Philip’s hand trembled as he held the unmarked envelope. The weight of it felt heavier than it should, like it carried the burdens of a thousand secrets. His mind raced with possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last. He had just come from confronting Andrew Lane, and now this—another mystery, another twist in the ever-tightening knot around his life.

Taking a deep breath, he tore open the envelope, his eyes scanning the neatly typed words on the single sheet of paper inside. As he read, his heart began to pound harder, each word sending shockwaves through his system.

“Philip Scott,

You’ve been asking too many questions, getting too close to the truth. This is your final warning. Stay away from Jessica Lane, or you’ll regret it. There are forces at play that you cannot begin to comprehend. If you value your life and the lives of those you care about, you will walk away now.

You’ve been warned.”

The letter wasn’t signed, but it didn’t need to be. The message was clear, and t
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