30. Escape from Death

"Come on out! Boss Andre is going to burn down this warehouse!"

'What?  Burned?'

Shock, that's for sure.  Veronica was shocked because she thought that Leon, who was in the sack, would be burned alive.  He knew Andre was very cruel.  And maybe he wouldn't hesitate to burn Leon and the warehouse.

Clear tears flowed from the corners of Veronica's eyes, imagining the fate of the man who was still legally her husband.  Veronica was really sorry, how she hadn't had the chance to apologize to Leon.  Also thanks for the help.

Veronica did not resist and rebel when the wheelchair was pushed by Andre's men. She knew that Andre's men were carrying out their duties. Maybe they also did not want that, but were forced to do it because of their superior's yank duties. Note, they were also forced. Because if they resisted, it would definitely have an impact on the fate of their jobs.

The wheelchair carrying Veronica then sped away, pushed by Andre's men until it exited the warehouse. When she was outside the warehouse, Veronica could see that Andre's other men were pouring gasoline all over the warehouse.

"Boss, do you want to free Leon's men inside?" asked one of Andre's men.

"No need. Just let them burn alive in that room! The important thing is that we take Leon!"

How could Veronica not be shocked to hear that conversation? At first, Veronica thought that Leon was still in the warehouse, tied up and put in the sack. However, it turned out that Leon was taken by them. Then Leon's men who they wanted to let burn alive.

'Don't they realize that they are playing with lives? Is life that meaningless to them?'

Of course, Veronica could only say that question in her heart. Besides her mouth was indeed taped, she also didn't want something worse to happen to her, as a result of her words.

Veronica scanned the surroundings, looking for Leon. Maybe the sack was still there. However, she did not see the sack containing Leon.

'Where are they taking Leon?' Veronica thought anxiously.

Curiosity mixed with sadness because she would be separated from Leon clouded her mind. Moreover, she knew very well how cruel Andre was. However, she did not know what Andre would do to Leon who was locked in a sack.

Andre's men had finished pouring gasoline all over the warehouse. Then, Andre dropped a lit match on the spilled gasoline. In a matter of seconds, the fire spread, then blazed.

Hot air immediately radiated, felt around the warehouse. Veronica could feel the hot air touching her face, even though the distance from the warehouse to the place where she was 'secured' by Andre's men was quite far from the warehouse.

"Help! Help!"

"Let us go!"

There were screams for help from inside the warehouse. Veronica guessed that it must have been Leon's men who were locked up in one of the rooms in the warehouse. Veronica couldn't help but shudder in horror. She couldn't imagine what would happen if she was also locked up and burned there. Surely her body would be completely burned.

In her heart, Veronica actually wondered, why was she 'safe' from the fire while the others were not?

Veronica didn't know that Andre had already made a deal with Ariana. The point was that Veronica had to be safe and not be harmed by Andre. And Andre held fast to his promise to Ariana. He only pretended and 'a little' tortured Veronica and made a video of it, to lure Leon's arrival. Veronica was only used as bait to catch Leon and finish him off.

Veronica could see that none of Andre and his men had any intention of helping Leon's men who were burning inside. Maybe they wanted to help but were forbidden by Andre. Or maybe they didn't dare because the fire spread quickly and they could get hurt if they dared to break through, that's what was on Veronica's mind.

"Ha-ha-ha ... feel it for you guys!"

Andre laughed out loud when he heard Leon's men scream. Really, Veronica shuddered again when she imagined what happened to them. In her heart she prayed, hopefully they could be saved, no matter what.

Then Andre walked away from the warehouse, followed by his men. Veronica was nervous when she realized they were approaching her. She was afraid that Andre would do something to harm her. Or maybe Andre was just a thought and brought Veronica back to the warehouse to burn like the others.

'Oh God, help me!' Veronica begged in her heart.

Veronica had imagined that maybe today was the last day of her life. Veronica really regretted it because she felt like she had never been close to God and rarely worshiped God. She already felt pessimistic, feeling that God would definitely not help her this time.

Veronica remembered Ariana, the only family she had. In her heart, Veronica hoped that Ariana was okay. Really, she couldn't imagine what it would be like if her mother knew what she was going through now. Surely her mother would be sad if she found out that her only daughter was gone, burned alive by Andre.

Veronica wanted to cry, then beg and beg Andre for forgiveness. So that Andre would forgive her and not let her burn with the others. However, Veronica realized that Andre would definitely not hear her because her mouth was taped shut.

As soon as she was only a few meters away from Andre, Veronica's body immediately trembled. Her heart was beating so fast, pounding so hard that Veronica felt like she could hear her own heartbeat. Really, she was really scared. Her chest felt like it was being squeezed by an invisible wall that it was hard to breathe.

However, Andre did not do anything to Veronica at all. Andre instead immediately opened the car door and sat beside the driver.

"Bring the woman in!" Andre ordered his men, which they immediately agreed to.

Relief. That's what Veronica felt when she heard Andre's order. It meant that Andre had not done anything to her. Veronica exhaled roughly, feeling grateful that she was safe. Escaped from death. Although she didn't know what would happen to her after this. What was certain was that she was not burned alive. Truly, Veronica felt very grateful. Her heartbeat returned to normal, and the tightness that had been pressing on her chest disappeared.

'Praise God. Thank you, God,' Veronica thought as she closed her eyes. Clear tears flowed from the corners of her minimalist eyes, feeling touched and grateful that she had escaped from death. She promised in her heart, after that day, she would draw closer to God.

One of Andre's men carried Veronica's body and put it in the car. Followed by another of Andre's men who brought her wheelchair. Andre certainly remembered that he had to return Veronica to Ariana as before. That was why Andre had ordered his men to untie Veronica's body on the bench, to move her to the wheelchair. However, her hands and feet were still tied. Her mouth was also still taped.

When she was already in the car, Veronica saw the burlap sack containing Leon's body was also in the car. Right next to her sitting. If only Veronica was not tied up, she wanted to free Leon from the sack. However, what could she do? While she herself could not move freely.

The car started moving, followed by a car containing Andre's men. Veronica took a deep breath, she felt sad seeing Leon's fate. Really, she couldn't bear to see it all.

Anger and revenge enveloped Veronica as her gaze shifted forward. In the driver's seat, Andre was laughing on his phone call with who knows who. How furious Veronica was, she wanted to hit the back of that evil man's neck, but what could she do, Veronica's hands were tied behind her back.

About an hour into the journey, the car stopped at a beach. Andre immediately got out followed by several of his men. Two of Andre's men carried the sack containing Leon's body, then took it to the beach, following Andre's steps.

Veronica watched it all with a thundering heart. The bad image of what would happen to Leon flashed through her mind. Veronica kept watching what they were going to do. She saw Andre boarding a speed boat, followed by one of his men carrying a sack containing Leon's body. The speed boat slowly sped through the ocean. Until when it arrived in the middle of the ocean, suddenly something happened that made Veronica immediately scream and struggle.

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