"I'm curious. What exactly did you figure out from all this?". George asked Griffin who had been driving in silence. 

"Don't you see it? An accomplice"

"An accomplice?"

"Yes. This isn't the first time I've had this thought though. Ever since I saw the marks on Jayne Mansfield's body. It was clear that it was a man that harmed her and that same man pretended to be John walker's father. And after killing him and since there was obviously no one to suspect him, he went to the tunnel and dumped his body there. Right where John and I were supposed to meet"

George stared at Griffin in awe. "How do you know all this so well?"

"I took some classes in the criminal division"

"Anyways, if all you've said is correct? How was he able to do all that in just few minutes?"

"He's been monitoring us. This accomplice might just be someone close to us, keeping an eye on us and reporting our feedback to Amanda"

George looked at the familiar buildings that passed them by. "Where are you going?"

"To Jayne's house. I asked for her house address. I feel like the big clue is there somewhere"

"Jayne's house is this way?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"And so is Christina's". Griffin parked the car as he came to a stop Infront of Jayne's house. 

"Do you need an extra hand? Now that we're here, I would like to check on Christina". George said. 

"Do what you want. I'll be fine". Griffin approached Jayne's house slowly, taking in the serene of the environment as he walked towards the front lawn.  

He rapped on the door lightly. "Hello? Is anyone in here?". He got no response. 

He rapped on the door a second time. If there was no response this time, he was breaking in. 

The door was slightly opened by a little boy. "How may I help you?" He asked with a small voice. 

Griffin looked at the kid as though he'd seen a ghost because it didn't occur to him that Jayne had a child. This case kept on surprising him!

"Is Jayne Mansfield your mother?" Griffin asked. 

The boy shook his head. "I'm just staying with her for a while till my mom comes to pick me up"

"Then, do you mind if I come in for a little while. It's really important"

The kid nodded his head. "Hold on a minute". He slowly jammed the door as he rushed upstairs to his bedroom. 

On getting there, he opened his closet and brought out all the bedsheets that he could find. 

He tied them up in a knot creating a long rope. He attached one end of the knot to the bed and opened his bedroom window throwing the other end outside. 

With his stuffed monkey in his hand, he slowly climbed down the rope. 

George came out from Christina's house and rejoined Griffin on Jayne's front lawn. " I didn't see Christina"

"Really? Maybe she stepped out for a bit"

"Any luck with the house though?"

"Yes. A little kid seems to be inside. I don't know what's taking him so much time though". Just then both Griffin and George's phone beeped at the same time. 

"Would you look at that? We finally have a picture of our "Aaron" "George said. 

"Yeah". Griffin zoomed in on the picture to get a closer look. Wait a minute. This was the kid he'd just seen!. 

Griffin broke down the door as he searched the house. "Aaron? Aaron!". He called out. 

"Griffin, up here!" George called from above. Griffin ran to meet him as he found himself in the little boy's bedroom. 

His work of art with the bedsheets were still clearly seen. 

Griffin looked down the window. "Wasn't the kid scared? Why would he even run off like that?"

"Beats me. Anyways, since we are here let's look for a clue or anything that might help us"

"I agree". They searched every nook and cranny of the house and we're about to give up when they found a journal. 

"It belongs to Jayne". George says with glee grateful for a clue. 

Griffin opened the pages as he slowly read; 

'First day of work at the bar, I'm so excited I can feel my heart explode. Looking forward to making new friends'

'A new friend made. Her name is Amanda, she doesn't share much on her private life though but that's not a problem. She'll open up to me with time though'

'I knew it! She mentioned her nephew to me and showed me his pictures. Aaron is the cutest'

'A regular customer dressed in black raincoat comes every 10pm to see Amanda. I hope he isn't a bad person because he sure gives off the vibe'

'He came again today. It was my day off and Amanda was on duty rather. She told me of how she overheard him say to the bartender to direct 'his son' to the red car. I'm offended though why a young guy like him with a son played Amanda on!. Never trust the men with good looks'

Griffin closed the journal. "This is the second time"

"What do you mean?"

"This is the second time he introduced himself as John's 'father' "

"Could he really be his father though?"

"You are the one who goes to church here. Would God kill Jesus?"

"He did let him get crucified"

Griffin shook his head. "Anyways, things are starting to make sense now. Maria, John, Jayne. They are all connected. It isn't just a random murder". Griffin looked down at the journal in his hand. "Hopefully, this would tell us more"

George could see that something was bothering Griffin as he took in a deep breath. "What's on your mind, pal?"

"I'm just wondering where on earth that little kid ran off to". 

Going as far as his short legs could take him, Aaron ran as fast as he could. 

His vision was blur that he'd bumped into an elderly woman. 

She seemed to have a kind face so he'd decided to trust her. 

With a shaky voice, he voiced out the first thing that was on his mind. "Please, help me"

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