34. Poor Veronica

Meanwhile at Veronica's residence

After Andre and the driver left, Veronica was pushed inside by Aunt Yati--her housemaid.

"Shall we go straight to Miss's room?" asked Aunt Yati slowly and carefully.

"Yes. Oh yeah, where's Mama?"

Veronica turned and fixed her gaze on Yati who was pushing her wheelchair.

"Madam just came home from the social gathering an hour ago, Miss. She's probably resting now."

Veronica snorted harshly. "Take me to Mama's room!" Veronica ordered. She really felt annoyed with her mother. She had just been kidnapped and her mother was enjoying herself at the social gathering and sleeping in her room. As if nothing had happened to her daughter. Was that the attitude of a mother who loved her child?

Could Yati refuse if her employer told her to? Of course she would do what she was told. And she slowly pushed the wheelchair towards Ariana's room. After arriving in front of the room, Yati knocked on the door. However, there was no answer from inside.

"See, Miss. Madam must be resting."

Yati said that while looking at Veronica as if asking for her permission not to disturb Ariana again by telling her to knock on the door.

Unexpectedly, instead of backing down, Veronica said that. It seemed like she really wanted to wake her mother up.

Knock knock knock!

Yati knocked on the door again, a little louder than before, but there was still no response from inside the room.

"Miss, let's just go," Yati coaxed, she was afraid that Ariana would be angry because the two of them had disturbed her rest time.

"No, Aunt. Knock again loudly. This time Mama will definitely wake up!"

Yati was almost frustrated with her employer's orders. She was really afraid that Ariana would be angry and blame her for not wanting to persuade Veronica not to disturb her mother.

Knock knock knock!

"Madam, Miss Veronica wants to meet you, Madam!"

Yati was forced to use Veronica's name to wake up her employer. And it seemed like the idea worked, because Ariana immediately woke up when she heard Veronica's name being called.

"What, Aunt? Is Veronica there?" Ariana asked while rubbing her eyes, she was still lazing around on the bed.

"Yes, Madam. Miss Veronica wants to meet you!"

Ariana immediately glared. All the drowsiness that had been reluctant to leave had disappeared, because she was so surprised to hear Veronica in front of her room.

"Vero is home? Why didn't Andre tell me?" Ariana muttered softly. She immediately got out of bed and opened the door.


The sound that Veronica had been waiting for was heard. Accompanied by the sound of the door opening and Ariana peeking out from behind it.

"Vero! Are you home, Honey?"

Ariana immediately put on a sad expression seeing Veronica's condition. In her heart, she cursed Andre for not telling her beforehand that Veronica would be coming home. So she didn't panic and could prepare herself first to face Veronica.

Veronica's wheelchair immediately moved into Ariana's room. Making Yati stunned and could only rub her chest.

"Mom knows, Vero has just been kidnapped by bad people. Do you care? Mom is actually enjoying the social gathering and sleeping at home, even though it's still afternoon like this. Why didn't you look for Vero?"

Veronica shot her sharp gaze, really intimidating Ariana. She knew, Ariana was her mother, she shouldn't be angry or fight her mother. However, she felt that Ariana had not loved her enough since long ago. Since Veronica was a teenager, Ariana was only busy with her care activities and also having fun. Never paying attention to what difficulties or problems her daughter faced.

When Mahendra, Veronica's father died, Ariana did not change, instead she had more activities. Alexander William spoiled her because he realized that Ariana did not have a husband. Ariana started to join social gatherings and hang out with her socialite friends. So that Veronica, besides losing her father, was also far from the reach of her mother.

When Veronica grew up and worked, Ariana also seemed close to Veronica just because she relied on Veronica for all her needs. From shopping to social gatherings and hanging out with her socialite friends, Veronica fulfilled all of them.

And now, when Veronica was kidnapped from the hospital, Ariana was actually sleeping comfortably at home, instead of looking for her whereabouts. Even though Ariana had enough power to find Veronica, either through the police or a private detective.

Ariana was flustered, she didn't expect Veronica to look that angry at her. Ariana was indeed guilty because she didn't do anything when she found out Veronica was kidnapped. However, she acted calm like that because she knew Andre was the one who kidnapped her daughter. Andre also guaranteed Veronica's safety and promised to return Veronica intact.

"M-mom is looking for Vero. Mom has reported it to the police. They are looking for Vero. Mom is still waiting for news from them."

Ariana said that with a pitiful face. If there was an acting talent search, Ariana would definitely pass because her acting was really natural. Really getting into her role as a mother who lost her child. In fact, Ariana was the actor behind Veronica's disappearance, of course with Andre as the director.

Veronica let out a harsh breath. She immediately left her mother's room with a shattered heart. She knew her mother was lying. She believed Yati more when she said that her mother went to a social gathering with her socialite friends, not to the police station.

Look. Veronica didn't even get a hug from her mother. How else should Veronica behave towards her mother? How should she make her mother love her like a mother would love her child like other people in general?

"Want to go to the room, Miss?" Yati asked carefully. She was afraid that her employer would still be angry and easily offended.

"Yes. Please take me. Vero also wants to take a shower. Please help me, okay!"

"Okay, Miss."

Yati immediately fulfilled her employer's request. She pushed Veronica's wheelchair to her room and also helped the girl to take a shower.

"Do you want me to prepare the food now or later, Miss?"

"Later, Aunt. Vero isn't hungry yet," Veronica refused with a sad face. "Just go out. If Vero needs anything, Vero can call," she continued.

"Okay, Miss. If you'll excuse me, Miss."

Veronica was lost in thought after Yati left. She was still thinking about her mother. Look! Her mother didn't even have the slightest intention to come and visit her. Even though her mother certainly knew how dire her condition was.

"What did I do wrong, God? Why is my own mother like a stranger to me?" Veronica complained softly while staring at the ceiling of her room.

Poor Veronica. She didn't even know that she was kidnapped with her mother's consent. Just for the sake of a ridiculous agreement with Andre, in the name of money. Really, Veronica would be angry if she knew the truth.

Meanwhile, Andre had arrived at a place that was his headquarters with his men. They were having a drinking party there. Andre had drunk countless glasses of liquor. Until now the man's consciousness had disappeared because he was controlled by alcohol.

Andre continued to ramble, then laughed to himself. His men were the same, they were as drunk as Andre.

"Enough, Boss, don't add any more. Boss is already drunk," forbade Andre's men who were still half-conscious. He saw Andre about to open an unknown number of bottles of liquor, so he forbade him.

"Don't stop me! I want to celebrate my victory. Ha-ha-ha... Charlie, wait for your destruction!"

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