22. Stategy

It is only natural for a mother to think about her child's safety. That is what Ariana is doing. She is worried about Veronica's safety. Andre openly said that he would discuss something regarding Veronica's safety. Ariana thought, 

if that was discussed, it meant that Veronica's safety was at stake. 

"Actually, what is your plan?" 

Finally, the question came out of Ariana's lips. Rather than just guessing and feeling dizzy, she chose to express what was in her heart. 

"Well, ma'am. My plan is like this...."

Andre began to explain the plan that was already in his mind. Knowing that Ariana was a very talkative and perfectionist type of woman, Andre chose to explain everything in detail.

"Okay, I agree. But, you must really guarantee my daughter's safety!"

Finally, Ariana decided to follow Andre's plan. Her materialistic soul was increasingly struggling when Andre promised to increase the amount that Ariana would receive. She thought, when else would she get such a windfall. Moreover, Andre also promised a new status for Veronica later. Who wouldn't be tempted by such an amazing offer? 

The proverb says opportunity only comes once. It is better to take it now than for the opportunity not to come again. That is Ariana's principle. She does not waste the opportunity that comes to her, because if not, then who will lose? 

Meanwhile, Andre smiled with satisfaction. In his heart he cursed Ariana's stupidity who was so easily tempted by the offer of wealth. Ariana will only be used as a pawn to destroy Leon. After that .... he just needs to sort it out. 

The two people who initially did not know each other, that day looked close and chatted like old friends. Friends with the same interests. 

"Okay. Then, I'll excuse myself. My daughter can't be left alone for too long."

Ariana said goodbye after making sure that the points of their cooperation had reached an agreement. They both shook hands after exchanging cellphone numbers. Ariana got up from her seat, then walked out of the canteen. 

Meanwhile, Andre smirked, then made a phone call to someone. 

"Yes. Carry out the plan today. I'll let you know when the right time is!" 

Meanwhile, at Tan's Industries. 

Leon was busy in front of the laptop screen when suddenly there was a knock on the door. For a moment, Leon stopped his fingers that were dancing on the keyboard, then turned towards the entrance. 

"Just come in, it's not locked!" Leon shouted, returning his focus to the screen in front of him.

The door opened and someone Leon never expected to come appeared. Charlie, his grandfather. Since Tan's Industries was taken over by Leon, his grandfather had never come to the company. Only on the first day of Leon's arrival did Charlie come and introduce Leon to all the company's top brass. After that, Charlie had entrusted everything to Leon. 

"Leon, don't come home too late today. We will attend a dinner at Mr. Wilson's house." 

Charlie said that and sat on the sofa in the room. Scanning around, how much the room had changed. Leon had remodeled the room to his taste. 

"Okay, Grandpa. What time are we leaving?"

Leon closed his laptop and approached Charlie. Then he sat down beside his grandfather who was leaning his body on the back of the sofa. 

"Six o'clock in the evening. We'll come early. Okay, Leon?" 

Leon nodded, then smiled. Glancing at his grandfather's face which looked fresher than the past few days. "Grandpa is really well enough to go out at night?" 

"Of course. Your return makes Grandpa recover faster," Charlie replied with a cheerful face.

Then the two of them talked about work and many things. Charlie deliberately accompanied Leon and gave a lot of advice and guidance to his grandson. Charlie did not forget to pass on business knowledge that Leon admitted he did not get from his college bench. 

However, Charlie's knowledge has been proven and tested, as seen from the success that Charlie achieved at a young age. Charlie pioneered his business from zero to the establishment of Tan's Industries and experienced its heyday. Even though it had experienced ups and downs, Tan's Industries was able to survive and even become bigger. It was all thanks to Charlie's cool hand who managed it with his heart. 

The evening arrived, Charlie and Leon prepared to go home. They were in one car and went straight to Wilson's residence, a business partner and Charlie's old friend. The journey there took almost an hour. Luckily they arrived on time. 

As soon as he heard the sound of a car entering the yard, Wilson immediately went out onto the terrace. He immediately greeted Charlie and Leon warmly. Charlie and Wilson looked really happy, the sparkle in their eyes was clearly visible. Two best friends who had not seen each other for a long time, of course, were very happy when they met. Until they both hugged for quite a long time, as if to express all the longing that had been cured. 

After breaking the hug, Wilson shook Leon's hand. Wilson stared at Leon closely, then said, "This must be the son of the late Hanson. His face is very similar." 

"Yes. He is the only Hanson legacy that I have," Charlie replied with a smile.

"Come in, Charl, don't stay out too long. The food will get cold!"

Charlie and Leon were immediately led into the dining room, where all the dishes were being prepared by the owner of the house. Wilson introduced his family members to Leon.

"This is my wife, Lidia, and this is my daughter, Catherine."

Leon immediately greeted Lidia, then turned to Catherine. After that, everyone sat around the large dining table. Wilson invited everyone to eat, served by two special waiters.

They all enjoyed their dinner in silence. It seemed like Wilson had memorized Charlie's habit of not talking while eating. After eating the main course and dessert, they moved to the living room which was not far from the dining room. 

Charlie and Wilson started discussing business. While Leon occasionally chimed in or listened silently. Then Charlie was seen whispering to Wilson. Who knows what they were talking about that Leon couldn't hear. 

"Catherine, take Leon to the park. We want to talk about nostalgia. Your presence will only disturb us," said Wilson with a laugh. 

Catherine smiled, then stood up. Leon also got up from his seat and followed Catherine's steps without saying much. Meanwhile, Lidia also got up and left the room.

Catherine's steps took Leon to the garden on the side terrace of Wilson's mansion. A garden full of beautiful flowers and a fountain in the middle of a heart-shaped pond. Large koi fish were seen swimming in the pond. The same type of koi fish as in Charlie's residence, which cost tens of millions of rupiah. 

"Please sit down, Mr. Leon!" 

Catherine moved a bench and invited Leon to sit down. While she herself sat on another bench. From her attitude, it was clear that Catherine wanted to keep her distance from Leon. 

"Thank you." 

Short, concise, and firm. That was all Leon said, then fell silent again. Making Catherine find it difficult to provoke the man to talk. Leon's cold character was clearly felt by Catherine.

"Do you know what our parents have planned?" Catherine asked as she turned to Leon, staring closely at the face that she thought was very handsome. 

"What plan?" Leon replied without turning his head, his gaze straight ahead, towards the koi fish, making Catherine feel furious in her heart. 

"My father and your grandfather want to match us together." 

Catherine felt a little anxious when she said that. She knew she shouldn't talk about it first. However, she couldn't help herself from keeping quiet when she actually didn't want the match. 


It seemed like Catherine had to refill her patience because of Leon's short answer. It seemed indifferent to the discourse of the arranged marriage. 

"Does that mean you agree to it, Mr. Leon?" 

Leon just shrugged, making Catherine feel like she wanted to do a somersault. Incredibly annoyed and irritated. 

"I have a big plan to thwart that arranged marriage!" 

Catherine's words made Leon immediately straighten his

back. The minimalist eyes looked even narrower, with a wrinkled forehead. 

"Tell me what your plan is!"

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