Chapter: 8

"Nazim needs a baby's hand." A lady was saying to the man she was sitting with, in the bus.

For me, what she was saying was not the strangest thing at all, but it was the fact that I could hear her. We were sitting inside the bus that was going to town with my father. As I was sitting there, I felt my soul shift from the real world to the spirit world. I had never experienced anything like that. It felt like how I felt, when my I felt myself traveling through space in time, to witness a situation that had happened years ago. The only difference was that Ganuku was not there to guide or to assist me.

I was also sitting inside the bus traveling to town and I was sitting besides father. We were sitting 10 rows away from the couple that was conspiring to make an abduction. From where I was sitting, I already knew that Nazim was not a human being, but instead it was a god of darkness, those people just gave him a human name just so they throw anyone who was choosing to eaves drop off their case and they were whispering. The strangest thing is that I could feel the presence of that demon or entity inside the bus, that we were in. My spirit felt like it was traveling through time. The only difference was that Ganuku was not there to help me. Maybe it was the after effect of the previous night's events. It was strange feeling like a normal person after that experience.

I tried to remain calm so that I do not draw any attention towards me. Father did not like foolish kids, I could not be caught tripping in front of him or acting like a fool like my brothers have been. It was worse enough that I saw them getting sjambokked. I could let that be me.

I saw the talking couple lose focus in what they we saying and they stared directly at me. "Nazim just said that someone saw us." I tried to stare away but I was caught up in a trans of astral traveling. My spirit seemed to have woken up the demon force that was in that strange lady's purse. It got out of the bag and I saw a metal like entity, shaped like a crocodile, no one else had seen it. Even my father was not focusing. Sweat broke out of my skin, my heart pounded hard on chest and I started peeing.

"Clearance? Clearance?! Clearance wake up?! You're wetting your pants." I woke up seeing my father staring at me in bewilderment. One lady who was sitting accross our seats, offered us some paper towels and my father thanked her, before he helped me. I could not believe I had such an awful dream. But when I stood up looked up, the couple I had seen in a dream was really there. It was unbelievable. When I looked up on the ceiling I saw the entity statue, it was above me. So I set down and nugged my father, asking if he could also see it? When father looked up, it wasn't there anymore. Few seconds later, three seats away from us, away woman wailed saying that something was tearing off her baby's hand. We looked and I saw the same statue yanking at a baby's arm. It was so difficult to unseen, what I had witnessed. Other people called the women crazy and said that she was the one who yanked her own baby's arm. I was glued on my sit, filled with terror. I was scared to the core.

The bus driver stopped the bus, he got up to attend to the situation that was happening. When he got to the back, the baby was not moving anymore, his blood was all around the woman who was shrieking for her baby. When I looked at the couple that was sitting on the seats that were forward, they were leaving with their bag. I didn't know how to process all of what was happening.

The cops and and the ambulance were called. The woman was instantly arrested when she was found, with her bloody clothes. Her infant baby was declared dead on the scene. They put his little body inside a plastic bag, before putting him on the mortuary vehicle. I was so appalled, by all of it.

It was shocking, witness a woman whose life was destroyed in seconds. Two things were taken away from her, one her baby and two her freedom. Everything was stolen in seconds. I was wondering how no one could see that metal animal that ate the baby. People were cussing that lady for being satanic, no one saw what I saw but me.

My father looked at me, "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head, although I was not in reality.

"Clearance it is okay to be not be okay, that was horrible. How could a woman do that to her own son? People can just lose their minds these days and do the most disturbing things." He said something that seemed nostalgic for himself.

"Sorry father, but something was there and it was yanking the baby away from his mother. I thought you saw it too, it was carried by the two people who were sitting on the front. The people who left the bus, when the driver was stopping." I explained to him.

Father looked at me with disbelief, "You mean to tell me that you were the only person that saw that thing and no one else saw it?"

I nodded my head.

"Don't ever say that out loud, people will think that I father a lunatic. What is wrong with you? Everybody saw that lady losing her mind and yanking her own child's arm. You're too young to understand that." He explained.

I wanted to reply but I remembered how short tempered he could be. So, I let it slide.

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