97. Set The Stallions Free.

The Stallions were in the cell. It had been two days since they were put in. They had not seen James and Harry for a long time and quite frankly had gotten really hopeless and frustrated about the situation.

"I knew it!" Cried out Mr. Stallion in agony. "I knew it!" James and Harry were frauds. They have abandoned us here for dead. This is why we never should have trusted them. I was right all along."

"Dad it's still too early to judge," said Megan, walking up to him."

"For god's sake it's been more than two days, Meghan" Mr. Stallion pointed out.

"It's still too early to judge," Meghan said back to him.

"Meghan you should give it a rest" Sophie cut in. "Look, I love Harry, and I respect his friend James, but if I have to go through another one day, and eat another one of this prison leftover meals, I swear to God that I would lose it."

"I agree with Sophie," Mrs. Stallion said. "The food is largely just rubbish here."

Right in the middle of their bickering among one another, one of
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