a mental note of the location. He walked out of the building and chose a direction to go.
As he walked he reminisced about his life with his father and neighbours, unknown to him as he thought about them, a smile crept up his face. He thought about how they all took care of each other like one family, but it all got ruined for him when his father died, the smile in his face slowly faded and was replaced with a frown."That's why I need to get stronger, so I will be able to take care of myself and those around me. I will awaken my ability no matter what and become the strongest human in the world, or even the universe."As Shian finished his thoughts he looked ahead of him and saw a lake in the distance, he rushed towards it and got down on his knees and began to gulp mouthfuls of water. He hadn't realized that he was that thirsty until he saw the water and after drinking to his fill, he brought out his flask and refilled it.He took off his amour and clothes and dove into the clean water. He didn't go too deep for fear of encountering a beast, he didn't even want to enter the water in the first place but he had to so that he could remove all the filth that had accumulated on his body.After cleaning his body, he felt refreshed, he stepped out of the lake and put on a new change of clothes. As he put on his clothes he turned to the lake and took a good look at himself.His hair which was previously black was now white. Truly Shian was really handsome, he stood at six foot tall, his skin was free of all blemishes and had a nice shade of brown, his eyes were pure blue and looked to be slightly glowing like sapphires, his facial structure looked like it had been carved by Hephaestus himself, his arms where not large but his muscles were prominent and he had abs that looked to be forged out of steel."Damn I look good" Shian reveled.As he was basking in his handsomeness, he failed to notice the ripple in the water on time, he looked at his reflection one more time and what he saw made him jump back.If he hadn't reacted in time, then his head might have been bitten off.A creature that looked like a shark jumped out of the water and began to crawl towards him swiftly, it had two pairs of human-like arms.Shian didn't waste time and thrust his hands forward, it looked like his hands were not going to reach the beast, but midway thrust, a black trident appeared in his hands and the tips pierced the beasts head, killing it on the spot.Shian sat there still dazed about the fact that he could have been killed if he looked into the lake a second too late. He immediately got up and retrieved the beast crystal in the beast.Unfortunately or fortunately, the moment his hands touched the crystal, it shattered into tiny fragments and flowed into his body. Shian was shell shocked."What just happened!?, that crystal contained enough energy to at least power the portal and it just...just..broke." Shian said almost crying.[synchronizing system with user][6% synchronized]Shian was so angry, he didn't notice the subtle change in the notification.Shian picked himself up from the ground, he steeled his resolve and left with his trident in his hands.An hour later Shian could be seen standing with his trident in his hands, the trident which was previously black was now painted red with his blood, Shian himself was covered in blood. His armour which consisted of a pair of pauldrons, a breastplate, a pair of gauntlets and boots were soaking in black and red blood. Shian was already feeling weak from too much blood loss.Although the current humans were more tenacious, they still had a limit to how far they could go."Why does this keep happening?!!"Shian had killed a total number of seventeen beasts, yet all their crystals crumbled right before his eyes and he had no idea where their energy went to.Shian sat down on the ground with his head down. He seemed to be broken."No, I refuse to let this happen to me, I'll go back no matter what it takes!"Shian stood up abruptly and turned in all directions, looking for the next place to head to to hunt down beasts.Shian looked north, east and west but not south because that was the direction he was coming from. In the process of searching he noticed the words in his front had changed, he focused on it and it enlarged. Shian had found out that he could do this, he could move the words to a corner of his vision so that they won't obstruct him when fighting. Shian read the new words that he saw.[93% synchronized]"I seems like this is where all the energy is going, what will happen if it reaches hundred percent" Shian thought. "I don't think I want to know what will happen. I better not let it reach hundred then"Shian walked to the east, some minutes later he had killed two beasts and had sustained more injuries."Okay, let's test a theory" Shian said.He carefully carved out the part where the crystal was and picked it up using a cloth.The crystal didn't break."Yesyesyes, I did it." Shian said. "Now let's see how you are going to steal this crystal from me"Immediately Shian said that, the crystal crumbled into several fragments. Shian quickly checked and saw that the percentage had increased[96% synchronized]"Ah shit, me and my loud mouth again." Shian cursed inaudibly. "Let's try something else."Shian went to the next beast and carved out the crystal and this time, he held it with his trident, he was happy when the crystal didn't break. He made a makeshift bag with his cloths and balanced it on the prongs and began to walk back to the base. He was attacked by some beasts on the way and had to stop to deal with them. Although it was annoying, he couldn't change the fact that he got more crystals that way.Shian continued this for a whole week. On the last day, when he was bringing the last set of crystals, Shian walked into the scene of a beast feasting on the crystals he had accumulated over the week."Are you for real" Shian screamed out loud.The beast turned around began to flee. Shian was so angry he threw the trident so hard it impaled the beast and pinned it to the wall.Shian bent down and gathered the remaining crystals on the ground, he placed them in a box and left to go and get more crystals. He retrieved his trident from the wall and removed the crystal from the beast and left."Now I have to start all over." Shian said through gritted teeth.Related Chapters
My Godkiller System Fight Between Two Legendary Tier Beasts
Shian began to kill beasts with more fervor. After witnessing a beast eat all the crystals he had saved for opening the portal, he was extremely annoyed which lead him to almost double his kill count. If Shian could kill two beasts in three minutes, now he could kill four beasts in four minutes. Shian's main aim to enter a beast realm was to get high tier crystals in order to use them to forge a new set of beast equipments. He also planned to sell some crystals in order for him to have some money with him. Shian had gathered enough crystals and was heading back to the base, he placed the crystal in the compartment of the portal and closed the lid. He turned it on and waited, the blue glow in the portal intensified, Shian was about to go through it when the glow dimmed down. Shian quietly went to a corner and sat down, he was seriously depressed, the crystals were not enough to power the portal. Shian was tired and he had several injuries on his body that were struggling to heal. He
My Godkiller System Mind Hex(1)
Shian waited for some minutes to gather his energy before getting up. He studied the dead rhino at his side, poking random places at intervals, he went round the rhino but didn't move close to the bite mark on its neck, he felt that of he touched it he would die instantly. After scrutinizing the rhino enough, he produced a dagger from his space ring and began to cut in between the armor-plated skin of the beast. After an hour of arduous struggle, he finally got to the core of the beast and saw a massive crystal the size of his head glowing brightly. Shian was mesmerized, he had never seen anything so breathtaking in his life. While he was looking at it, a fight was happening inside him, he was resisting the urge to grab the crystal simply because of its beauty, but his rational self knew better that if he touched the crystal, the system that was synchronizing with him, will synchronize completely and he didn't want to know what will happen if it did, so Shian did what he had been do
My Godkiller System Mind Hex(2)
Shian lay down on the floor to rest, then remembered that he had to hunt for crystals to power the portal and return back to earth, he sat there for a while, too lazy to get up and hunt beasts.He soon got up to go and gather crystals but returned later to rest with nothing in his hands. He got up again to go and get crystals and once again but returned with nothing, this continued on for weeks without Shian noticing anything wrong with his actions, albeit each time he returned he always had one thought. 'I went outside for a reason right, well, I'll think about it later'.Shian walked out of the base, his scythe in hands, with the intent to complete his mission. As he walked towards the beasts in the distance, his mind began to wander, he thought of irrelevant things and soon found himself walking back to the base while thinking.'What the Fuck did I come out to do!!!'Shian was getting angry but didn't know why. He walked briskly back to the base and entered an empty room, he slamme
My Godkiller System More Bruises, More Resolve
Shian stood there with his bruised and battered body staring at the moving rock. The giant head revealed itself, four tortoise like arms burst out from four sides of the rock. A ceature that looked like a tortoise made out of uneven orange rocks scrutinized him briefly, before turning around and walking away. Shian heaved a sigh of relief and sat down, he was relieved of the tension that had built up in him in that short moment. For a second, he thought he was going to fight with his life on the line again, but when the beast turned around and left, he suddenly felt weak and fell on his butt.Not long after that encounter, he felt a vibration in the ground and the sky turn dark, he looked up and saw a giant circluar foot coming down on him, if he lingered any longer, he would be crushed into an ugly mush in no time.Shian picked himself up and assessed the situation, he chose a direction that could lead him faster out of the area of impact of the giant foot and ran with all his might,
My Godkiller System Old Man
Shian swung his scythe wildly, severing and dissecting several beasts at the same time, he tried his best not to move his legs too much because of the pain that might distract him, but some beasts unknowingly forced him to, and those beasts... He gave them a very cruel death. A beast charged at him with its horns, aiming to gore him to death, Shian jumped to the side and avoided it but his legs were strained in the process.Shian gritted his teeth and gave the beast a threatening stare, if stares could kill, the beast would have died a dozen times already. The beast felt a shiver run down its spine, it ignored the threatening gaze of Shian and charged at him again. Shian who was slashing at a beast suddenly stopped, caught the horns of the beast charging at him and snapped them, the beast wailed but it was short-lived as Shian stabbed the beast to death with its own horns and then...he smiled. 'Have a taste of your own medicine' He thought coldly.The beast he had neglected to kill s
My Godkiller System The Blackwills
The old man in blue armour was standing behind Shian looking at him worriedly, he had sensed something was wrong with Shian and immediately killed all the beasts around him to lift the pressure off of him.'He's still alive. I caused this, so I think it's only right I take care of him' The old man thought.He gingerly lifted Shian from the ground and ran. He moved at a steady pace so as to not disrupt Shian's rest, though he wasn't slow by any means.It didn't take long before they reached a base that was bustling with people, the old man stopped in front of the gate where two guards were positioned. They immediately bowed their heads and let him in, several similar situations occurred as he walked inside the base, the people he walked by bowed their heads with respect, though not the type of respect forced, but the one willingly given.The old man made his way towards a room, he opened the door without knocking and entered.Inside the room was an adjustable hospital bed with railings
My Godkiller System Back to Earth
"Umm...Do you know us?" Maya asked curiously."My father had only one good friend amongst all the friends that he had when he was a hunter for a certain someone. When he had a disease, that friend didn't leave him, he always came to visit to check up on my dad, even when all the others left him —heck even my mum left him— until recently, he stopped coming to visit." Shian sighed. "That friend, his name was Ryan Blackwill."The old man wasn't looking too good, it seemed like what Shian said had shaken him for some reason."My son!!, Ryan Blackwill is my son." The old man said. Considering the way he said it, something seemed to have happened. "What happened to him?" "Ryan died a few weeks ago." Maya sighed and replied gloomily. "He was assassinated.""I' sorry about that" Shian said."Anyways, you might want to head back to earth..." Maya spoke but was cut off by Shian who was already standing up from the bed."Yeah, I really want to go back, like, right now. This planet has giv
My Godkiller System The Blackwill's Mansion
Grandpa Enzo led the way out of the room, but before they left, Shian took a good look at the room, it was wide with white walls on each side and nothing in it except the portal in which they came through. "Why did we come through this portal, I thought we were supposed to come out through a portal in a military base?" Shian asked."The portal we used to head to that beast planet belongs to the military, but the one we just used to come back here is connected to this one we just came through." Grandpa Enzo explained while pointing to the red shimmering portal behind them. "So if you want to go back to the beast planet, you have to use the portal that belongs to the government, right?" Shian asked. "Hmm...not really. You see..." Grandpa Enzo was about to say something but changed his mind. "Nevermind, you're correct."They left the room and he led Shian down the long corridor, the walls where bare with nothing except the windows.'I thought they were rich, aren't rich families suppos
Latest Chapter
Battling A Cythraul (2)
"You talk too much." Adam spat out vehemently.For Adam, who liked to yap even in dangerous situations, to say such a thing, then he was really serious and somewhat pissed off by the Cythraul.Dodon was taken aback by this, but then laughed uproariously. He laughed loudly for a few seconds, then suddenly stopped."Where's the fun in it if my prey dies too quickly?" He questioned. "I talk this much becau...""Because you're just ten years old." Shian's voice came from behind them. "Only a child would take a situation like this with levity. If you really knew how much danger your life was in, I doubt you'll be talking and laughing this much." Dodon's face went blank for a moment, before he seemed to regain his composure." did you know my age?" He asked flatly."It seems I was right. Tell you what, I just took a guess, and your idiot self proved me right. Hmph, just as expected from a child." Shian snorted in disdain.Dodon let out a laugh forcefully, and his dark aura intensifi
Battling A Cythraul (1)
——————————[New Quest Received][Quest Description: Your greatest Enemy stands before You, challenging your Dignity and deserved Authority. MURDER IT IN THE CRUELEST WAY POSSIBLE!][Rewards:???][Penalty: Death]––––––––––[Cruelty level: 0]——————————"It's a pleasure to stand before a True Chaos Demon, and best, duel with him." The Cythraul spoke in a deep guttural voice that was grating to the ears.Shian ignored this, probed with the system, and it's information popped up.——————————[Name: Dodon][Race: Cythraul][Age: 9][Rank: Two Stripped][Aura Level: +1][Affiliation: ???]——————————Almost half of what he saw confused him. He knew what Name, Race, Age, Rank and Affiliation was, but Aura Level?'What the fuck is Aura Level?!' Shian furrowed his brows, puzzled. 'And how was the Cythraul nine years old.' "It seems you're not awed or mesmerized by my presence like I expected you to. But don't worry, you'll soon be shocked by my..."Without warning and like a blur, something su
"What... happened?" Shian asked as he grabbed his throbbing head.He looked around, confused, until he regained his bearings and remembered what had happened, though he didn't know why what happened, happened.He sent Alucard a glance, and saw him standing to the side... with a frown.What had caused Alucard to frown? There were only two times Shian had seen him show any another expression, except an unnerving smile which he always had, on his face.The first time was when Adam pestered him on their first day in the dormitory, and the second was when he fought the beast horde in the Myriad Scapes Dungeon.Then, Alucard had showed another expression due to some reasons unknown to him. All in all, the only time he wasn't smiling, was either when the situation was too serious to joke with, or... he was just not in the mood. Shian tilted his head to the side and raised a brow. "Why am I on the floor?"Alucard almost seemed to choke on his saliva after hearing that odd question. Why was
——————————>[PROFILE]-[Name: Shian Smith]-[Race: True Demon]-[Level: 7]-[ExP: 382/4800]-[Title(s): Master's Will, Ice Predator]-[Ability: —]____________________>[STATS]-[Strength: 15]-[Agility: 22]-[Defence: 10]-[Stamina: 20]-[Intelligence: 25]-[Attribute Points: ]____________________>[SKILLS][WEREWOLF SKILLS]-[PARTIAL TRANSFORMATION(Active)][Glabro Form]-[DREAD GAZE(Passive)][QI ENERGY: 16]__________[VAMPIRE SKILLS]-[BLOOD CLAW STRIKE(Active)]-[BLOOD SIGHT(Passive)][BLOOD ENERGY: 15]__________[CHAOS SKILLS]-[CHAOS COATING(Active)]-[CHAOS ABSORPTION(Passive)][CHAOS ENERGY: 200]____________________[LICH SKILLS: LOCKED]____________________[DEMON GIANT SKILLS: LOCKED]____________________[DEMON DRAGON SKILLS: LOCKED]____________________[DEMON WIZARD SKILLS: LOCKED]____________________[HUMAN SKILLS]-[RAKSHASA'S PALM][STAMINA: 20]____________________>[Storage Space]-[1X Earrings Of Enlightenment]-[8X Stones]-[Adam Wright's Left Arm]——
Shian rested peacefully that night, somewhat, and woke up full of vital energy flowing through him. He took care of himself in the bathroom, emptied his bowels, and did all the stuffs boys did, before walking out of his room in his clean black ACU. He had woken up early today, and got out before anyone else to have some free time. Though what he didn't expect was for Alucard to be waiting for him by the door, in the hallway. Alucard turned his head and smiled at him as he walked out, and without giving him the chance to voice out his shock, gestured for him to follow. Shian closed his mouth and moved after Alucard, catching up to him with large strides."How long have you been awake?" Shian asked after a few seconds of silence."Demons of my level don't need much sleep." Alucard simply replied without pausing in his steps. "I've been awake since yesterday."Shian stared at him weirdly but didn't say anything. He just kept on following for a few minutes, until they got to a buildin
Unknown to Alucard, his Ability had caused the defence of one of the Second Years, whose fort was defending, to crumble into dust, a never seen before scene. Though he had accomplished this easily by sending out a ball of Pulverizing Death Charge, they hadn't escaped easily. They all crashed on the ground simultaneously and coughed up mouthfuls of blood. It seemed like one of the seniors had an invisible attack, or an attack that was just so fast it escaped their vision. Shian, Adam and Alucard had it worse, they were the closest to the attack and hadn't even seen what happened before their danger sense tingled and they shot back, still, they suffered injuries. "Shit!" Adam cursed as blood pooled beneath him. And Ironically, Shian, Adam and Alucard who were the closest were the ones who recovered fastest. Their Vampiric Genes gave them healing traits, though not as strong as one would expect, but still fast enough for them to recover faster than their peers. Alucard stood, dusted h
Slumbering Predators
Everyone stopped to take a look at who had just spoken... then Adam burst into a fit of laughter, rolling on the ground and alternating between wheezing, coughing and shedding tears. He had been holding his laugh all the way from Shian's encounter with the behemoth Beasts, and now he had heard another joke of the year, how could he not laugh?"Shian... Smite?..." Shian asked, his face turning red from anger and embarrassment. Why was everyone embarrassing him lately? Who had he wronged? And why the hell was he called Smite?!! "Sorry, we don't know who that is?" Shian said after some seconds of pause. "Huh?! But you meet the perfect description given to us." The boy who called Shian's name wrongly, pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and began to read out loud. "Long white hair, Pale White skin, Blue eyes, Lean physique, Sharp jawline, Long..."With each word spoken, Shian's anger didn't quell, neither did it increase. He had the urge to punch the member of the Slumbering Pred
Shian trudged forward silently with a deep frown on his face, Adam behind him was trying his best to hold back a laugh, causing his black face to turn beet red. Alucard didn't mind the duo, he minded his own business and moved along steadily. Shian turned to stare at the Double Bladed War Scythe in his hands and mumbled some words to himself. Earlier, he had tried to make the Metal Symbiote devour one of the behemoth of a Beast he had seen during their first hour in the Myriad Scapes Dungeon. The beast was obviously the large mountains that no Beast dared get too close to. His joy knew no bounds when he saw the Symbiote began to move towards it, but just as quickly as he got happy, he became horrified. The Symbiote was thrown back by an invisible force and collided with Shian, knocking the wind out of him. Immediately after, he head a voice in his head."Get Out."Never had Shian been so pissed and embarrassed in his life. The blatant disregard of the Beast was like a tight slap
Metal Symbiote
Shian danced on his feets like he was crazy. The thing on his face writhing like the mass of flesh it was, but having a sturdy feel to it that made Shian's face deform under its movements. With some efforts, Shian was able to push it off and distance himself. His weapon in hand, Shian prepared for any sudden movement. Blood and sweat drizzled down his face, painting a wild image of him. If anyone saw him right now, they'll be sure to run for their lives because of the look he was giving and how hard he was clenching his Kusarigama. The Symbiote on the ground squirmed and squished, making Shian shudder in disgust and causing goosebumps to erupt on his skin. "Shian." Alucard and Adam who had been watching Shian all this while, finally came towards him. Alucard's smile was a bit wider than usual, but Shian wasn't in the right state of mind at the moment to notice such a thing. "That thing that repulses you, is a Symbiote, a Metal Symbiote to be precise.""...How do you know that?" S