29. Andre's Cruelty

Leon stopped his movement when he heard Andre's voice. He looked back and was not surprised when he saw Andre was already near Veronica. Pointing a knife at the woman's neck. He had expected his uncle to be that cunning.

The opportunity was not wasted by Andre's men who had been fighting with Leon. With one quick movement he immediately kicked Leon's stomach until the man fell to the floor.


Leon groaned but soon he got back up. However, two of Andre's men quickly caught and held both of his arms. Leon wanted to fight back but he held on. Falling down did not reduce his strength. However, he took into account Veronica's life which was in Andre's grasp.

"Bastard! Let go of Veronica!" Leon shouted at Andre who grinned sarcastically, as if to mock him.

"If I don't want to, what do you want?"

Andre said that as if to tease Leon, making Leon's blood boil because of it.

"You can only hide under a woman's weakness. What a loser!" Leon cursed again.

"Ugh! That's so rude to your own uncle. Speak politely!"

Andre seemed to be deliberately teasing Leon again, making Leon clench his fists in anger. Leon wanted to land a raw punch on the man who had the status of his uncle. The insolent uncle who cheated his nephew.

"Me or are you the one who takes refuge under a woman's weakness?"

Andre pointed at himself and Leon when he said that. Making Leon want to give the man in front of him a mirror. So that he could look in the mirror and realize that his actions were very embarrassing.

"Tch! Shameless! If he were a real man, he definitely wouldn't use a weak woman as a shield!"

"Ha-ha-ha... come on, Leon. Don't make me angry with your unimportant chatter!"

Leon tried to rebel but two of Andre's men held his arms tightly.

"What do you want? Why bring Veronica into it?" Leon shouted, he could not accept that the woman who was still officially his wife had to be the victim of Andre's selfishness.

"Hey, disobedient nephew! Speak politely to Uncle. Haven't your parents taught you manners since you were little?" snapped Andre who felt offended because Leon shouted in front of him.

"Tch! Why discuss manners with a greedy and greedy person like you. I'm ashamed to have an uncle like you!"

"Insolent! Hey, you, beat him up!"

Andre shouted at his men who had just arrived to beat Leon. Leon received a series of blows, he could not fight back because both of his hands were held by Andre's other men. Leon's body, stomach, face, and entire body seemed to become a living punching bag, beaten mercilessly. Leon's face was battered and swollen. Fresh blood flowed from the corner of his lips.

Veronica tried to fight back, she really couldn't bear to see Leon being beaten. After all, Leon came because he wanted to save her. Veronica also remembered that when she had an accident, Leon was the one who helped and took her to the hospital. And paid for her medical expenses, although secretly.

In fact, in Veronica's mind, Leon could have just been indifferent to her. After all, their marriage was just a setup by Alexander William. Veronica herself had also asked for a divorce from him. He had insulted and even betrayed her by kissing Dion in front of her eyes. However, it turned out that Leon still cared about her.

Now, when Veronica was kidnapped, Leon also came as a savior for her. How kind Leon was to her, even though he had hurt her. Until finally all of Leon's struggles and kindness made Veronica feel touched.

Veronica knew that Andre had deliberately kidnapped and tortured her to lure Leon's arrival. Veronica didn't know what the dispute was between the two of them. What was clear was that she could read the situation if the two were a nephew and uncle who didn't get along.

Whose heart wouldn't be cut seeing the person they love suffer? Leon, who was in pain from the beatings from Andre's men, could still shed tears seeing Veronica's suffering. Leon knew very well that Veronica was still not well. Her leg was also injured. However, she still had to suffer because of Andre's actions. Tortured, her feet and hands tied, and her mouth taped shut. Veronica was not free to move and she must have had difficulty breathing.

'I'm sorry, Vero. You're suffering because of me,' Leon thought, feeling guilty, because of him, Veronica had to be dragged along and suffer.

Both Leon and Veronica felt sorry for their partner's condition. Both felt guilty for causing their partner to suffer. Veronica, who had never felt anything for Leon, slowly began to open her heart. She could feel Leon's sincerity towards her.

Veronica screamed but her voice was swallowed by the duct tape covering her mouth. She tried to rebel by shaking the ropes that bound her hands and feet. However, because the ties were so strong, she couldn't free herself.

"Ha-ha-ha ... what do you want, Beautiful? Do you want to be angry? Don't accept it? Come on, just get angry if you can. Ha-ha-ha ....!"

Andre laughed at Veronica with all her efforts. Uncle Leon put his hands on his hips, with a cynical and belittling face he looked at the pathetic couple Leon and Veronica.

Really, if Veronica could free herself, she would like to help Leon get up. Then hug him and treat the wounds on his body. Veronica was really sad when she saw Leon who was helpless and unconscious and then tied his hands and feet like Veronica.

"Get the sack here!" Andre ordered one of his men.

Andre's men obeyed, he then left the place to get a large sack that Andre had prepared for Leon. He passed a room that Andre had used for eating and resting. Which was now a place to hold some of Leon's men who were caught by Andre's men while sneaking around beside the warehouse.

Not long after, Andre's men returned with a large burlap sack, along with a large rope. And a bucket of river stones. Andre had told his men that if Leon was caught, those were the things Andre would need.

"Do as I said!" Andre ordered his men.

"Okay, Boss!"

Veronica didn't understand what the sack was going to be used for. Also with other things. However, Veronica's minimalist narrow eyes immediately glared when she saw what Andre's men did. She really didn't expect them to treat Leon like that.

Leon's body, which was unconscious and bound by his hands and feet, was lifted by two of Andre's men. Another held the sack, then they worked together to lift and put Leon into the sack.

Not enough there, the stones in the bucket were also put into the sack. Then the sack was tied with a large rope. The rope was pulled tightly so that it would be difficult to open, either from the inside or from the outside.

If Leon was conscious, he would have rebelled. However, because Leon was unconscious, he did not know what was happening to him. Leon did not know when he was put in a sack, then covered with stones and tied tightly like rice in a sack. He did not know.

Clear tears flowed from Veronica's narrow eyes. She really could not bear to see the cruelty that Andre had committed against Leon. It was useless to help, Veronica was equally helpless.

"It's done, Boss!" Andre's men showed the results of their work.

"Take it out. We'll take it today!"

Then the sack containing Leon's body was dragged out of the room, making Veronica feel pain in her body. Leon was the one being dragged, but she was the one feeling the pain. She could not imagine the suffering that Leon was feeling.

Everyone left the room, leaving Veronica to mourn her miserable fate. Sadness was clearly visible on her beautiful but pale face.

"Oh my God, that person is so cruel. He could be so cruel to his own niece. Then, what will he do to me after this?" Veronica muttered in her anxiety.

There was no one she could ask for help. No cellphone, no other means of communication, and no hope of escape. She was chained in that room, which she herself did not know where it was. Alone, without friends, let alone family. Suddenly Veronica remembered her mother. Where is Ariana now? Is her mother also being held captive like her?

When Veronica was lamenting her fate, Andre's men suddenly came and said something that shocked Veronica to death.

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