Chapter 127: New Rival In Love.

"Let’s go. That useless guy is probably still in shock from Remington’s call. Honestly, I still prefer the Young Master’s demeanor. If the Young Master wanted me, I wouldn’t mind being splashed with red wine a hundred times a day."

Laurie lifted her head, seeing Alexander approaching, and her friends giggled, chattering excitedly around her.

"Laurie, you’ve got some unique tastes. It’s like you’ve got Stockholm syndrome. Do you like being mistreated?"

"Hehe, but it depends on who’s doing the mistreating. If it’s someone like the Young Master, I’d be willing too. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t even get the chance to be splashed."

"That’s right. Just look at how Remington fawns over the Young Master. Following him would be like soaring up to the branches and becoming a phoenix. What’s a little mistreatment in comparison?"

Hearing her friends’ words, Laurie couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction, as if the humiliation earlier had been some sort of twisted enjoyment.

Seeing that Laurie
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