Chapter eight

"I have a crime to confess. I've killed someone. You have to lock me up, now!" Dominick blurted out to the policeman at the desk. The cop glared at him while raising a brow.

"Sir, what are you saying?" The cop asked Dominick.

"Please, lock me up. He can't find me out there. It will be too bad for me. I rather go to jail than let him find me. Please!" Dominick begged again.

He heard the news on TV that the assassin had missed its mark. Instead, Geena, Oliver's girlfriend, was killed. Before Dominick ran to the station, he had tried to reach out to the assassin. But the man wasn't picking up.

That could only mean one thing; Oliver had gotten to him.

"Sir, who did you kill?" The cop asked again, trying to get the facts straight for Dominick could need professional help instead.

"Did you watch the news? I planted the bomb that killed that young woman earlier. I deserve to go to jail for that, don't I? Lock me up!" Dominick yelled at the cop. The cop quickly placed him in cuffs and called Detective Petra's attention to the issue.

As they dragged Dominick to a cell, he let out a sigh of relief. He had managed to buy himself a different sentence, or so he thought.

It didn't take long before Oliver and Ludacris came to the station. They stormed in and headed straight for the detention centers. Oliver was convinced that Dominick would have made that move. He knew Tim and Cara couldn't help him at that point.

"Mr Blaze, can I have a moment with you?" Petra suddenly said to Oliver while he was about to open the door. Oliver stopped and faced her, his face darker than the night.

"We have a development on your girlfriend's case-" she started and approached Oliver.

"Dominick Torino has confessed, hasn't he? He has sought asylum in this place, thinking that it can protect him from me," Oliver completed her statement.

Petra's lips parted in surprise. She wondered how he knew.

"Yes. And you know what that means, don't you? He can't leave the station until his trial. Someone like Dominick Torino will plead guilty to avoid a life sentence-"

"I don't want him to go to prison. I want him dead. He attempted to kill me but killed my girlfriend instead. His death is the only justice here," Oliver said to her.

Petra sighed. "That might be difficult. He is ready to confess to everything. This way, he cannot be sentenced to death. Unless new evidence incriminating enough comes up, life imprisonment is the most extreme sentence I see," she told Oliver.

Oliver resisted the urge to punch the wall. Ludacris watched the drama unfold as well. It was a tough one for him. Then, Oliver gently nodded.

"If it's evidence that you need, I'll provide evidence for you," he said to Petra and walked away. Ludacris followed as Petra sighed. 

Oliver drove his car back home and dived into work immediately. He was certain that Dominick had other incriminating secrets. He just had to find them.

Hours passed following constant research. Oliver stepped out for air, the memory of Geena filling his mind. He stood outside his mansion and sighed as her smiles, her warmth, her smell, all saturated his senses. He was going to destroy Dominick, no matter what!

"Oliver Dean? What are you doing here?" Cara suddenly asked Oliver as she stood down from her car.

Seeing the news of Geena's death, Cara decided to visit Oliver Blaze and see if she could replace the girlfriend that he had just lost.

"Do you work here now?" She asked Oliver again, unaware that her ex-husband and the man she was pining after were the same person.

Oliver just shot her a glare. He was not in the mood for her nonsense. Cara noticed this and scoffed.

"I can see that Mr Blaze is paying you so much. It's funny how you have a striking resemblance to him. One would think you're brothers or something. But I know you, Oliver. I know the man I married. You are trash. You probably capitalized on the resemblance to get a job here, didn't you?" She asked him.

When Oliver took a step toward her, she saw how angry he was. His twisted face scared her to the core and she slowly took a step backwards.

"What are you doing here Cara? What do you want?" He asked her in a menacing tone. Cara shuddered at him. She had never seen Oliver so angry.

"I came here to see Mr Blaze. I heard his girlfriend died in an accident today. It doesn't matter that I didn't know her, I just have to see him and comfort him however I can," she suddenly blurted out.

Cara wondered why she shared so much information with Oliver. She glared at him. He was looking good to her, unlike that time when they were still married.

"I guess Mr Blaze pays him well," Cara thought to herself.

"You must leave here immediately. I'm certain your 'Mr Blaze' doesn't want to see you," Oliver shot at her.

Cara whimpered at his tone. How was he so bold?

"Just tell him that I'm here and I'm sure that he will-"

"Get out!" Oliver cut her off with a yell. Cara gasped in fear and ran into her car. Without a second thought, she zoomed off immediately.

Oliver's chest heaved up and down as he watched the car leave. People really had a way of testing him.

He was about to return inside when he heard a ping from his phone. Oliver checked. It was an email with a video attached. The sender was unknown.

With a frown, Oliver played the video. When he saw what was in it, he gasped.

There she was, Geena, being strapped to a chair. She was barely conscious and looked like she had been drugged.

Oliver's emotions shot up as the video ran out, and then a second email followed. Oliver read its contents.

"Hello, Oliver Blaze. It's the Mafia. I have your girlfriend. I believe we have to talk."

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