33. Saved

Meanwhile, at the scene Leon was dumped by Andre.

After making sure Andre and his men left the beach, Anto--a fisherman--who saw the sack dumping incident also left his hiding place. Anto was very curious because he witnessed everything from the beginning.

From the arrival of the two cars, Anto had noticed. Then when Andre rented a speedboat, Anto also knew. Anto also witnessed when Andre's men carried a sack and then dumped it in the middle of the sea. Even secretly, Anto who was hiding behind his boat, also had time to take a long-distance video of the incident.

Anto felt curious, what was actually in the sack that was thrown away earlier. He saw Andre and his men who were both wearing masks and hats had time to capture the moment of throwing away the sack. As if they were capturing something valuable, like a memory. Making Anto's curiosity rise.

"If it was just an ordinary sack, why did they have to capture the moment they threw it away?" Anto muttered, starting to be filled with suspicion.

Armed with suspicion and a very strong curiosity, Anto released his boat from the mooring. Then he started the engine and took his boat to the middle of the ocean. He remembered where Andre and his men had thrown the sack away.

As a fisherman, Anto is very familiar with the points where there are many fish to catch every day. And the point where Andre threw the sack is Anto's search point every day.

Anto turned off the boat engine and drove only based on the waves. Initially, Anto paid attention to the estimated coordinates of Andre and his men throwing the sack. Then prepared to dive.


Anto's body floated, then plunged into the water. After a few minutes in the water, Anto reappeared on the surface of the water. Inhaling and supplying as much air as possible before finally diving again.

Anto did not feel discouraged, he kept searching and searching. Until finally when diving within a radius of several meters from the estimated point, his alert eyes saw the object he had been looking for. Anto swam closer and touched the sack.

"This sack is heavy. What's in it?" Anto muttered.

Even though it felt heavy, especially being in the water, Anto still forced himself to carry the sack. He was so curious about its contents. Especially when he accidentally held something that looked familiar, and that made him very suspicious.

"Huh! We're here!"

Anto sighed in relief, finally he reached the surface of the water too. He shook his head, shaking his hair to the right and left. Then grabbed the boat as a handle. With great difficulty he tried to lift the sack onto the boat. Then immediately followed up once the sack was lying there.

"What's in it?"

Anto grabbed his equipment box, then took a knife from there. With the knife, Anto tried to untie the sack. The tie was broken, Anto couldn't wait to open the sack.

"What's this? A stone?"

If he had no other suspicions, Anto would probably have thrown the sack back into the sea. However, he had to prove his suspicions. He slowly took out the stones in the sack, until finally his suspicions were answered. Truly, he was shocked to see it.

"Is there someone here? No wonder I was able to feel the shape of the head!"

Anto immediately cut open the sack, then his eyes widened when he saw what happened to the person inside the sack.

"Oh my God, how pitiful, he's battered like this. Who could have done this. It looks like he passed out from all these beatings."

Anto cut off the ties on Leon's hands and feet, then stretched Leon's bent hands and feet, and he laid him down on the boat deck with the sack as a base.

"Hopefully he doesn't get too much water in," Anto muttered.

Anto tried to press Leon's stomach and water gushed out through Leon's mouth. Honestly, Anto felt nervous. Especially when Leon finally coughed and opened his squinty eyes.

"Thank God you're awake," Anto said with emotion. How could he not be moved, he managed to save someone's life. If only he hadn't followed his wishes to take the sack, who knows what happened to Leon. Surely the sack would sink. Leon's tall, big and heavy body plus a bucket of rocks, of course the sack was even heavier.

Anto gave first aid to Leon. Helping Leon to get up and giving him drinks and also various snacks available on his motorboat. Which he usually prepared as provisions for going to sea.

"Sorry, this is all there is," said Anto uncomfortably. Afraid that Leon would not like or dislike the food.

"It's okay. Thank you," said Leon softly. Leon really appreciated Anto's help and kindness. Therefore, he took the food and ate it even though it was a little.

Anto increased the speed of his boat so that they could reach land faster. Within a few minutes, the boat had reached the beach. After mooring the boat at the pier, Anto helped Leon get up and carried him down the boat.

"Wait a minute. Just wait here!"

Anto ran away from Leon at the pier to get his motorbike at the motorbike storage place. After getting his motorbike, he rushed over to Leon.

"Come on, get on!"

Anto's invitation was warmly welcomed by Leon with a smile. Anto helped Leon get his body onto the motorbike. After making sure Leon was comfortable sitting, Anto immediately spurred his iron horse away from the pier.

"Do you need to be taken to the doctor?"

Anto asked that because he saw the wounds on Leon's face and also several other parts of his body.

"No need. Just take me to your house!" Leon asked.

Anto didn't ask anything else. He focused on riding his battered motorbike through the streets towards his house. Only about ten minutes away, Anto stopped his motorbike.

Anto immediately got off and held his motorbike, with one hand he helped Leon get off. Then he helped support the man he found in the sea to sit on the bench on the terrace of his simple house.

"Sorry my house is narrow and simple, Sir. It might make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay. This is good," Leon praised, making Anto's face warm with joy. Anto was happy because Leon was not like most rich people who liked to insult and belittle him because he was poor.

Anto opened the door of the house with the key he brought, then helped Leon to enter and sit on the very worn bench of his house.

"I'll get you some medicine and a change of clothes first."

After saying that, Anto left Leon and walked towards the room in the house. Not long after he came back out with a set of clothes in the form of a t-shirt and boxer shorts. Understandably, Anto's body was quite short and was a stark contrast to Leon's tall and big body. That was why he brought a t-shirt and boxer shorts, in the hope that the clothes would fit Leon's body.

"Sorry, there are clothes like this. I'm afraid the other clothes won't fit."

Leon nodded and smiled in response to Anto's words. "It's okay. Where can I change clothes?"

Anto took Leon to change clothes while rinsing his body that was exposed to sea water in the bathroom. After giving him a dry towel, Anto returned to his room, to get a change of clothes for himself. He brought along the first aid kit that he always had.

Leon winced as his wounds were treated by Anto. He didn't expect to get so many wounds. He remembered that previously he couldn't fight back because he was held by two of Andre's men. Then he was beaten by Andre's other men.

"Thank you. Oh yeah, may I ask? What's your name? Then, why am I on your boat?"

Anto stopped his activity of applying red medicine to Leon's wounds.

"My name is Anto, sir. I saw you thrown into the sea by those people. Then I helped you once they left."

Leon frowned at Anto's words. As if he could read the doubts in Leon's mind, Anto took out his cellphone and played the video recording that he had taken at that time. Although it was only a simple cellphone, the images in the video were quite clear and Leon immediately recognized who was in the video.

"I was put in a sack?" Leon asked, turning his gaze away from the video and looking at Anto.

Yes, Sir. The sack was also filled with rocks to sink it. I had quite a hard time finding it."

Leon clenched his fists, his jaw immediately tightened with his face turning bright red from holding back his anger.

"Insolent! Just wait for my revenge!"

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