All Chapters of My Masked Doctor System: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
26 chapters
A Lowly Janitor
"Logan, a patient just left room 1A. You need to clean it up right away before the next one gets there."Logan Kane, the hospital janitor with a sturdy build and a handsome face, turned to the nurse."Room 1A? Isn't that Ariana's area?" Logan asked as he organized his cleaning supplies.The nurse looked at Logan with a hint of sarcasm before replying, "Yes, your wife is taking care of patients there. Maybe if you're lucky, you might see her."Logan grinned widely. The chance to see his wife at work was rare. Ariana was always busy and even avoided meeting during breaks."Alright, I'll head there!" he said.However, before Logan could leave, the nurse handed him a plastic bag."Give this to Ariana," the nurse said. It's some condoms."Logan frowned. "What for?"The nurse shook her head. "Just ask your wife."Logan chose not to dwell on it and hurried to room 1A."Uhh... Ahhh..."Standing before the door, Logan heard familiar yet unsettling noises."Ariana?"But there was no reply, only
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The First Mission
Right in front of Logan's eyes, a transparent display board materialized out of thin air, its surface covered with lines of text interspersed with flickering, static-filled graphics that seemed to buzz with a life of their own.“What the heck is this?” Logan exclaimed, waving his hand in front of him as if trying to shoo away a swarm of bees. To his surprise, the panel board went right through his hand effortlessly, as if it were nothing more than a hologram made of light.DING![Master, you don't need to worry. You've obtained a system from the mask you're currently wearing. Destiny has chosen you, the less fortunate man, to become unbeatable!]"A system? Could this be like the web novels I've read before?" Logan wondered aloud, his eyes widening in amazement. "In that case, system, please tell me my main objective!" he commanded, half-expecting a response just like in the stories.[Main objective: Anonymous assistance to the less fortunate with this mask then gain system points to
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Ten Millions? That's a Small Amount
The elderly man sighed heavily, saying, "Our daughter's condition is dire. The doctors have exhausted every option, but there hasn't been much improvement. We're still hoping."Logan cleared his throat gently. "If I'm not mistaken, your daughter was poisoned, correct?"The old man was taken aback. "How did you know?"Logan smiled faintly. "Sir, your daughter's condition is more critical than you realize. Her life is on the line. If you trust me, I may be able to save her."The old man's face twisted with disbelief. "Every top doctor has given their all, and yet they've come up short," he shot back. "You're just a janitor. How can you possibly save my daughter?"Logan shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, if you don't trust me, never mind then."The old man's wife interjected hurriedly, "Robert, we're running out of options. It wouldn't hurt to give this young man's help a try. He might be our chance."Robert took a deep breath before replying, "I know we're desperate, Matilda. But what if he'
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The Name of the Savior
Logan remained rooted in disbelief, his mind swirling with confusion. "What is happening? Why am I suddenly barred from helping this girl?"Logan's mind swirled with thoughts and conjectures, a touch of panic creeping in as he worried about making a fatal mistake on his first mission. But all those fears vanished when the system bar appeared.DING![You can't extract the toxic Yin Qi from the girl's body any longer. Your Dantian lacks the capacity to handle such a substantial amount of poison. Continuing this healing would be fatal!]Logan coughed involuntarily, quickly pulling his finger away from Shania's delicate skin.Though his instinct urged him to assist every enchanting maiden, Logan knew better than to recklessly endanger his own life.Logan regarded Shania with profound compassion, his gaze reflecting both empathy and concern."This unfortunate girl must have a congenital defect in her Dantian, causing the malignant Yin Qi," he thought. "Regrettably, with my current abilitie
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The CEO of Moore Group
Logan lifted his chin defiantly, meeting their arrival with an unyielding expression. Ariana jabbed her index finger toward Logan's face, then spewed venomous accusations in all directions. "Officer, this scum has no regard for the law! He assaulted my boyfriend without cause and callously departed. You must arrest him and toss him in jail!"Two officers fixed Logan with stern gazes before questioning, "Is her accusation accurate?""Yes," Logan responded without hesitation. "However, there's a reason behind my actions.""We don't need any reasons," one officer interjected with disdain. "Assault within a hospital warrants arrest, regardless of justification."Logan regarded them with an icy stare and responded stoically, "What would you do if you discovered your spouse cheating with a colleague? I suspect you'd react just as I did."As if indifferent, an officer produced handcuffs while walking towards Logan. "Save your explanations for the jury. Here, we won't hear any bullshit coming
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I Can Lend a Hand
Before responding, Shania meticulously scrutinized Logan from head to toe, as if searching for something within the young man standing before her.Logan, sensing Shania's thorough examination, refrained from repeating his question. Instead, he cleared his throat several times, a silent prompt for her response.Shania shook her head several times, as if to dispel whatever thoughts were lingering, before beginning to respond with a question of her own. "Excuse me, are you The Masked Doctor who saved my life?" she inquired.As Logan's suspicion proved correct, his heart quickened its pace within his chest. Without hesitation, he swiftly embraced the charade, playing his part with practiced ease."Miss Moore, I'm afraid you've mistaken me for someone else. I have no affiliation with this 'Masked Doctor' you speak of. As you can plainly see, I'm nothing more than a humble janitor employed by this hospital," Logan responded with a nonchalant shrug, affecting an air of casual indifference.S
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I'm Her Husband!
Logan's laughter abruptly ceased, his expression turned serious. Disregarding Mr. Nicholson's veiled attempts at manipulation, he replied, "I was reminiscing about some amusing incidents from my time at the hospital. But, Mr. Nicholson, my resolve is firm and unwavering. No amount of monetary enticement can sway me. My decision remains resolute and unyielding.""You..." Mr. Nicholson's scoff was barely audible. "Your idealism blinds you. Just because of your personal woes, you're willing to sacrifice your livelihood. Understand this, individuals like you seldom thrive in reality. I, for one, harbor a bleak outlook, yet I wish you well."Logan smiled in response, his composure unruffled. "Your sentiments are appreciated," he acknowledged graciously.As Logan exited the Human Resources office, he turned abruptly and collided unintentionally with an elderly woman."Hey, do you even have eyes?!"At first, rage blazed in the old woman's eyes, but it swiftly cooled into a look of disdain as
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How... How did You Become Strong?
Logan sprang into action with remarkable swiftness, effortlessly evading James' onslaught with a grace that seemed to blur his form against the backdrop of the battlefield. His movements were fluid and agile, weaving through the attacks with razor-sharp reflexes, akin to a shadow dancing on the edge of oblivion.Every motion he made was imbued with such precision and swiftness that it challenged the naked eye's ability to perceive.Despite his relentless barrage, James persisted in launching his assaults with unyielding fervor, his face marked by frustration and exasperation at his inability to land a blow on Logan.With each failed attempt, James felt increasingly cornered, compounded by the realization that his adversary's elusive agility remained beyond his grasp, leaving him futilely grasping at shadows in the struggle.With the help of the system, Logan not only knew every single move he had to perform, but he was also able to practice them flawlessly.It was as if his muscles ha
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Why So Quick to Sign This?
Logan extended his hand and carefully picked up the sleek, metallic pen from the polished wooden table, and, with a steady and unwavering hand, meticulously signed the official divorce papers at the bottom, precisely beside the clearly marked line designated for his signature."Everything will end here," Logan thought to himself. "The ink strokes on this paper signify a truly new chapter in my life."He signed the papers swiftly and decisively, without a moment's hesitation or second thought. Then, with a somber and contemplative expression, he handed the finalized document back to Emily, who stood waiting across from him, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions.Emily took the document with quick movements, almost as if she couldn't believe Logan would actually sign it. Surprise and disbelief were evident on Ariana's face. Her forehead furrowed as she stared sharply at Logan.She thought, "I was prepared for Logan to kneel and kiss my feet just to get me to call off his divorce from A
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You Don't Deserve to Buy Any Single House!
Logan zipped through the city streets on his electric scooter, a newfound determination glinting in his eyes. The hospital incident had been a turning point, pushing him to turn a fresh page in his life. He was headed to Dragon Valley, the most exclusive neighborhood in Southriver Hill.Logan arrived and parked his scooter in front of a grand real estate agency, its glass windows and luxurious decor exuding opulence.Entering the office, Logan immediately sensed a cold, dismissive atmosphere. The staff eyed him with disdain, judging his modest appearance and his scooter. To them, someone like him couldn't possibly afford even the cheapest home in Dragon Valley.Logan ignored their looks and walked confidently to the reception desk, clearing his throat. "Good morning," he said firmly. "I'd like to see the most luxurious residence you have."The receptionist, a young woman with neatly tied blonde hair, raised her eyebrows and looked at Logan as if he were joking. "You're not fooling, s
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