One life of Sarro la Cassa
One life of Sarro la Cassa
Author: Gabriela Ellis

There is nothing in which there is not a drop of magic ... Behold her!

         I felt something hard and wet underneath me. I tried to roll over to the other side, but the sensations did not change. I wanted to sleep, my whole body felt weak. I slowly opened one eye, then the other and died - I was in the forest. The dampness of the cool morning grass made it clear that it was spring. The fresh smell of lush foliage, the rays of a bright dawn and the chirping of birds finally awakened from sleep.

    The first thing that surrounded me was shock, panic that knows no end and edge, adrenaline that spilled like a metallic taste in my mouth ...

    I jumped to my feet and looked around. I looked at myself: not a single scratch or bruise, the slightest hint that someone had dragged me here by force!

    The air was neither cold nor warm, and therefore a long-sleeved sweater was just right, which cannot be said about boots that reached almost to the knee ...

   “What is this forest? How did I get here? At such a time! After all, I perfectly remembered how yesterday, after long conversations with my friends, I went to bed in my room ...

      How did I get here? What am I doing here? How long have I been here? Where is anyone? ... Maybe these are Anfissa's jokes? - the first plausible thought spun in my head, - No, it doesn’t seem like it’s not in her taste! Come on, Clio, gather your thoughts! ... "

     The crowns of the trees piled like a hat overhead - rustling foliage and quivering in the golden rays. Herbs grew everywhere, crystals of emerald leaves and a kaleidoscope of pink flowers. A black butterfly with a shaggy mustache was moving swiftly towards me. Having passed the last meters, she sat right on the nose. I reached out my hand to touch it, but it instantly broke and flew away. A warm breeze caressed with its soft touch. Spring was felt in every petal.

    I took a few steps to the side, turned behind a nearby tree and went forward. The trees are so unique! As if I had double vision. At first my head was spinning...

    I quickly lost my strength and sank onto the nearest stump. On the branches around me, azure flecks of beetles crawled incessantly, ladybugs waved their scarlet elytra, grasshoppers played their violins, and butterflies fluttered, frightened by my outstretched hand to meet them. The place was very beautiful, but an unknown force that chilled my skin pushed me away.

    “Where can I go? This forest must end somewhere! I don't want to believe that SOMEONE can drag me TOO far away from school!"

    A snort and a heavy clatter, heard in two steps, tore from his thoughts. I turned my head back - standing next to me was a tall and slender white horse with a silky thick mane, gracefully fluttering in the wind. He seemed to be waiting for me! After all, a minute ago it was not! Or did I not notice? “Maybe he always grazes here?”

   Suddenly he neighed, bent down his front legs, lay down with his whole body on the silky green, like a faithful dog calling his master. For a minute or two I silently stared at him, not understanding such a strange reaction of the animal.

   He didn't have a saddle, so he's wild. But look so well-groomed?! Sorry, but that's not possible! At first, I backed away, remembering how the teacher once told me about how she came out barely alive from a “accidental” encounter with a deer. She wanted to run, but she knew that it would only attract his attention.

   And so she stood, with horror grabbing fleeting thoughts. Then I realized that there is no other way, if he himself WANTS THAT, perhaps he knows something about HOW and WHY I ended up here? Looking at the huge black eyes - this opinion suggests itself, oh what a pity that animals cannot speak!

    I approached the horse, and he immediately nodded approvingly and snorted. Behind me, the magical trills of birds were heard, as if saying that I was on the right track.

       The horse tensed its strong muscles in front of me and smiled as if. Fear overwhelmed me, my heart was beating strongly, my hands were sweating, and the unpleasant smell of a sweaty mane had already hit my nose. Touching and wrapping my trembling fingers around his back, I froze for a moment, not knowing WHETHER TO act THIS. He turned around and rubbed his muzzle against my hand, saying a word: “Don’t be so shy, Clio!” - and I finally made up my mind. With a quick movement she raised her leg and in an instant she was sitting on the horse's back.

     Suddenly he started up, got up on strong legs and rushed off into the distance with unprecedented strength! I froze, realizing in horror what I had done! And he rushed into the unknown, with lightning speed bypassing oncoming trees and bushes, jumping over stumps and small ravines.

    The feelings that overwhelmed me were simply indescribable! “This… this is something unforgettable and, frankly, very creepy!”

    Gradually, I began to come to my senses, because, after all, horses are our only transport on the way to school! "And what was I so afraid of?" - flashed through my head. Meanwhile, the wind blew over my cheeks and developed long blond, almost golden hair, I clutched tighter at the silk mane, pressed my legs closer to his sides.

    The horse stopped only in front of the giant black vaults of such a familiar castle. Gothic spiers sparkled in the sun. Something mysterious attracted and, at the same time, repelled from this structure, but dozens of children crowded in front of its gates. “He reads my thoughts?” - unable to resist, she thought about her companion, “HOW could he take me straight to school ?"

In the distance, the voices of my friends were already heard, I realized - we must immediately go down! “But the horse ...” - it was worth thinking, and he bent his legs and let him calmly get off, without breaking from such and such a height. This strange animal pretty much made my nerves naughty!

I jumped to the ground and ran.

    The school is a huge castle, around which many of my peers crowded. Oh, how many there were! And all, as one, in black clothes and red ties. I studied here for 9 years! Looking into the faces, I found all my friends. I was greeted by their smiles - this is good, even very good, but the oblique glances of the teachers, I must admit, excited ... But what are the views! I, not recognizing myself, rushed from one friend to another, talking about what had happened and trying to grab at least a shred of truth! And they were silent. All. Until one...

"Hey Clio! What’s on your cheek?!” the astonished friends echoed instead. Sasha even held out a mirror so that I could finally be convinced that the sign was real. When I saw it - two small purple stars, I was completely confused ...

     After we entered the gigantic gate, several attractive young men, in gloomy gothic outfits, with long scarlet, gold and black cloaks behind their backs, closed a huge, seemingly ancient gate with gothic carvings that I liked and took the horses to a special pen opposite the first floor. It was a spacious hall, everywhere decorated with ornate bas-reliefs, high reliefs and powerful, but at the same time elegant, columns; twelve high lancet windows, through which hundreds of sunlight penetrated the hall. These people were our teachers.

    Thus began my first day of a "new" life...

    Strange, but going into the stable the next day, going around all the stalls, I could not find my friend. "Escaped?! Oh, he can, I'm sure of it! ... "

        The last week of every month the school had holidays. Small, but good! Now it is the end of April. The holidays are over. Everyone was noisily discussing the last few days.

     We returned to study. The last month was ahead. Again, everyone met with their friends, girlfriends, loved ones and teachers.

      The lessons started again. New weeks of extraordinary events and adventures, laughter and tears in the name of life!

       I have many friends, the most faithful, perhaps, are Sasha and Anfissa.

      The school was hidden by dense forests - trees grew almost around the entire castle. Their crowns were lost in the distance, because of which one could see sharp snow-capped mountains, small hills, forest glades and lakes.

“How did this horse find me in the forest? What did I do there? - endlessly flashed in my thoughts. For some reason it seemed that I was not like everyone else, but why? Consciousness completely refused to answer. 

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