The First Mission

Right in front of Logan's eyes, a transparent display board materialized out of thin air, its surface covered with lines of text interspersed with flickering, static-filled graphics that seemed to buzz with a life of their own.

“What the heck is this?” Logan exclaimed, waving his hand in front of him as if trying to shoo away a swarm of bees. 

To his surprise, the panel board went right through his hand effortlessly, as if it were nothing more than a hologram made of light.


[Master, you don't need to worry. You've obtained a system from the mask you're currently wearing. Destiny has chosen you, the less fortunate man, to become unbeatable!]

"A system? Could this be like the web novels I've read before?" Logan wondered aloud, his eyes widening in amazement. "In that case, system, please tell me my main objective!" he commanded, half-expecting a response just like in the stories.

[Main objective: Anonymous assistance to the less fortunate with this mask then gain system points to gain new abilities!]

[As your main assets, you receive 10 billion dollars, Surgical Skills level 1, Medical Knowledge level 2, Heavenly Alchemist Hands level 2, and Divine Reiki Hands level 1!]

An electric current suddenly surged into Logan's brain, shocking him into a daze for a few seconds. When he came back to consciousness, he found himself filled with new knowledge that hadn't been there before.

"Ouch, this is so dizzy!" Logan groaned, holding his head, which suddenly felt much heavier than usual.


[You won't be dizzy anymore once you see your bank account balance!]

Curious, Logan immediately pulled out his phone and checked his bank account balance, eager to see if anything had changed.


No mistake, his bank account balance showed a staggering 10 billion dollars!

Logan was on the verge of passing out at the sight of so much money in his account. He couldn't believe it; he never imagined he'd have this much money, not even in his wildest dreams.

"System, you're not going to take this money back, are you?" Logan voiced his lingering doubts.

[Of course not, Master. In fact, the 10 billion dollars is just an advance we're giving you as encouragement. If you perform satisfactorily in the future, more money will be sent to your account!]

Unbelievable! Logan's entire body trembled with excitement, but a triumphant smile couldn't be contained on his face.

"So, I've become a billionaire, huh?" Logan murmured to himself, a mix of disbelief and satisfaction evident in his tone. "Finally, luck is on my side," he whispered, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over him.

As Logan muttered those words, suddenly a notification from the system appeared before him.


[The first task has been found!]

[A young woman, her beauty marred by the poison coursing through her veins, teeters on the brink of death at the hands of her own sibling. Yet, she is undeserving of such a fate. You must intervene, granting her justice by saving her life, all while remaining anonymous in your heroic act!]

With newfound determination coursing through him, Logan stood up confidently and demanded, "Show me the room number of that young woman!" 

[The patient is in the ICU room. Go to the second floor and you will find her soon!]

[Deadline: 15 minutes before death!]

With a sense of urgency gripping him, Logan acknowledged the pressing need for immediate action.

"I can't delay any longer," Logan declared, his sense of urgency propelling him forward. With firm resolve, he immediately dashed towards the second floor, each step echoing his determination to save the young woman before it was too late.

It didn't take long for Logan to locate the room. Just as he was about to step inside, his path was obstructed by a nurse who happened to be standing near the door.

"Hey, hold on there!" the nurse ordered, her tone stern and authoritative. "You seem to be a janitor. What's your business in this ICU room?" she questioned, eyeing Logan suspiciously.

Thinking quickly, Logan fabricated an alibi and replied, "I've been assigned to clean the medical equipment for the patients in this room."

The nurse furrowed her brows, her voice tinged with a hint of déjà vu. "Why does your voice sound so familiar?" she pondered aloud. "Regardless, would you mind lifting that mask? I yearn to discern your features more distinctly."

Logan could never do that as the system's mission demanded him to carry out tasks with this black mask to keep his identity anonymous.

Logan's tone remained steady as he countered, "I'm afraid I can't comply with that request. You see, I'm afflicted with a contagious skin condition, and this mask serves as a shield to prevent transmission to those in my vicinity. Unless you and our patient here have an inclination towards sharing my malady, I'd advise against removing it."

"Let's leave the mask be," the nurse conceded swiftly, abandoning any notion of unveiling Logan's identity, apprehensive of the potential transmission of any affliction the man might carry.

"Am I permitted entry then?" Logan inquired once more, his tone patient yet insistent.

"Enter, but don't linger. The patient inside is the first daughter of the renowned Whitman family in this city. If you make even a small mistake, your life might be over!" The male nurse had clear intentions, to scare Logan.

However, Logan seemed unaffected by the threat at all, so he immediately entered the room after the door was opened.

"Good morning," greeted Logan, startling everyone in the room.

There was a man who looked to be in his 50s, accompanied by a middle-aged woman who was only a few years younger than him.

Meanwhile, on the bed, there lay a girl with heavenly beauty, surrounded by all sorts of life-supporting equipment attached to her body.

The girl managed to stun Logan right where he stood. How could she not? With her skin as clean and smooth as porcelain, hair soft and shimmering like ocean waves, thin eyebrows gracefully arched like a bow, tiny rosy lips inviting anyone to kiss them, the girl still looked incredibly beautiful even in critical condition on the hospital bed.

"Who are you?" the girl's father asked coldly and skeptically. "I thought this room should be completely sterile, as the doctor said earlier."

Logan didn't lose his smile as he replied, "Sir, I'm here to clean the entire room, to keep it as sterile as you said. But I see your daughter seems to be dying..."

The old man looked offended by Logan's words, but he could only sigh deeply because what the young man said was indeed the truth.

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