Meanwhile, as Sophia dashed off to find the security guards, Harry stood there, his anger clear. His fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white, and his face was a mask of flushed rage and humiliation. The audacity of Oliver’s public attack had struck a nerve, igniting a firestorm of vengeance within him.

"How dare you touch me, Harry Whitmore!" Harry spat under his breath, his voice a venomous hiss. The sting of the insult, mingled with the embarrassment of being made a show fueled his resolve for revenge. 

"I’ll make you regret this," Harry seethed, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous glint. The mere thought of Oliver’s smug, unrepentant made him angrier. He was determined to show Oliver—and everyone else—that he was not a man to be toyed with.

Harry paced back and forth, angrily talking on his phone. His face was filled with frustration. Meanwhile, students buzzed with excitement and gossip all around him.

"Harry’s really pulling out all the stops," one student murmured, eyes wide with intrigue. "He’s calling the police. This is getting serious."

Another student shook his head in disbelief. "If I were Oliver, I’d be on my knees, begging for mercy right about now."

A third added with a dark chuckle, "Oliver is going to end up locked up for sure. Harry’s not going to let this slide."

"I won't just get you kicked out of this cinema," Harry

growled, his voice rising with a menacing intensity. "I'll ensure you regret the very moment you crossed paths with me. You think you can walk around here like you’re untouchable? 

His eyes burned with a cold fury as he continued, "So you borrowed some fake clothes and thought you could play big man on campus? I'll show you there are levels to this, and you clearly don't belong to mine."

Harry's voice grew louder, each word dripping with scorn. "I’m not just talking about a little scuffle. I’ll get you expelled from this school if it’s the last thing I do. 

A cruel, calculating smile spread across his face as he concluded, "You’ll remember this day, Oliver. I’ll make sure you never forget what happens when you dare to mess with Harry Whitmore." He said beating his chest.

Meanwhile, as Harry fumed with anger, Oliver stayed calm and defiant. Unbothered by the chaos around him, he sat confidently in a chair, legs crossed and foot tapping to a rhythm, while pressing his phone.

The crowd buzzed with curiosity, their eyes flicking between Oliver’s unflinching composure and Harry’s growing fury. One student, clearly impressed, remarked, 

“Look at Oliver’s nerve. He’s sitting there like he’s completely unfazed by Harry’s threats.”

Another student, eyes gleaming with a mix of pity and amusement, chuckled, “Yeah, that so-called confidence is going to land him in serious trouble. He’s practically asking for an arrest. He’ll definitely be regretting this stunt soon enough.”

When Sophia returned with the hefty bouncers, she was practically glowing with excitement. She could hardly wait to see Oliver thrown out and beaten up, knowing there was no one to help him this time.

She quickly moved to Harry's side, tending to his bleeding nose with exaggerated concern. "Don’t worry, honey," she cooed, her voice filled with false sympathy. "He’s about to get what’s coming to him. This loser won’t know what hit him."

As the bouncers advanced, the manager of the cinema followed behind, commanding attention with her imposing presence. She was dressed in a meticulously tailored black suit that accentuated her statuesque figure, she moved with an effortless elegance.

Her dark hair was neatly tied back into a sleek ponytail, and her sharp eyes surveyed the scene with a commanding presence. She had a no-nonsense attitude, and everyone could tell she was not someone to mess with.

The atmosphere in the cinema was electric with tension. Students were chanting and cheering, their voices blending into a loud, chaotic mix. The crowd was buzzing with excitement, most of them rooting for Harry, eager to see Oliver get what's coming to him. Their shouts were full of anticipation, like they were at the biggest event of the year.

"Oliver's finished now!" someone called out, their tone brimming with satisfaction.

"He’s finally going to get what’s coming to him!" another student jeered.

"Harry’s not letting him off the hook—he’ll make sure Oliver regrets this!"

Sophia's excitement was obvious as she basked in the anticipation of Oliver’s downfall. Her confidence soared, knowing that Oliver’s bravado was about to be crushed.

The bouncers, massive and formidable, pushed their way through the crowd, their presence commanding immediate respect. They moved with purpose, each step resonating with authority as they approached Oliver.

Nearby, the security guards Harry had tipped earlier were already at work. Their faces were tipped with fierce anger as they confronted the crowd. “Who dares lay a hand on Harry?” one of them roared, his voice filled with outrage and authority.

Sophia strutted forward, unable to hide her smirk. She pointed at Oliver, her voice laced with mockery. "This is the monkey causing chaos in my cinema! And he doesn't even have the money to buy a ticket!"

The manager, Emily Parker, fixed Oliver with a steely gaze that could freeze time.

Emily was known for her no-nonsense approach. She had a reputation for dealing harshly with any disturbances. Just weeks before, she had expelled a student from the school for a similar situation. Rumor had it she had the vice-chancellor’s ear and that her decisions were final.

Oliver, unfazed by the bouncers and Emily’s intimidating presence, stood up straight, his calm posture radiating confidence. His composure was 100 his steeze was 100. He met her gaze without flinching.

"She’s definitely going to have him thrown out," a student whispered, excitement buzzing through the crowd. The murmurs grew louder, anticipation sweeping through the students. Everyone was on the edge of their seat, waiting to see how this showdown would end.

As the crowd buzzed with excitement, Emily Parker’s piercing eyes zeroed in on Oliver. Her voice cut through the noise like a knife. "Who’s the animal causing commotion in my cinema?"

Sophia, eager to see Oliver fall, pointed at him with a smug grin. “He didn’t even have the money for a ticket, but—”

Emily interrupted her sharply, “Shut up! I didn’t ask for your opinion.” Her authority was so strong that Sophia was momentarily stunned. She quickly covered her embarrassment with a smirk, confident that Oliver was in serious trouble.

Emily walked up to Oliver with a mocking laugh, her eyes filled with contempt. “So, you’re the troublemaker?” she sneered. “Take him down!” she ordered, her words leaving no room for argument.

The bouncers, looking fierce and ready, started to close in on Oliver. But just as they moved, Oliver’s voice cut through the tension. 

If you dare touch me,” he declared, “I’ll not only make sure you lose your jobs, but I’ll also ensure this cinema ceases to exist!” Oliver yelled.

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