25. Veronica Kidnapped?

Ariana peeked out through the glass window in the room. Indeed, someone was seen sitting on the bench across from Veronica's treatment room. It looked like a patient's attendant in the room across. However, according to Andre, the person was Veronica's room guard.

Ariana secretly took a picture of the person from inside and sent it to Andre.

[Is this the person you mean, Sir?]

A few seconds later, Andre replied.

[Yes. He is the bodyguard sent by Leon to guard you]

Ariana's lips rounded perfectly as she read Andre's reply. She just found out that Leon sent a bodyguard to guard her and Veronica.

[How do I get rid of that person, Sir?] Ariana sent another message to Andre. 

[It's up to you, Ma'am. Just get rid of that person immediately and let me know when he's gone] 

Then Ariana racked her brains, she thought about how to get the bodyguard to leave. After being silent for a few minutes, she got an idea. It so happened that Veronica was asleep because she took medicine after breakfast earlier. Ariana crept out and approached the bodyguard. 

"Excuse me, Sir, is it true that you were the one Leon ordered to guard us?" Ariana asked while sitting next to the bodyguard. 

"Yes, Ma'am. I was ordered by Young Master Leon to guard Madam," replied the bodyguard.

"Okay. Will you help me?"

The bodyguard immediately got up from his seat. "Yes, Ma'am. What should I do, Ma'am?"

"There is medicine that needs to be filled at the pharmacy across the street, because there isn't any at this pharmacy. I want to go there but Veronica just went to bed and is alone."

Ariana opened her wallet and gave him some money along with a paper containing a prescription for the medicine that needed to be filled. The prescription was given by the doctor this morning. Ariana had originally intended to tell her driver to go to the pharmacy across the street from the hospital, but because she had an important mission, she told the bodyguard to go.

"If there isn't any at the pharmacy across the street, you can look for another pharmacy, okay?"

"Okay, Ma'am. I'll go to the pharmacy first," said the bodyguard while bowing and then walking away from Ariana. 

Ariana quickly called Andre. 

[Sir, I've gotten rid of the bodyguard. He went to the pharmacy across the street] 

Andre who read the message immediately turned to the two people beside him. 

"Move quickly because there's not much time left!" ordered Andre who had been preparing at the hospital since morning, waiting not far from Veronica's treatment room. As soon as his two men left, Andre also immediately went to the parking lot, preparing the car for them.

Andre's two men went straight to Veronica's treatment room. Ariana greeted them both and remained silent while they were in action. One of Andre's men held the wheelchair while the other moved Veronica's body from the bed to the wheelchair. 

Veronica opened her eyes because she felt the movement. However, a handkerchief that had been given anesthetic immediately covered her mouth and Veronica fell unconscious again. Ariana put on Veronica's mask and glasses, then one of Andre's men pushed Veronica's wheelchair and left the room. 

One of Andre's men was in charge of watching the surroundings and being a guide. He had investigated the hospital's layout and knew where the elevator was. The two of them took Veronica to the elevator and went straight to the parking lot where Andre was waiting.

[Don't let my daughter get hurt, Sir] 

Ariana sent the message to Andre. No matter what, Ariana was worried about Veronica's condition. 

[Don't worry, Madam. Your daughter will be fine in my hands] 

A reply message from Andre entered Ariana's cellphone, making the woman sigh heavily. She hoped Andre would fulfill his promise to guarantee Veronica's safety. 

Ariana felt regret for sacrificing her own daughter for material things. However, she immediately dismissed it. She considered Veronica's sacrifice to be for the good and future of both of them. Moreover, that regret was also useless because Veronica had already been taken away by Andre and his men.

The car carrying Andre and his men sped away from the hospital parking lot. They were going out of town. An empty warehouse had been prepared to lock Veronica up there. 

Meanwhile, Ariana was getting ready to act in front of Leon's bodyguard. When there was a knock on the door, Ariana peeked out the window. She knew that it was Leon's bodyguard. She immediately put on a sad face. 

"My daughter went missing when I went to the bathroom." 

Ariana immediately complained to Leon's bodyguard. Hearing what Ariana said, of course the bodyguard was shocked. 

"Tell me what happened, Ma'am!"

Then Ariana told him that she had just come out of the bathroom. Then when she came out of the bathroom, suddenly Veronica was no longer in her bed. 

Max, the name of Leon's bodyguard, immediately contacted his friend, Luxi. Max and Luxi, two bodyguards sent by Leon were indeed tasked with guarding Veronica and Ariana. Both of them took turns guarding. Luxi guarded at night and Max during the day. At that time Luxi was resting in a hotel across from the hospital. 

Max immediately searched all corners of the hospital, until finally he met Luxi who was walking in a hurry. 

"How did it happen?" asked Luxi with a haggard face because he had just woken up from his sleep.

Then Max explained the chronology based on Ariana's story. Both of them looked at each other, each busy with their own thoughts. 

"I've combed every corner of this place but haven't found any clues," said Max. 

"Let's check the CCTV!" Luxi invited, which Max immediately agreed to. 

The two of them immediately looked for the CCTV control room. They intended to check the CCTV at the time of the incident. 

"This is for an important investigation, sir. One of the patients in the VVIP room is missing. His family doesn't know who took the patient. That's why we want to investigate via CCTV."

Max tried to convince the control officer to be allowed to check the CCTV footage. At first the officer still refused on the grounds of code of ethics. However, Max and Luxi managed to convince the officer with the help of a wad of money. 

"There are two men who came," Max pointed to the control officer. "Can I have a copy of the footage?" 

The control officer nodded. He gave him a copy of the CCTV footage. Max and Luxi immediately left the control room and reported what had happened to Leon. Max wanted to report to the hospital manager but had to ask permission from Leon first. 

At that time Leon was in a meeting and Max's message had not been sent because Leon's cellphone was deliberately turned off.

"What's this, Luxi? We'll definitely get punished by Young Master Leon."

"You too, Max. Why did you let your guard down?"

Max was silent. He felt very guilty towards Luxi. Because of him, Luxi would definitely get hit too.

"I just couldn't refuse Mrs. Ariana's request. I thought everything would be fine. But it turns out..."

Max pulled his hair roughly. Really, he felt useless.

"I'm sorry if you got dragged into it because of my carelessness," Max said softly.

Luxi looked away. "What else can we do? This is the risk of our job. Wanting to get angry is useless, right? Mrs. Veronica has been taken away."

Max played back the CCTV footage. The bodyguard frowned, as if he had seen one of Veronica's kidnappers. 

"I think I've seen this person before. But where?" Max pointed at Luxi. 

"Try to remember again." 

While Max was trying to remember, suddenly Max's cellphone rang. With a gesture, Luxi asked who was calling him. 

"Young Master Leon. How is it?" Max muttered softly. 

"Just pick it up!" 

Like it or not, Max picked up the call. Although for that he had to prepare his ears and mind in case he heard the word 'fire' or something similar from his Young Master.

"I am, Young Master."

[Where are you guys? Has Veronica been found]

"We are still at the hospital, Young Master. We are still investigating."

[Are there any leads? Who do you think did it?]

Leon asked again, making Max nervous, whether to answer or just stay silent. Max had not yet gotten any leads on who had kidnapped Veronica.

"Everything is still under investigation, Young Master."

[Comb again until you find it. If necessary, report to the hospital manager!]

"Yes, Young Master."

Max let out a harsh breath as the next second Leon ended his call. "Mr. Leon asked us to comb this place once more and report this case to the hospital manager."

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