Inside the cinema, Sophia and Harry occupied the VIP seats, surrounded by a festive buzz of conversation among the students. However, everyone kept their voices down as per Harry's request for silence.

The aroma of popcorn filled the room, heightening the excitement for the upcoming movies they were about to watch.

"Honey, can we change the movie?" Sophia asked, wrinkling her face as she attempted to make Harry budge.

"Sweetheart, today's movie is the official selection. Changing it wouldn't be fair, don't you think?" Harry attempted to persuade her with a smug grin, but she remained determined.

"I don't want this one, I want 'Mepa Cappadocia'," she stated confidently.

Harry stood up and went straight to the cinema manager, after a brief conversation with her and a generous tip, Harry returned to his seat with a confident smile gracing his face.

With pride swelling in his chest, he made his way back to his seat, and to add to his satisfaction, Sophia leaned in affectionately, and their lips met in a sweet passionate kiss.

"You're amazing, Baby. I'm lucky to have you," she remarked, boosting his ego.

Shortly after, a chiseled chested man stepped up to the stage, his face lit up with a wide smile, courtesy of the tip from Harry.

"Today's movie will be 'Mepa Cappadocia' due to overwhelming demand from the VIP Section," he announced casually. The room fell into a heavy, prolonged silence, as if everyone was collectively holding their breath in surprise.

The crowd gasped as they turned their attention to the VIP Section, where Harry and Sophia appeared lost in their love, seemingly unconcerned.

Ben's expression darkened into a deep frown as he protested, "This isn't fair! Aren't we all students here? I thought we had equal rights in this school."

He wasn't content with the recent turn of events, much like everyone else, although he understood why Harry and Sophia were seated in the VIP Section.

Harry knew it would become a topic on the school portal and different groups stirring conversations among students for days, a perfect opportunity to show Oliver his superiority. And to make matters more interesting, VIP tickets are priced at $700 each, whereas regular tickets are sold for just $49.95. 

"Exactly!" exclaimed one of the students, breaking the long silence.

"Mepa Cappadocia" was the movie we all wanted from the start. Thanks to Harry, we finally got it.

Ben felt his anger intensify, coursing through his veins like wildfire. He understood that the student's comment was aimed at gaining favor with Harry, this further fueled his frustration.

Their words hung in the air for a moment before they all swallowed them, refocusing their attention on the movie about to begin.

"Holy crap! Isn't that a freaking Bugatti?" exclaimed one of the students breaking the silence after the brief tensed atmosphere, his eyes widening in disbelief. He dashed out of the cinema, followed by Ben and several other students.

Many of the students had only seen Bugattis in movies and celebrity photos, never encountering a real one. Adding to the fascination, it was a customized Bugatti from the Howard's conglomerate.

They pondered the presence of the mighty Howard conglomerate in their school, considering their wealth and influence.

Oliver observing everyone's attention focused on the car, he slowly opened the door and stepped out of the car, standing tall, exuding confidence.

As he stepped out of the car, he closed the door firmly and walked towards the cinema, gorgeously dressed in Givenchy from head to toe, with the hope of meeting his friends Jacob and Ben there.

As Oliver turned, there was a collective gasp. No one had anticipated that it would be Oliver, of all people, emerging from such an exotic car. It felt as though time had frozen for a moment.

Ben's jaw dropped, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

"Isn't that Oliver?" He turned to Jacob, who mirrored his expression, twice as surprised as Ben.

It's him!

Oliver stood tall, exuding confidence with every step. His Givenchy clothings and expensive perfume added to his commanding presence.

"Isn't that Oliver, the delivery guy or am I going crazy?" exclaimed another student in disbelief. 

"It's really him! How... How did he manage to step out of that car? Unbelievable!" added another student.

The astonishment of everyone present swelled Oliver's chest with pride, as he felt his heart expand with a sense of accomplishment.

Meanwhile, Harry and Sophia all these time peeked out the window of the cinema, utterly astonished to see Oliver stepping out of the Bugatti.

Sophia's body filled with anger as she struggled to contain it. Ever since his confrontation with Harry, she harbored ill wishes towards Oliver, and now seeing him arrive at school in a Bugatti only fueled her rage further.

"First, a Rolls-Royce with convoy picks his body up, and now he arrives in a Bugatti," Sophia muttered in disbelief, refusing to accept what she was seeing.

"Can you believe this?" Harry scoffed, his disbelief evident. "I bet his insurance salary will cover all of this," he remarked, bursting into laughter.

"What's going on?" Sophia inquired, trying to catch up with the situation.

"He used his insurance money to dress up in fake Givenchy," Harry clarified, a smug grin forming on Sophia's face.

Her eyes lit up with pure joy as she embraced Harry tightly.

"Babe, you're so brilliant! I almost thought this loser hit the jackpot," she praised.

At the same time, Ben and Jacob embraced Oliver tightly. They had felt his absence keenly at school, unable to reach him by phone as he had forgotten to turn it on, caught up in his new lifestyle.

Ben couldn't contain his curiosity and bombarded Oliver with questions. "Who owns the Car? How did you come out of it? And where did you get all these things you're wearing?"

"Let's head to the cinema and enjoy ourselves," Oliver said with a broad smile, refusing to pay attention to the curious stares from other students questioning how he acquired a Bugatti and arrived at school.

Upon entering the cinema premises, Oliver's expression soured at the sight of Sophia and Harry together.

"What are those useless idiots doing here?" he muttered to himself.

Harry's attention shifted halfway as footsteps approached, and his eyes locked with Oliver's. He was both surprised and furious.

At first, Harry had expected encountering Oliver bearing the marks of the accident and the beating he had arranged through his thugs. Yet, to his surprise, Oliver looked unscathed. Harry couldn't help but ponder, "Did his hired thugs fail to execute his commands?"

In an instant, Harry's attention shifted in on Oliver's hand, fueling his rage even more. He had ordered his thugs to amputate a finger from Oliver's right hand, the very hand Oliver had used to hit him. Yet, it seemed the thugs had neglected to fulfill their assigned duty.

To compound Harry's frustration, he examined Oliver's clothes and let out a gasp. Initially, he had dismissed the Givenchy clothing as fake, he now realized his mistake, they were genuine.

As a matter of fact, they were exclusive pieces not readily available to everyone. Wearing such exclusive brands was a sign of wealth and influence. Would Harry now have to reconsider Oliver's financial status? No! He dismissed it. 

"Oh, look who we have here, Mr. Oliver, the poverty-stricken delivery guy," Harry taunted, trying to steal the attention from Oliver to himself. His words sliced through Oliver like a knife. Oliver could only gulp in response, feeling the sting of Harry's jab.

Sophia spun around, utterly surprised. "Isn't that an exclusive Givenchy design?" she mused to herself, her expression betraying her disbelief.

Yet, she swiftly regained her composure. "Well, well, well, spending your entire insurance on fake clothes won't still make me change my mind about dating you Oliver." she quipped, teasing Oliver, but he didn't reply her.

Harry cleared his throat, aiming to draw everyone's attention as he had harbored further intentions of humiliating Oliver. "What brings you here?" he questioned sharply. "Regular tickets are sold out, and I'm hundred percent sure you can't afford a VIP ticket. So, what's brings you here?"

Oh, cat got your tongue? Hahaha, Harry taunted relentlessly.

With these, Harry was already getting what he wanted, an opportunity to humiliate Oliver again as students were already recording the scenes and are whispering jabbing comments about him.

"I was stupid to think Oliver's situation had changed for better when I saw him come down from that car. " one student said."

"He must be really stupid to think he can impress with all these fake clothing, hahaha." Another student taunted. 

Sophia, standing nearby and secretly admiring his clothings, chimed in, "So, did you splurge your entire year's paycheck on insurance just to impress me and change my mind about dating you?"

Everyone gasped in shock at her words.

"Trying to impress you?" Oliver retorted sharply. "I doubt you're even worth the effort, you hoe.

Sophia was very angry, how dare him call her a hoe but a satisfied smirk crept onto her face. "Well, at least you've admitted to using your entire annual paycheck on looking good," she remarked, approaching him. "Grow up, Oliver. Even if you insure yourself to wear Givenchy, it still won't make me want you. You're still just that poor delivery guy."

With these, everyone erupted into laughter, and Oliver felt a little embarrassed but he quickly composed himself. 

Her words ignited a fire of anger within Oliver, but he fought to keep his composure and maintain his steeze.

"Since you're done making a fool of yourself, could you kindly step aside so I can find a seat?" Oliver retorted, prompting Sophia to burst into hysterical laughter.

"Observe your surroundings, didn't you hear what my boyfriend said?" She scoffed. "Allow me to remind you because I know you must have forgotten because you have a very short memory. He said that the regular tickets are sold out, meaning there are no more spaces available for low life like you."

"Gold digger, watch me pay for my ticket with my own money, unlike you who have fucked the whole students on campus just to pay for yours." Oliver's words caught Sophia off guard, leaving her momentarily stunned.

"Did he just call her a gold digger and a damn whore?" one of the students exclaimed in shock.

Angrily, Harry lunged towards Oliver, grabbing his clothes and seething with rage. "Don't you dare call her that again! I don't blame you though, I blame those guys for not doing proper justice to you."

Oliver seethed with anger as he recalled the pain inflicted upon him by those guys who nearly beat him to death.

Without hesitation, Oliver reached for his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. Swiftly, he wiped it across Harry's face to clean off his heavy makeup.

In a fit of rage, Harry attempted to punch Oliver in the face, but Oliver was quick to dodge the blow. Instead, he countered with a heavier punch directly to Harry's face.

The punch hit Harry hard and before he knew it, he was already on the floor bleeding heavily. 

Everyone jeered and watched excitedly as they pulled out their phones, recording the scene. 

"Get the cameras out of my face!" Harry shouted angrily at the crowd, but his outburst only encouraged more filming. Realizing he was on the losing side, Harry tried to cover his face with his hands to avoid being caught on camera.

Sophia, observing the commotion, quickly rushed to the manager's office. Not long after, she returned with the manager and two hefty-looking bouncers. 

"Manager! This is the piece of trash that I said couldn't afford a ticket but is beating someone with a VIP ticket," she exclaimed.

"Tell your security guards to teach him a brutal lesson!" Sophia yelled.

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