Chapter One Hundred Ninety Five: How Provocative

Every female dancer starts to get excited after they heard Jun's announcement.

Being able to be picked is a huge advantage and they can have an exposure...

On the one hand, Clarissa is not too hopeful because it is obvious that Victoria will be chosen. As a professional dancer, she will not harbor any resentment towards Victoria if ever she was picked. She can clearly admit that she is the best dancer in their group.

Meanwhile, Victoria gave out a big smile to everyone because she's absolutely sure that she will be personally picked by their choreographer.

"And now, I'm going to formally announce the dancer who will dance with Jason for his solo performance... We decided to pick Clarissa this time, and it was an unanimous decision." Jun suddenly announced.

Clarissa held her breath in shock after they called her name. She can't believe that she was chosen! It was obvious that everyone is expecti
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