36. Charlie's Death

Charlie's face tensed as he watched the video. In the video, it was clearly visible that Leon was being tortured by several people wearing black clothes. They were wearing masks that covered part of their faces. It was also seen when Leon was put into a sack in an unconscious state and his hands and feet were tied.

Then the video also showed a fight between Andre and those people. Andre lost and was battered, then fainted. Then Leon was taken to the sea and dumped there.

"Andre, where did you get these videos? Are they real or edited?" asked Charlie with a tense face.

"Why do you doubt this video? This video is real, Uncle. Andre got it from those people. They wanted to ask me for ransom. They sent the first video. I couldn't bear it, so I intended to free Leon. But instead they ganged up on me until I lost and fainted. That's when they sent the second video. Then the third video."

Charlie watched the videos again. He believed now that everything Andre said was true and the proof was the videos. Suddenly Charlie held his chest. His face, which had been tense, turned pale.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you? Are you thinking about Leon who's missing? Are you afraid Leon will drown?"

Andre pretended to care about his uncle. In fact, behind it, he deliberately added to Charlie's mental stress by saying negative things about Leon. In his heart he laughed out loud because everything that happened was going according to his plan. Soon Charlie would not be able to breathe anymore.

Andre really enjoyed the seconds when Charlie was enduring the pain of dying. It was certain that when the doctor came, Charlie's life would have been lost. Andre just kept quiet, waiting for about ten minutes and then shouted for the maid.

"Maid! Come here quickly!"

Hearing Andre's shout, a maid rushed over.

"Yes, Sir. Can I help you?" asked the maid with a tense face. Everyone knows that Andre is a hot-tempered person who likes to be fierce to the maid.

"Hey, can't you see? The Master is having a relapse. Quickly call the doctor!" snapped Andre, making the maid lose her nerve.

"Yes, Sir. Excuse me!"

The maid immediately ran to where the landline telephone was. She didn't want to be late in calling the doctor and later be blamed if something happened to the Master.

Andre helped Charlie to a sofa in the living room not far from the dining room. Andre didn't care anymore about the food on the table that hadn't been touched. All he cared about was waiting for Charlie's death. His grandfather Leon was still panting and short of breath.

"Calm down, Uncle. We'll report it to the police later. Hopefully Leon is found alive. It would be so sad if he was found dead from drowning."

At first glance it sounded like he was trying to comfort him, but Andre's words were still intended to depress Charlie's mental state. Making Charlie even more shocked and his chest tighter.

A few moments later the maid came back. She caught her breath for a moment because she had just been walking in a hurry.

"Yes, Sir. I've called the doctor. He'll definitely be here soon, maybe he's just on the way now," she reported fearfully.

"Quickly make a warm drink for the Master!" Andre ordered while stroking Charlie's back. Andre doubted whether Charlie would have time to drink it or not because he had already died.

"Yes, Sir."

The maid walked away again with a tense face, walking quickly towards the kitchen. She did not want to be scolded by Andre for being slow in working.

"Are you still short of breath? Don't think about Leon whose fate is still unclear. Now, just relax. Leon will definitely be found, whether alive or dead."

Andre again planted the suggestion to Charlie, making the old man not relax but even more out of breath. Of course Charlie became even more stressed because he thought about Andre's words about Leon. Charlie was afraid that Andre's words would come true. Leon was found drowned. Really, he was even more shocked thinking about Andre's words. Until finally Charlie felt like he couldn't take it anymore. His breath was only one by one, making Andre grin happily. He rushed to put eye drops in his eyes.

At that moment, the maid came back with a glass of warm drink. Andre quickly accepted it.

"You wait here!" Andre ordered. He wanted a witness to see Charlie die by himself. Andre didn't want people to think he killed Charlie, even though that was the case.

"Uncle, drink first, Uncle. Here, let me help you!" said Andre while offering the drink to Charlie who almost closed his eyes.

Charlie shook his head, then panted again and finally fell silent. The old minimalist's eyes closed tightly. Andre smiled happily in his heart, Charlie was gone. He put the drink on the table.

"Uncle, wake up, Uncle. Don't be like this, don't scare Andre, Uncle. Don't leave Andre, Uncle!"

Andre immediately sobbed, of course it was just acting. The maid just watched silently, of course she was sad if what Andre said was true. Charlie was a good employer and cared so much about the maid. So when the good man left, of course she also lost him.

At that moment, the private doctor who had been called earlier came. The man in the white coat immediately approached and performed an examination. He immediately became suspicious when he saw Andre crying over Charlie who had closed his eyes.

The doctor then checked Charlie's pulse and nose which were no longer emitting warm breathing air. Then he made sure by placing a stethoscope on Charlie's chest. He shook his head, then turned and looked at Andre.

"Sorry, Sir. It looks like the old man has died. There is no heartbeat and he is no longer breathing," said the doctor with a concerned face.

"Uncle, don't go, Uncle! Huu ...."

Andre's cries grew louder, his voice could be heard everywhere and made the other maids come. Then they could only stare at their Master who had closed his eyes with a sad and devastated look. They even cried too, feeling sad for losing a kind master like Charlie.

The doctor and several male servants immediately carried Charlie to the room. Then the doctor immediately called a special mortician to take care of the body as usual.

Meanwhile, Leon who was still at Anto's house, the fisherman who had helped him, felt that his strength had recovered. He also started to help lighten Anto's work at home. Anto still forbade him from doing heavy work.

Leon helped lift the salted and dried fish in front of the house. Then moved it into the house because it was getting late afternoon and evening. Leon was still trying to survive in Anto's house, he wanted to recover his body condition and hide from Andre.

Leon tried to make a plan to avenge Andre's crimes against him. That's why he was temporarily hiding, until he found the right way to take revenge.

Anto, who was curious about Leon's identity, had time to ask him, and Leon answered everything without hiding anything anymore. Leon only told Anto not to tell people about Leon's presence in his house.

Days passed, Leon had been at Anto's house for four days. He had completely recovered and the wounds on his body had begun to dry up. Leon began to train diligently and deepen his martial arts skills that he had not used for a long time. His determination was firm, he would take revenge on Andre, his shameless uncle.

Charlie had told Leon about the true identities of Andre and Felix, Andre's father. The two of them were not blood-related to Charlie. That was why Leon really felt reluctant if Andre took control of Charlie's property when he was considered no longer there.

Anto, who had just come home from the fisherman's market, watched Leon practicing from afar. He approached and was amazed by Leon's very agile movements.

"Can I learn martial arts too?" Anto asked with a face that clearly showed his interest.

Leon stopped what he was doing and smiled. "Okay. Do you want to learn now?"

Anto's face immediately brightened, his eyes sparkling. "Really? I want to learn now. Okay, wait for me to rest for a while and then get ready."

Anto brought the things he brought from the market into the house. He turned on the television on a whim and made a drink. He sat down while sipping his drink, intending to train with Leon after that. His sharp ears caught a glimpse of the sad news of a big Chinese businessman of Thai descent.

At first, Anto did not think the news was important. However, when the news anchor mentioned a name that sounded familiar to him, he became curious. Anto approached the television, then listened to the news. The next second, he gasped and quickly shouted.

"Mr. Leon! Come here quickly!"

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