27. Search

Leon was forced to accompany Charlie to lunch outside. They went to a famous restaurant with a row of mouth-watering menus. They immediately took a seat and ordered their food. Not long after, their order was delivered.

However, all the delicious menus that usually tasted delicious now tasted bitter on Leon's tongue. The food seemed to be stuck in his throat and was difficult for him to swallow. It felt awkward and made him feel short of breath. All of that was because Leon was not well. His mind wandered wildly thinking about what had happened to Veronica.

Suddenly Leon remembered the video. Various questions flashed through his mind. Actually, who did the kidnapping? What was the motive? Then, where was Veronica taken? Where should he look for Veronica? 

A bad shadow seemed to haunt him, considering Veronica's condition that had not recovered. Leon saw for himself, in the video, Veronica's hands and feet were clearly tied. Even though Veronica's leg was injured. Wouldn't that affect her injury? What if her injury got worse? Leon was afraid that something bad would happen to Veronica. 

Leon tried to think about how he could get away from Charlie now. So that he could go to look for Veronica. Then a question crossed his mind, should he be honest with Charlie about his feelings for Veronica? Then tell Charlie what was happening to his wife?

However, Leon's logic that was still working seemed to warn him. Leon must not take a wrong step. If he was honest, Charlie might forbid him. Or even give him a job that would keep Leon from going anywhere. 

The restlessness and turmoil in his heart were what finally made Leon unable to finish his food. 

"Is the food not good?" Charlie asked inquisitively. 

Charlie could see that Leon had been looking restless and not focused on eating. Charlie guessed that his grandson must not be well. However, Charlie did not want to ask about it. He thought that there might be obstacles in the company and he was sure that Leon would be able to overcome them. If Leon could not overcome them, Cindy would definitely report him, that was what was on Charlie's mind.

"Um... the food is delicious, Grandpa. It's just that Leon doesn't feel like eating." 

If he followed his heart, Leon would have liked to quickly leave the restaurant and look for Veronica. However, he didn't want to make Charlie suspicious. Therefore, Leon pretended to enjoy the food and waited for his grandfather to finish eating. 

"Are you sick?" 

Charlie asked again with a worried expression. He was afraid that Leon was pushing himself too hard to work. 

"No, Grandpa. Leon is fine." 

"Don't underestimate pain, Leon. After this, let's go to the doctor, okay?"

"No, Grandpa. Leon wants to go back to the company. There's a lot of work waiting for him. Maybe taking a short break will help Leon recover his energy." 

Charlie nodded and finished his food. After taking a sip of his drink and wiping his lips with a tissue, he said, "Okay, Grandpa wants to go straight home. Don't forget, don't come home too late because we're going to have dinner at home." 

"Yes, Grandpa." 

Leon couldn't finish his food anymore. He immediately called the waiter to ask for the bill, then followed Charlie who was already walking towards the exit. The two of them left the restaurant.

"Just drop Leon off at the gate, Grandpa. Grandpa can go straight home. Later, let Leon walk by himself from the gate," Leon said when they were approaching the company area. 

Charlie's driver granted Leon's request. He stopped his car near the gate and then drove off again after making sure Leon had gotten out. He honked the horn, saying goodbye to Leon. Not long after, the car had blended in with the other cars on the highway. 

"Sigh, Grandpa's finally gone. I have to act quickly before it's too late. Vero, hang in there. Wait for me, Vero!" Leon muttered softly. 

Leon walked hurriedly to his office while calling the person who would help him track Veronica's whereabouts. The IT expert went straight to Leon's office and carried out his task of tracking the number that had sent the video to Leon.

With his expertise, it only took a few minutes for the location of the video message sender to be tracked by an IT expert. Leon confirmed the location, and according to the map, the location was outside the city. 

Leon immediately made a plan to pick up Veronica. He tried to contact the sender of the message but the number was no longer active. Leon's messages asking what Veronica's kidnapper wanted were not replied to. 

Together with the IT expert and five bodyguards who accompanied him, Leon immediately left for the location where Veronica was being held. 

'Hopefully Veronica stays where she is and doesn't move again,' Leon hoped in his heart. 

About an hour's drive, Leon had arrived at the area that was thought to be the location where Veronica was being held. The IT expert checked the location on his laptop again to make sure.

"It seems like they haven't moved, Sir. They're still at the last location they sent the message," the IT expert said with great certainty. 

"That's good then. That means we don't have to tire ourselves out looking for their location anymore," Leon replied as he returned his attention to the location displayed on the laptop.

Leon and his entourage were getting closer to the location indicated by the map. They combed the road, hoping to soon find the original coordinates where Veronica was being held captive. 

"Sir, we've missed that place," the IT expert reprimanded when he saw that their car was actually moving away from the coordinates. 

"Sir, I suspect this is a trap. From the start, they seemed to be deliberately showing where they were," said the IT expert. 

"It could be that they didn't realize that they could be tracked," Leon argued. 

Leon had thought about that possibility, but Leon also thought about other possibilities. Various possibilities could happen, it was still just an uncertain guess.

In the midst of the slightly tense atmosphere, Leon's cell phone rang, displaying a call from Cindy. Leon deliberately forbade Cindy from coming along to anticipate Charlie's suspicion if she suddenly came or asked about Leon. 

"What's the development?" 

[The police have made a sketch of the perpetrator's face, sir. The bodyguard you assigned to guard the hospital had seen the perpetrator before putting on the mask on the CCTV near the lobby] 

"Good. Any other news?" 

[The Grand Master asked whether you had rested or not. I told the Grand Master that you are currently resting in your private room] 

"Okay. Keep the conditions conducive. We are still looking for the exact location coordinates."

[Okay, Young Master]

Leon ended the call. He breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that the perpetrator would be revealed soon or he would meet the perpetrator directly at the place of detention later.

"Sir, the phone number that contacted you has been identified as its owner," said the IT expert half shouting with joy.


"Mr. Andre, your uncle."


Leon punched the car seat because he was so angry. He didn't care anymore about his fingers that were injured from the punch. He just wanted to vent his emotions.

"Why does he always find trouble with me?" shouted Leon emotionally, making the whole car tense. 

Leon's jaw tightened, his teeth chattering in anger. He wanted to immediately make a calculation with his uncle. 

"Sir, it looks like the coordinates are in that building!" the IT expert pointed outside. 

In front of them was an old building that looked like a storage warehouse because there were no windows there. Leon checked the laptop of the IT expert sitting next to him, then nodded. 

"We have to find a way to get in and check it," Leon said to his bodyguards. 

"Ready, Boss!" the bodyguards replied in unison.

The car Leon was riding in immediately stopped a little far from the building. They didn't want the warehouse occupants to get suspicious and run away. 

Meanwhile, inside the warehouse building.... 

Andre had just sent messages to Leon. Andre knew, this was the time for him to blackmail Leon for money. Don't blame Andre, just blame Leon who asked him to free Veronica in exchange for whatever money Andre asked for. 

Leon who was walking towards the warehouse immediately checked his cellphone when he heard the notification. Leon's eyes widened, almost dropping the cellphone because he was so surprised.

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