23. Leon And Catherine

Catherine leaned toward Leon and spoke softly, afraid that someone other than Leon would hear.

"I'll pretend to cheat and you'll catch me. So you decide to end the arranged marriage. How about it?" Catherine said.

"Huh, no fun! I'd rather you cancel it, Miss. Don't you know, I already have a wife. Maybe the news can make your family back off from this arranged marriage. How about it?"

It was Leon's turn to ask Catherine. Leon realized that it was impossible for the two of them to continue the arranged marriage. Leon was already married while Catherine, for some reason, did not want to accept the arranged marriage. Maybe she already had a lover, like Veronica used to. 

Catherine blinked, she looked surprised to hear what Leon had said. 

"Is it true that you are married? But why did our parents plan this arranged marriage? Then what about your wife?" Catherine asked, she couldn't help but ask all that. 

"Don't you know the video about my wedding? The video went viral."

"I don't know. I've been living abroad. I just graduated from college and came back to Indonesia a few days ago. Then Dad held this matchmaking," said Catherine. 

"Okay, I understand. What's your cell phone number?" 

Leon asked that while handing his cell phone to Catherine. With a gesture of his chin, he told Catherine to enter his cell phone number. Then the beautiful girl obeyed. Her supple fingers with red nail polish danced nimbly on Leon's cell phone screen. 

"I have." 

Catherine handed Leon the cell phone, which was responded to with a soft thank you. Leon dialed the number Catherine had just entered and it immediately connected.

"Catherine, that's my number. I'll send you a photo of my marriage certificate from the Civil Registry Office."

Catherine nodded in agreement. "Thank you. If you hadn't cooperated, we would have been forced to go through with this arranged marriage."

Leon nodded in response to Catherine's words. "I think we've had enough talk," Leon said then.

Catherine scratched her head which wasn't itchy. "Oh yeah. Let's go back inside!" Catherine said stiffly.

The two of them got up from their seats and left the garden. They re-entered the house and gathered in the living room with Charlie and Wilson.

"Are you guys done getting to know each other? That was fast!"

Wilson looked at Leon and Catherine with a hopeful face. However, the two people seemed not to care about Wilson's gaze. Leon and Catherine were cold to each other and their attitudes were very obvious in Charlie and Wilson's eyes. 

"Maybe they need time, to meet another time, Wil," Charlie said with a knowing smile. 

Charlie thought, it must not be easy for two people who don't know each other to suddenly start a relationship. They must need a little bit of an approach and it can't be forced. 

"Oh, okay. I agree, Charl. I think we should meet more often after this. So they can meet more often too."

Wilson said that while winking at Charlie. As if giving a signal for Charlie to agree to his suggestion. 

"Yes, that's right. We'll schedule a meeting for the next one, okay, Wil." 

Charlie, who was quick to respond, immediately realized Wilson's signal and immediately said that. 

Then not long after, Charlie and Leon said goodbye. Wilson escorted his two guests to the front porch. Then waved as Charlie's car moved away from the place. 

"What do you think, Cathy? Is Leon your ideal criteria?" Wilson asked as he entered the house and found Catherine sitting on the living room sofa. 

"Not bad, Daddy. But Cathy is hesitant. Does he want to be with Chaty?"

"Of course, honey. No man would refuse Daddy's beautiful daughter." 

Wilson decided to sit beside his daughter. Wilson was very sure that Leon and Catherine would definitely be attracted to each other. It was just that because they had only just met, they were still acting too stiff with each other. 

"Have you exchanged phone numbers with him, honey?" 

"Yes, Daddy. He asked for it himself," Catherine replied quickly. 

"Yes, that's great. Daddy is sure that soon you two will be a very compatible couple." 

Catherine just smiled in response to her father's words. She knew that it would not be easy for her to thwart the matchmaking. She only relied on Leon's advice to carry out her intentions.

Catherine really didn't want to disappoint her parents. She wanted to fulfill her parents' expectations to get married, but to a man she loved and who loved her. 

"Daddy, Cathy is only 21 years old. Why are you in such a hurry to matchmake Cathy?" Catherine asked while staring closely at her father's face. 

"Daddy wants to quickly marry off Daddy's youngest daughter. Wants to see you happy with your partner. After this, Daddy won't think about Daddy's spoiled youngest daughter anymore," said Wilson while pinching Catherine's cheek. 

"It hurts, Dad!"

Catherine made a pouty face while stroking her cheek that had just been pinched. "But why did Papa choose Leon?" Catherine asked curiously. She wanted to know whether her father knew that Leon was married or not. 

"Daddy and Mr. Charlie were friends since school until college. Then we were separated because Daddy worked abroad. We lost contact since then. But a few days ago Daddy accidentally met a business partner who happened to be collaborating with Mr. Charlie. So we reconnected through Daddy's business partner. Then we talked over the phone and Mr. Charlie offered the matchmaking." 

'Oh, so Dad doesn't know that Leon is married?' Catherine thought. 

When Catherine was shown a photo of Leon, the man she was supposed to marry. Catherine had no interest whatsoever in the handsome man. Especially when she met Leon in person, who seemed cold in Catherine's eyes. Very far from the friendly and humble type of man that Catherine dreamed of. Really, she wanted to reject him right then and there. 

Besides Catherine not having any feelings for Leon, it turned out that Leon already had a wife. Of course Catherine didn't want to be the third person in their marriage. It was better for her to step back slowly. And find a way to slowly tell her father the facts about Leon.


An incoming message notification from an unknown number made Catherine immediately check it. She hoped it was a message from Leon whose number she had forgotten to save earlier. Sure enough, Catherine's lips immediately widened when she saw the photo sent by the unknown number. 

"Dad, what if Cathy rejects the arranged marriage with Leon. Will Daddy be angry?" 

"Why did you reject him, honey? What's lacking in Leon? He looks handsome, is well-established, and is also the grandson of Papa's best friend who has a heart of gold. That's a guarantee that Leon is a good man, Cathy." 

"Leon is indeed good, Dad. But Daddy missed one thing. Did Daddy  not investigate Leon's marital status?"

Wilson fell silent and stared closely at his youngest daughter's face. "That's not what Daddy did, honey. Daddy trusts Mr. Charlie." 

Catherine shook her head. She really couldn't understand why her papa could agree so quickly without checking Leon's background first. 

"Didn't Daddy know that Leon was married?" 


Catherine's words sounded like thunder in Wilson's ears. Of course he was surprised and shocked. 

"What? Leon is married?" 

"Yes, Papa. That's right. This is the proof. Leon sent this to Cathy."

Catherine showed Leon's chat, along with a photo of the marriage certificate from the Civil Registry. Of course, all of that really surprised Wilson. He shook his head, really not expecting Leon to be married. Then, he thought, what did Charlie mean by matching Leon with his daughter, if it turned out that Leon was no longer alone? Was Catherine going to be used as a mistress? 

Wilson then called someone, but the call was not immediately answered. Wilson tried to call again, but it was the same. Only the operator's voice was heard from the other side. 

"Ah, damn! I have to do something!"

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