35. Obituary

"Don't stop me! I want to celebrate my victory. Ha-ha-ha ... Charlie, wait for your destruction!"

Andre fell down after saying that. Making his subordinates who were still 'sane' click their tongues and then helped Andre to stand up. Then he carried him to a room that Andre usually occupied when they gathered at the headquarters like that.

"Veronica ... I want to make love to you. I should have tasted you first before letting you go. Oh, damn! I want to make love ....!"

Andre had time to ramble as his subordinates laid his unconscious body on the bed.

"Tsk! The Boss has time to ramble!" Andre's henchman grumbled.

Andre's henchman was about to leave the place, but suddenly Andre pulled his hand.

"Honey, come make love to me! Don't worry, I'm a mighty man!" Andre coaxed, he was already influenced by alcohol to the point of rambling and in his eyes, his henchman was Veronica.

"Huh! Disgusting!"

Andre's henchman immediately pushed Andre's hand away, he shuddered in horror then immediately ran away, out of the room. While Andre himself was still rambling and finally passed out.

"The Boss is so drunk. Huh! I almost became a victim!" Andre's henchman grumbled.

He checked his friends who were all unconscious, lying everywhere. Some were on the table, on the floor, and also on the sofa. He was grateful that he had only drunk two glasses of alcohol so he didn't get high. He also took the time to check all the doors and windows in the headquarters to make sure everything was locked. Then he lay down on a sofa in the room.

In the morning, Andre edited the video recorded by his men. The video was about him and one of his men throwing a sack containing Leon's body into the sea. Andre disguised his face so that he wouldn't be recognized. Even though he was wearing a mask that covered part of his face, for safety reasons, he still edited it.

"Boss, our order has been sent. It will arrive tonight," reported one of Andre's men.

"Prepare someone to pick it up. I'm going back to the main residence. Remember, you have to play clean and safe!" Andre ordered his men.

"Ready, Boss!"

Andre's men then left the place. Leaving Andre who was still busy with his activities in front of his laptop screen. Suddenly he remembered something and grabbed his cellphone. He checked it for a moment and shook his head.

"Why are there no incoming messages from Mrs. Ariana, huh? Is it possible that she's not at home?" Andre muttered softly, then put the cellphone he was holding on the table.

"What a woman who doesn't know her advantage! If I didn't need Veronica to lure Leon, I wouldn't have anything to do with that materialistic and cunning woman. Annoying!"

Andre grabbed his phone again, then typed a message for Ariana.

[Madam, I have returned your daughter. I hope you and your daughter will keep your mouths shut or I might be cruel to you and your daughter] send.

"Just watch out if they mess around. I'll eliminate them all like I eliminated Leon!"

Andre put his phone back down, then continued editing his almost finished video. A few minutes passed, Andre smiled in satisfaction seeing the results of his work.

"Just look, Old Man. Your beloved granddaughter is gone. Surely Old Man Charlie will have a heart attack when he sees this video. Then I will take over all his wealth. Ha-ha-ha ...."

Andre's laughter echoed in the room. Making his men look at each other and just shrug their shoulders, as if with that gesture they were saying, 'what's wrong with the Boss?' and his friend answered, 'I don't care'.

The afternoon arrived, Andre prepared to go home to the main residence, where Charlie lived. Andre looked in the rearview mirror, his face grimacing in pain. He deliberately ordered his men to make his face battered to get Charlie's attention. So that his act would be more convincing and Charlie would believe him.

Meanwhile, six of his men were the same, preparing for tonight's activities, picking up their ordered goods. Illegal goods that they were going to sell again.

Andre arrived at the main residence in the evening. The security guard on duty immediately opened the gate when he heard Andre's car horn.

After parking his vehicle, Andre immediately entered the main residence in a hurry. He knew that at that hour, Charlie was usually in front of the dining table and enjoying his dinner. That was why he rushed so he could meet Charlie.

It seemed like luck was on Andre's side. As he predicted, Charlie was indeed sitting on one of the chairs surrounding the dining table.

Andre immediately put on a sad expression. He hoped that Charlie would easily believe his story. Then everything went according to his expectations. Ah, imagining all that made Andre feel very happy.

"Good evening, Uncle. Sorry Andre disturbed Uncle who was about to eat," Andre greeted with a sad face.

Charlie turned his head, then his gaze fell on his nephew's arrival. The old minimalist eyes narrowed when he saw Andre's battered face.

"Evening too. What's wrong with your face, Andre? Don't tell me that you just got into a fight because of a woman. Remember your age. Get married, Andre!"

"Uncle, don't talk like that. Andre didn't get into a fight because of a woman. But Andre ... sob ... sob ...."

Tears streamed down Andre's face, fake tears that came from Andre's fake eye drops. However, Charlie certainly didn't know that. He only knew that Andre, his nephew, was crying about something.

"Patience. Why are you crying?" Charlie comforted him.

"How can I be patient, Uncle? I lost my only nephew. Sob ... sob ...."


Charlie's heart immediately pounded when he heard Andre's words. He narrowed his eyes, observing Andre's face carefully.

"Tell me what happened to Leon!" Charlie urged.

"Forgive me, Uncle. Forgive Andre for not being able to help Leon. He ... he ...."

Andre deliberately left his words hanging, making Charlie curious.

"Tell me Leon why?"

"Uncle, just look at this video! Andre can't say it!"

Andre immediately handed over his cellphone which showed a video that immediately made Charlie short of breath.

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