21. Revealing A Truth

Andre shook his head, when he realized how curt Ariana was. However, he did not blame Veronica's mother. It really challenged Andre's masculine side that if he didn't remember where they were, he might have cursed.

"Okay, Mrs. Ariana, I'll just get straight to the point."

Ariana straightened her body, she began to feel curious about what Andre would say. Something important, according to Andre. How important it was to Ariana, he didn't know.

"Is it true that Miss Veronica, the Mrs.'s daughter, is Leon's wife?"

Andre launched a question that aimed to dig up as much detailed information as possible about Leon and Veronica.

"Yes. They did get married some time ago. But the marriage was forced by my late father."

Ariana immediately answered, a sad tone still heard in her words. Understandably, talking about Veronica's marriage, Ariana seemed to be opening her own wounds. The sadness of losing Alexander William on their wedding day is still felt to this day. Like a wound that is still bleeding and has not completely healed.

"Oh, so your late father approved it. Then what about you yourself?"

"What do you really want to say? Why are you pressing me with those questions?"

Ariana, whose mood suddenly dropped, became annoyed because instead of directly saying what she wanted, Andre asked her a lot of questions. What important thing did Andre want to convey? Why did it seem like Andre wanted something important from her?

"All the questions I asked are related to the important thing I want to convey, Ma'am. So please cooperate, Ma'am, to answer honestly whatever I ask."

Ariana was speechless by the firmness of Andre's words. Although she had a frown on her face because she was annoyed, Ariana secretly felt embarrassed by the man she had just met.

Andre, who clearly saw Ariana's unfriendly face, didn't seem to care, he continued with his plan.

"So, Madam, please answer, do you agree to the marriage?"

"I told you we were forced because of my late father. I explained it earlier, did you forget?"

Hearing Ariana's answer, Andre felt annoyed. He wanted to shout at Ariana to learn to speak properly, not to be so curt. It would only provoke the other person's anger.

"Then why doesn't Madam agree?"

"Huh! Actually, what is your relationship with the marriage? Why are you like grilling me?"

This time, Ariana could no longer hold back her emotions. She thought, Andre was a stranger but why did he want to know anything that should be Ariana and her family's private domain.

"I am Leon's uncle."

Andre's reply made Ariana immediately slump her back against the back of the chair. "Oh, is that so? Then what do you want now? Are you going to tell me to bless the marriage?"

"Do you know who Leon really is?"

Andre stared intently at Ariana's face, wanting to know whether the woman actually knew Leon's identity or not. Andre suspected that Ariana didn't know that because if Ariana knew who Leon was, then she would definitely bless the marriage. Can't wealth make people change? Who wouldn't want to be part of the conglomerate family with the last name Tan?

"I don't know who he is. Leon is just a street kid. Leon saved my father's life and he took him home, made him a bodyguard and married him to Veronica."

Andre nodded hearing Ariana's story. He understood now why Ariana didn't approve of the marriage. It turned out that Ariana didn't know Leon's identity.

"So because Leon's status is only a bodyguard, that's why Madam doesn't approve of Leon?"

Andre tried to provoke Ariana, to make sure her guess was not wrong.

"Yes. Don't you know, my father owns William Corporation. How can his grandson-in-law be just a bodyguard?' It's not worth it at all. Later when I'm gone, Leon will definitely take over the company."

'Tch! She doesn't know that William Corporation is not even a fingernail away from Tan's Industries. What an arrogant woman!'

Andre cursed then laughed inwardly, laughing at Ariana who didn't know who Leon was and instead insulted him.

"Do you know about Tan's Industries?" Andre provoked Ariana again.

"Tan's Industries? I've never heard of that name."

Ariana had never been interested in knowing the ins and outs of business and companies. Partying around, socializing with her socialite friends, hanging out at the mall, were her daily activities. Don't blame her if she didn't know about Tan's Industries. Moreover, Tan's Industries was not in that city, but in another city several hours away from where Ariana lived.

"Madam, try searching on the internet, who owns Tan's Industries!"

Ariana, who was curious, finally followed Andre's words. She searched on the internet about Tan's Industries. The founder was Charlie Tanusudibya or Charlie Tan. Then the next generation was Hanson Tanusudibya but he had passed away. Then in the latest news it was mentioned that the newly crowned owner was Gabriel Leon Tanusudibya, Charlie Tan's only grandson.

Suddenly Ariana's memory was thrown to that wedding day. Ariana remembered when Leon said their wedding vows. Ariana had just found out Leon's full name that day. At first she was surprised by Leon's last name which sounded good for a street kid. Yes, Ariana did think Leon was a street kid who was adopted by his father. Was the name a coincidence or was it the same person?

Ariana's hands trembled, her minimalist narrow eyes widened, her lips polished with maroon lipstick opened, so shocked when she found Leon's profile. It turned out that the photo attached there was really a photo of Leon who she had always considered a loser.

"T-this. R-really t-this is L-leon?"

Ariana suddenly became speechless. Really, she never thought that Leon was actually the only grandson of a conglomerate. She thought Leon was an ordinary street kid who had a lucky fate. Meeting Alexander William and saving his life until he was given a job and a place to live. A loser, a parasite, a poor man, a low class, those were all the nicknames Ariana gave Leon.

Ariana did not agree to the marriage because she thought that Leon was not worthy of her family. In fact, it was even stated on the internet that the amount of Alexander William's family wealth was only a fraction compared to the Tan family's wealth. Especially when the company was on the brink and almost bankrupt. What else did she want to brag about?

"Yes, that's right. He is Gabriel Leon Tan. My nephew. I am Andre Zega Tan, Charlie Tan's nephew."

Andre explained his family tree. Of course Andre did not mention that his father was only an adopted son.

'Wow, Ariana, you are so lucky. It's like a windfall. You are now the in-law of a conglomerate. Veronica must know this. She must return to Leon! Must!' Ariana said to herself.

Ariana smiled to herself, imagining how lucky she was. What dream did she have last night to get such good news?

"Then, what is the purpose of your meeting me? What important thing do you want to convey?"

This time, Ariana's tone had changed to be softer and more polite, not cynical and unfriendly like before. Her face was also no longer sullen. Instead, it seemed to display fake friendliness.

'Tch! When it's her turn to know who she's facing, her attitude changes like this. What a sycophant!'

Andre sneered inwardly seeing Ariana's change in attitude. Money really does change everything, Andre thought.

"I want to offer a cooperation that will definitely benefit you, Madam!"

"What kind of cooperation?"

Andre got up from his seat and walked around, moving until he was next to Ariana.

"I have a big plan that will involve Madam and Miss Veronica. Does Madam agree?"

Ariana bit her lip while frowning, thought for a few seconds and finally nodded her head. "Okay, I agree. But, what's in it for me?"

Andre mentioned the amount of money that was so fantastic that it made Ariana jump in surprise.

"W-what? Really?"

"Is that not enough?" Andre asked back, he thought the amount he offered was already quite large.

"Of course not. But, you can guarantee that nothing will happen to me and Veronica, right?" Ariana replied quickly.

"What I'm going to talk about is Miss Veronica's safety!"

Hearing Andre's words, Ariana felt a little worried. Especially considering the amount of money Andre wanted to give was fantastic, maybe because the risks were also great. Ariana regretted her decision to immediately agree to Andre's offer. She should have discussed it with Veronica first. When she heard Veronica's name mentioned and Andre was about to talk about her daughter's safety, Ariana started thinking. Could Veronica's safety be threatened?

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