32. Coming Home

Veronica blinked several times. It felt like a dream, she could be in that place. That's when she realized that the ties on her hands and feet had been removed. When and who did it, Veronica didn't know. Maybe when she was sleeping.

Veronica pinched her cheek, to make sure that she really wasn't dreaming. It turned out that it really hurt. And she really believed that the incident was real, not just in her dream. When she pinched her cheek, she realized that her mouth was still taped.


Veronica winced in pain as she removed the tape from her mouth. Although she did it slowly, the tape was so sticky on her skin that it would definitely sting and hurt.

Veronica's eyes sparkled, she felt relieved now that she was free from the tape and rope that had been binding her lately. Especially when she realized where they were now. Really, she didn't expect the car she was riding in to stop right in front of her house gate. Of course she was surprised.

"How could this happen? They said they were going to the headquarters? Why are they suddenly here? Didn't they go to the headquarters?" Veronica muttered softly.

Veronica felt very grateful. In her heart she thanked God many times because she had truly escaped death, and now Andre had even taken her home. Truly, for her, nothing could have made her happier than receiving that surprise.

The security guard who was guarding the gate of Veronica's house immediately opened the gate as soon as he heard Andre honking the horn. The security guard looked around for a moment and when he saw Veronica in the car, he immediately opened the gate wide.

Veronica couldn't understand how Andre knew her home address. Was it possible that Andre had investigated everything about her, because suddenly Andre could know and even take Veronica home. What wind made Andre do something like that?

Veronica knew that Andre was so cruel. His cruelty was indiscriminate. Even towards Leon, his own nephew and also Leon's men. But why was Andre being kind to Veronica? Of course Veronica wondered.

'What does Andre mean by being kind to me? Didn't Andre kidnap and torture me? Why did he suddenly free me? Then even take me home?'

Those questions could only flash through Veronica's mind, without her knowing the answers. She could only guess what had really happened.

The car carrying Veronica drove into Veronica's yard. Then it stopped not far from her porch. Veronica scanned the surroundings, looking right and left. She didn't see another car containing Andre's men. Maybe Andre's men in the car really went to the headquarters, Veronica thought.

The driver immediately walked around and opened the car door for Andre. As soon as Andre got out, the driver immediately closed the door. After that, he walked to the back, opened the trunk and took out Veronica's wheelchair. Then tried to unfold the wheelchair.

After fixing the position of the wheelchair, the driver opened the door of the car where Veronica was. The driver helped Veronica get out and sat her in the wheelchair. Then pushed the wheelchair until it reached the porch.

Knock! Knock!

"Excuse me!"

Andre's voice sounded loud and broke the silence of the evening. Veronica wanted to say that it would be better if they just went in. Just open the door because it was usually unlocked before nightfall. However, Veronica tried to keep her mouth shut. She didn't want to say the wrong thing. Then it would end up making Andre change his mind and kidnap her again.


The door opened and Veronica's housemaid appeared. The housemaid was surprised when she saw Andre. Then the middle-aged woman's gaze fell on Veronica.


The maid immediately rushed to hug Veronica, making Veronica herself feel surprised.

"Miss Vero is okay? Where have you been? Everyone is asking about Miss," said the maid who was so happy to see her employer okay.

When the maid turned around, she was surprised because she just remembered that Andre was still standing in front of the entrance.

"Please come in, sir. Are you looking for Mrs. Ariana?"

Andre did not answer the question, but only glanced sarcastically for a moment. Making the maid finally take over the wheelchair and push it into the house. Without knowing that Andre and his driver had secretly left the place.

"He's already where he should be. Let's go back to the base!" Andre said that to his driver and the driver only agreed. Andre returned to his car and the luxury vehicle sped off carrying Andre who was filled with emotion.

"Hurry up! I don't have much time!" Andre ordered his driver. Without saying much, Andre's driver immediately increased the speed of the car. Until an hour's journey they arrived at the place Andre called the headquarters.

Andre can't wait to execute his plan. A big plan that will change Leon and Charlie's life.

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