Chapter One Hundred Ninety Six: A Storm Is Brewing

At a certain fastfood restaurant...

"I'm really going into a monster-mode right now! Even if Edward doesn't say anything, he still cares about that bitch!" Victoria angrily muttered, as she slams her fists on the table.

The other customers at the restaurant stared at her in surprise, but she doesn't give a damn about them. She is now raging in anger because she knows that her boyfriend still cares for his ex-girlfriend.

She needs to do something that will destroy Clarissa!

"---I just need to dig up some dirt or scandal to any members of the NO Borders, and I know our magazine will sell like hotcakes, again... I'm just waiting for a big break."

Victoria snaps out from her reverie when she heard the old man's voice, who was sitting at the nearby table. He was talking to someone over the phone. She decided to listen to the old man.

"----I've been monitoring them for a month, and I followed th
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