31. Veronica's Last Hope

Andre and one of his men lifted the sack containing Leon's body and threw it into the sea. The incident was seen by Veronica who was in the car, causing Veronica to panic and become scared. She screamed and struggled.

However, Veronica's screams were in vain because her voice was swallowed by the duct tape covering her mouth. Veronica's struggles were also in vain, because the ties on her hands and feet were so strong that they would not come off with just a little tug from Veronica.

Not to mention Veronica's leg that felt sore from her movements. Every time she moved, her injured leg would hurt. Maybe it happened because she had not taken her painkillers several times. Understandably, Andre's men took Veronica by force without bringing the woman's medicine. The medicine that she should have taken routinely at least once or twice a day, to reduce and relieve the pain in her injured leg.

The sack containing Leon's body slowly disappeared from the surface of the water. Veronica cried in shock watching the sack sink. How cunning and cruel Andre was, doing all that to his own nephew. Whatever his purpose was, Veronica did not know.

"Oh God, please save my husband," Veronica muttered softly.

From behind the car window, the face of the woman who was still officially Leon's wife looked up to the sky, begging God who was above.

"Oh God, I'm not close to You. I've never carried out Your orders. But this time, Lord, help Your servant who doesn't know himself. Protect my husband, Lord."

Veronica's voice in her plea was accompanied by tears and sobs whose sound seemed to be muffled by the crashing waves on the beach.

Now, Veronica understood why the sack had been filled with stones.  Nothing other than that the sack sinks quickly.  Andre had every intention of drowning his nephew.

If only Veronica was not injured and not tied by ropes on her hands and feet, Veronica wanted to run and jump into the sea to save Leon. She really couldn't bear to see Leon's condition.

From a distance, it was seen that the speedboat carrying Andre and his men turned around and returned to the beach. Andre immediately jumped from the speedboat followed by two of his men. Veronica desperately held back her tears so that they would not come out again. She was afraid that Andre would see the tears and would torture her.

Veronica's heart was racing. She was really worried and anxious. Cold sweat flowed, wetting her entire body. Her face was pale. She was really afraid that Andre would treat her the same as Leon. Thrown into the sea and end up there.

Understandably, Veronica did not understand why the ropes on her hands and feet were not removed. So do not blame her if her mind wandered wildly and could only guess what Andre would do to her after this. Seeing for herself how cruel Andre was, even to his own niece, let alone Veronica who was a nobody. Maybe Veronica was just waiting for the time to be executed by Andre and his men.

'Oh God, if today is my last day in this world, please forgive all my sins. Please always take care of my mother, God,' said Veronica in her heart.

Andre had arrived beside his car. The man glanced briefly at Veronica, he saw the woman's puffy and swollen eyes. Andre guessed that Veronica must have just been crying.

"Huh, such a crybaby. Why cry over Leon? He's not the only man in this world, right? Damn it!" Andre grumbled sarcastically.

"Let's go!" Andre ordered his driver after getting in the car and sitting beside the wheel.

"Okay, Boss," replied the man who had been Andre's driver for years.

Andre let out a ragged breath. If he didn't remember his promise to Ariana, he would have liked to eliminate Veronica right away. So that she wouldn't be a witness to his crimes. However, if he broke his promise, he was worried that Ariana wouldn't keep her mouth shut and reveal his crimes.

Andre knew that Ariana was a cunning type of woman. It was obvious to him. If she wasn't cunning, how could a mother harm her daughter just because of money?

'Just send her back to her mother, that's it. After that, don't expect me to marry Veronica like her greedy mother wanted. I just agreed to her request so that my wish would be fulfilled,' Andre thought.

Then Andre remembered his conversation with Ariana in the hospital cafeteria.

"If you make Leon disappear, my daughter will become a widow. Are you willing to take responsibility for marrying her?" Ariana asked.

"Of course, Ma'am. I will give a new status to your daughter. Raise her status as high as possible."

Andre said that without hesitation. As if he really meant what he said. In fact, he pretended to say that, so that Ariana would believe him and follow his plan. Like a politician who is campaigning, he makes grandiose promises, and once elected, he pretends to forget his promises. Promises are just promises, who knows when they will be realized.

Andre is a man who doesn't like commitment. That's why even at the age of almost half a century, he doesn't want to get married. He doesn't believe in marriage.

"Boss, are we going back home or to the headquarters?" asked the driver, interrupting Andre's reverie.

"To the headquarters!"

Short, concise, clear and firm. Those were the only words that came out of Andre's mouth, then he became silent. Making the driver not dare to ask anymore because he already knew his employer's character. If it was like that, it meant Andre didn't want to be disturbed.

Veronica who heard the conversation secretly felt relieved. Who knows what Andre would do to her, what is clear is that she has escaped death. Not burned alive and also not drowned in the sea. At least she survived until she reached the headquarters. Who knows where that place is, Veronica could only pray in her heart that the place is very far away. So that there is still time for her to repent and ask God for forgiveness for her sins, if today is her last day living in the world. That is Veronica's only last hope.

It seemed that Veronica's wish had come true, because even though she was so sleepy from exhaustion, they still hadn't reached their destination. How long their journey had taken, Veronica didn't know for sure. With her eyes still heavy, Veronica scanned her surroundings. However, she didn't find any clues about where they were now. The area they passed through felt foreign to her.

Until finally Veronica's minimalist eyes closed again. How long she had fallen asleep, Veronica didn't know for sure. The tiredness of her body and soul demanded to be rested. Although sometimes the pain in her legs came and went, Veronica seemed to have gotten used to enduring the pain.

"Hey, wake up, Sleeping Beauty! We're here!"

With a heavy heart, Veronica tried to open her eyes that were sticky like they were covered in glue. It felt like she had only been asleep for a short while, but suddenly she was woken up in a way that she thought was truly inhumane. Being yelled at near her ear! Really, it was so annoying. Veronica had never been treated like that in her entire life.


How surprised Veronica was when her consciousness began to recover and she opened her eyes, because now she was in a place she really didn't expect.

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