24. Wilson's Clarification

Early in the morning, Wilson intended to visit Charlie's residence with the driver. Last night, Wilson could not sleep well because he remembered the fate of his daughter's arranged marriage. Throughout the journey, there was an inner turmoil within Wilson.

"How could Charlie have the heart to drag my daughter into a marriage with his grandson who is already married?" Wilson muttered while looking at the busy street in front of him.

Wilson wanted to ask what Charlie's intentions and goals were in matching Catherine with Leon who was already married. What motives underlie the matchmaking plan. Wilson felt that he had no fault or dispute with Charlie. It was impossible, right, for Charlie to have bad intentions towards him? But why did his daughter have to be the scapegoat?

Wilson shook his head. Then he remembered his friendship with Charlie a few years ago. They parted on good terms, without any hostility or bad things underlying it. The separation was purely because Wilson got a job abroad and he brought his family with him. Then his friendship with Charlie just ended. 

"I was flattered because Charlie wanted to ask me to be his in-laws. But if it's like this, let alone being flattered. I feel insulted because Catherine wants to be his second wife." 

Various kinds of suspicions swirled around in Wilson's mind, giving rise to negative prejudices in his mind. However, from the bottom of his heart, he tried to think positive.

"Is it possible that Leon is actually divorced and Charlie doesn't want Leon to choose the wrong wife, that's why Charlie matched him with Catherine?" 

Finally, Wilson's angelic side won. He believed in his positive thoughts and tried to get rid of his suspicions and bad assumptions about Charlie. He would only confirm Leon's marital status. He didn't want Catherine's status to be an illegitimate wife in the eyes of the law. 

After driving for almost an hour, the Escalade ESV that Wilson was riding in stopped in front of a magnificent house with a high gate. Wilson matched the address that Charlie had given him with the address of the house. The location of Charlie's new residence on the side of the road made it easy for Wilson to find the house.

A security guard approached Wilson's car, carrying out his duties to maintain the safety and comfort of his employer, including screening anyone who wanted to visit Charlie's residence. 

"Good morning, sir. How can I help you?" asked the security guard, bending his body in front of the open car window near Wilson. 

The security guard had never seen Wilson's car arrive before. However, he knew that this type of car was not owned by just anyone. So besides being curious, he was also a little careful in his attitude. 

"I want to meet Mr. Charlie." Wilson answered the security guard's question firmly, making the security guard smile. 

"Have you made an appointment with Mr. Charlie?"

The security guard smiled again after asking Wilson about it. Indeed, that was the procedure, if a guest came, he had to first make sure whether the guest had made an appointment or not. 

"Not yet. But please contact Mr. Charlie, say Wilson wants to meet!" 

"Okay, Mr. Wilson. Please wait a moment." 

After saying that, the security guard immediately contacted Charlie and got a short answer from his employer. The answer that made the security guard smile and put his cellphone back into his pants pocket and then pressed the remote to open the gate. 

"Please come in, Mr. Wilson. Mr. Charlie is waiting for you on the terrace."

Wilson just nodded, and the black Escalade ESV entered Charlie's spacious yard and stopped near the other parked cars. 

Charlie greeted Wilson with a happy expression, but he couldn't hide his surprise. Beside Charlie, Robert, his assistant faithfully accompanied him. 

"It's unusual to come without any news. Luckily I was still at home. I was going to the company to accompany Leon." 

"Sorry if my arrival was so sudden and disturbing, Charl," Wilson said as he shook hands with Charlie and Robert. 

"Oh, no. Please sit down first. Do you want to go outside or do you want to go inside, Wil?"

"Outside, Charl. It's more relaxed here."

"Coffee? Or tea?" Charlie offered.

"No need. I won't be long," Wilson declined gently with a smile.

"Okay. It seems like there's something very important that you came here so early in the morning."

Charlie said that after the two had sat down on the sofa on the terrace. With a gesture, Charlie told Robert to leave. The assistant immediately moved away, giving the two friends a chance to talk about something that might be very confidential.

"I just don't want there to be any misunderstanding. There's something I want to ask about Leon's status. I heard that he's married. Is that true?"

Charlie took a deep breath. "Leon is indeed married to the granddaughter of Alexander William, the owner of William Corporation. The marriage happened without my knowledge," Charlie said. 

Wilson nodded. "Is that why you don't approve of it?" 

"It's not a matter of approving or not. But the woman who became Leon's wife has bad ethics." 

Wilson, who did not know anything about Leon's marriage, was of course curious. "If that woman has bad ethics, why could Leon marry her?" 

Then Charlie told him about Leon's marriage and the viral video. Charlie had also asked Leon to immediately divorce Veronica officially. Especially considering that Veronica herself had asked Leon for the divorce.

"It means that the woman can no longer be maintained to be Leon's wife. That's why I intend to match Leon with your daughter." 

Wilson nodded and smiled. "Oh, is that so? It's better to wait for Leon's status to be clear first. I don't want Catherine to be labeled as a third person or a destroyer of Leon and Veronica's marriage." 

"Okay. I'll talk about this with Leon later so that he can quickly take care of his divorce from Veronica, so that you don't reject him again." 

Hearing Charlie say that, Wilson smiled. "It's not that I reject your grandson. But I don't want my daughter to be labeled as a homewrecker. Before he really leaves his wife and becomes a widower, it's better if Leon and Catherine don't get close or appear together."

"Okay, I can accept your explanation, Wil. Forgive me if I'm not sensitive to the source of the problem."

"Okay, since I've already stated my purpose for coming here, I'll take my leave. There's an important meeting at the office that I have to attend."

Wilson got up from his seat and shook Charlie's hand. For a moment, the two of them hugged before Wilson finally left the place. He considered his and his daughter's problems to be over.

Charlie was the only one left who was still thinking about what steps Leon should take next.

"What's wrong with Leon? I've been told to quickly take care of the divorce but why hasn't it been taken care of yet?" Charlie muttered as he stepped into the house.

Ariana's phone rang when Veronica had just come out of the bathroom. She wanted to pick it up but the call that turned out to be from Andre had ended. Then a message came in. 

[Let's carry out our plan!] 

That was the message that Ariana had just received. With trembling hands, Ariana typed to reply to the message. 

[Yes, Sir. But remember, Sir. My daughter must be fine] send. 

Not long after, a reply message from Andre came in. 

[Don't worry, Ma'am. Your daughter will be safe with us] 

Ariana breathed a sigh of relief when she read Andre's reply message. Now Ariana would no longer hesitate to follow Andre's plan.

[Okay, Sir. Then what should I do now?] 

Quickly, the message that Ariana sent was sent and immediately read by Andre. 

[Quickly get rid of the male guard across from your treatment room!]

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