26. Message from Andre

Leon immediately came to the hospital and confirmed Max and Luxi's report to the hospital manager. He also reported the case to the police. Several police officers immediately searched all over the place. However, they didn't seem to find anything either. CCTV footage didn't help much because Andre's two men were wearing masks that covered their faces.

Andre was the same, he was wearing a mask, hat, and glasses so that when seen by CCTV his face was unrecognizable. Meanwhile, CCTV in the parking lot only recorded the moment when Veronica was pushed in a wheelchair towards a car.

The position of the car was blocked by other cars so it was unclear what type of car and what the license plate number was. It seemed that the kidnappers had anticipated the presence of CCTV. So they deliberately parked his vehicle was far from the CCTV range so that it would not be recorded.

Meanwhile, the CCTV that showed the activity of cars entering and leaving the parking lot clearly recorded all the cars. However, from the many cars that passed in and out of the hospital, no suspicious cars were seen. Until finally the police conducted another investigation at the scene.

Ariana herself admitted that she did not see the perpetrators because she was in the bathroom. The nearest CCTV recorded the activity of the two kidnappers entering but Ariana was not seen there. Indeed, at the time of the incident, Ariana did not leave the room, she was silent when two of Andre's men came and took action.

Leon also deployed Charlie's trusted people to conduct an investigation up to several kilometers from the scene. However, there has been no news about Veronica.

"Actually, who did it? What's the motive?" Leon muttered while messing up his hair. Since a few minutes ago he had just been pacing around unclearly. The anxiety in his heart was so visible from his gloomy and wrinkled face.

"What if Grandpa finds out I'm here for Veronica?"

"Young Master, there's a call from the Grand Master," Cindy said while holding out her cellphone. Charlie had called Leon's cellphone but the number was inactive until he contacted Cindy.

"Just tell Grandpa I'm busy."

"Young Master doesn't want to accept it?"

Leon shook his head. Cindy moved away, she immediately accepted the call from Charlie. While Leon let out a rough breath when he realized he couldn't escape Charlie's shadow wherever he was.

Leon muttered softly. He was really like eating a sour fruit. Eating it was risky, not eating it was also risky. Moving forward would be hit, retreating would also be hit. Leon wanted to be honest with Charlie that he still loved Veronica. However, he didn't dare to say it because he knew very well how much Charlie hated the woman who he thought had no ethics.

However, if Leon wasn't honest with Charlie, his grandfather would continue to find a match for him. A few days ago he felt very relieved because Catherine's parents postponed the matchmaking. However, Leon heard from Robert, Charlie's assistant, that Charlie was trying to approach his other business partners in order to match Leon with his business partner's granddaughter.

"The Master wants to have a video call with you, Young Master."

Cindy's words interrupted Leon's reverie. The man shook his head, still not wanting to accept Charlie's call. "Just say I'm in a meeting with a client!"

Cindy snorted in annoyance at Leon's answer. Again and again, Cindy was forced to lie to Charlie to cover up what Leon was doing at the hospital.

For a moment Leon felt relieved again because he was free from Charlie's pursuit. However, that relief didn't last long because Cindy came back and said, "The Master wants you to make time for dinner at home. There are guests coming."

"I definitely want to be matched again," Leon grumbled half-annoyed.

Cindy just shrugged and walked away. Cindy approached the police officer who was reenacting the scene.

"Is there any clarity yet, sir?" Cindy asked the officer.

"Not yet, Miss. We're still trying."

The police officer answered politely while still doing his job. A cliché answer according to Cindy. However, what can you do, that's the procedure.

Then a police officer came to the room and whispered something to the squad leader who was also there. Cindy saw it but she didn't comment much. She thought that they were working and she shouldn't bother them.

Cindy's phone rang again, a call from Charlie. Leon was forced to accept it because Charlie insisted. Like it or not, Leon rushed out of the room and headed to the parking lot. Charlie was about to come to the company, that's why Leon had to return to the office as soon as possible.

Even though it felt heavy because his business was not finished, Leon left the hospital and for the time being did not think about Veronica anymore. However, Leon's men remained on guard at the hospital to oversee the case.

Meanwhile, Andre had arrived at his destination, an old warehouse outside the city. Assisted by two of his men, Andre took Veronica out of the car. Veronica was taken into a room in the warehouse and guarded tightly by four of Andre's men who had arrived there earlier.

Veronica was still under the influence of the anesthetic and had not yet regained consciousness.

"Tie her hands and feet. Don't forget, tape her mouth!" Andre ordered his men.

"But, Boss. Her feet are in this cast. Do you want to tie them too?" Andre's men asked, he was worried that the casted feet would be problematic if tied.

"Just tie them, tie them tightly!"

After saying that, Andre left the room. Andre was about to enjoy the food that his men had just bought.

The person assigned to tie Veronica immediately took action. A few minutes later, Veronica was seated on a chair with her hands and feet tightly tied. The mouth of the woman who was still Leon's wife had also been taped so that she would not make a sound when she regained consciousness.

After finishing his meal, Andre returned to the room where Veronica was. Andre immediately made a video showing Veronica's condition tied up there. Unexpectedly, Veronika woke up and opened her eyes. However, she had not realized Andre's presence in the room.

Veronica's minimalist eyes narrowed, she felt strange with the place. Then she realized that she was tied up. Veronica tried to rebel by shaking the bonds on her hands and feet. Then Veronica's screams were heard which were muffled by the duct tape on her mouth.

When Veronica looked back, she just realized Andre's presence. Veronica screamed for her ties to be released. However, all that was heard were unclear voices due to her mouth being taped.

Andre laughed in satisfaction. Then he made another video when Veronica struggled and tried to free herself from the shackles. It seemed that Veronica's efforts were in vain, because the bond was so strong that no matter how hard the woman struggled, the bond would clearly not come off.

Andre finished taking the video. Then he replayed the video, and then he sent it to Leon's cellphone number. Of course with a new number that Leon did not recognize.

Meanwhile, Leon had arrived at Tan's Industries, coinciding with Charlie's arrival at the company. Charlie did not know that Leon had just arrived. He only knew from Cindy that Leon was not feeling well.

"Leon, let's go to the doctor!" Charlie invited as soon as he arrived in Leon's room.

Leon looked lethargic and unenthusiastic. However, Leon shook his head.

"No, Grandpa. Leon is fine," he refused.

"Okay, let's go have lunch first!"

Charlie invited Leon to go again. Leon nodded in agreement. They prepared to leave. At that moment, a notification sounded on Leon's cellphone. An incoming message from an unknown number.

Feeling curious, he finally opened the message. Leon was shocked when he saw the video.

"Oh, what should I do? What should I do? Go have lunch or look for Vero?"

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