Ten Millions? That's a Small Amount

The elderly man sighed heavily, saying, "Our daughter's condition is dire. The doctors have exhausted every option, but there hasn't been much improvement. We're still hoping."

Logan cleared his throat gently. "If I'm not mistaken, your daughter was poisoned, correct?"

The old man was taken aback. "How did you know?"

Logan smiled faintly. "Sir, your daughter's condition is more critical than you realize. Her life is on the line. If you trust me, I may be able to save her."

The old man's face twisted with disbelief. "Every top doctor has given their all, and yet they've come up short," he shot back. "You're just a janitor. How can you possibly save my daughter?"

Logan shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, if you don't trust me, never mind then."

The old man's wife interjected hurriedly, "Robert, we're running out of options. It wouldn't hurt to give this young man's help a try. He might be our chance."

Robert took a deep breath before replying, "I know we're desperate, Matilda. But what if he's trying to exploit our daughter?"

"Let's just ask him," Matilda said softly, turning to Logan. "My dear, please be honest with us now. Do you have any ill intentions toward our daughter? We won't be angry, regardless of your answer."

Feeling a connection as if he were hearing his own mother's voice, Logan replied earnestly, "I only want to help your daughter. I have no hidden agenda; I simply believe she deserves a chance to live."

Robert interjected firmly, "Very well! If you can cure my daughter, I'll give you $10 million!"

Robert thought the amount was already generous for someone like Logan, a janitor, but he was surprised by Logan's next response.

Logan waved his hand with a sly smile. "If you see this as a business deal, I'd say $10 million is too modest for what I offer."

Robert's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. He couldn't believe someone from a lower class would dismiss $10 million so casually. Was this some form of blackmail?

"But as I mentioned earlier, I don't want to charge you a single cent," Logan continued earnestly. "I'm doing this because I believe your daughter deserves a chance to live. However, if you insist on compensating me for my services, I would ask for $50 million."

Robert quickly interjected, "No, I'll stick to my promise. Ten million dollars."

Logan didn't want to prolong the conversation, but he couldn't help thinking, "This old man has a thick face."

Without further delay, Logan approached his patient. As he admired her beauty, Logan gently took her soft hand, unknowingly triggering a pop-up system.


[Initiating patient body analysis...]

[Name: Shania Moore]

[Age: 22]

[Disease: High-dose cyanide poisoning]

[Life expectancy: 15%]

Facing such slim odds of survival, Logan couldn't help but feel pessimistic.

"System, give me a hint to save this girl's life," he commanded.


[Hint provided with limitations!]

[Given the severity of the patient's acute poisoning, several healing methods are viable. We strongly recommend employing Reiki healing energy. Position your middle and index fingers beneath the patient's neck, near the chest. The subsequent steps will become evident.]

Nodding softly, Logan moved his fingers towards Shania Moore's neck without hesitation, inadvertently touching a sensitive area.

Robert watched closely, ready to intervene as Logan approached Shania's neck. However, Matilda held him back, restraining his urge to intervene.

"Give him a chance and trust," the middle-aged woman urged. "I sense there's something truly remarkable about him."

Slowly, Logan centered his mind on his two fingers, gradually mastering the manipulation of Qi energy.

Qi energy is categorized into two types: Yang Qi and Yin Qi. Yang Qi represents the active, masculine, and expansive aspects, akin to sunlight and warmth. Yin Qi, on the other hand, embodies the passive, feminine, and contractive qualities, resembling moonlight and coolness.

Together, they form a harmonious balance, essential for vitality and well-being, much like the two sides of a coin that cannot exist without each other.

Yet, within Shania's body, Logan detected something peculiar.

"The problem with this woman's body goes beyond cyanide poisoning," Logan murmured softly. "The imbalance between Yang Qi and Yin Qi in her dantian is striking. Her Yin Qi is plentiful, but there's a severe deficiency of Yang Qi—barely 15%. That explains her pallid complexion and icy-cold skin."

Robert, still able to hear Logan's quiet reflection, hastily inquired, "Have you identified any other ailments in my daughter's body?"

"Yes, let's put it that way," Logan nodded, then asked cautiously, "I'm sorry, does your daughter experience irregularities with her menstrual cycle?"

Logan's words startled Robert. He appeared hesitant but eventually replied, "Yes, that's correct..." Robert hesitated, stuttering, "How did you know? We've kept this condition private because no doctor could find a cure."

Logan didn't say much in response; he simply stated, "You can trust me now."

With a deep breath, Logan focused his mind, drawing forth his pure Qi, a luminous energy flowing from his core. As he gently touched Shania's body, he sensed the presence of the cyanide toxin, its malevolent essence like a dark cloud within her stomach. With practiced ease, Logan channeled his Qi, visualizing it as a radiant force enveloping and encapsulating each toxic particle.

With deliberate precision, he directed his Qi to neutralize and bind the cyanide molecules, transforming their harmful potency. The toxin, once lethal, now became inert under the influence of Logan's healing energy. Gradually, he felt the resistance wane as the Qi completed its work, purifying and restoring balance to Shania's afflicted body.

"I don't seem capable enough to transform toxins into something beneficial for my body, so I'll expel them harmlessly," thought Logan.

Logan extended his left hand out the window, feeling the chill of the night air, as a dark stream flowed from his index finger.

Robert and Matilda watched anxiously as the unusual sight unfolded before them.

Thirty seconds later, the flow of black liquid from Logan's index finger ceased. The detoxification process was complete.


[You have successfully completed a mission excellently!]

[Reward: 20 points]

However, Logan didn't stop his healing session right away. "This isn't part of the mission, of course," he thought. "But there's no harm in helping a beautiful girl."

Logan refocused his attention on his index finger, which was still attached under Shania's neck.

With deliberate and gentle movements, Logan began to channel a substantial amount of his Yang Qi, simultaneously withdrawing excess Yin Qi from Shania's body.

Gradually, the girl's complexion began to glow with vitality. No longer pale and wan, she appeared visibly healthier and more vibrant than before.

Logan also noticed that the cold touch on the girl's body had disappeared. It gradually warmed up, resembling the gentle warmth of a spring season.

However, the process suddenly stopped.

"What the--"



[This healing process cannot go on!]

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