Chapter 11: The Final Boss!!

Oko: "Seems like she had a rough time."

Quincy: "Thats Alice, she was with a strong team of six who was going to fight a wolf boss someone found earlier today. There was a fight over who was going to fight it first and that team won because their swordsmen got a shield drop like yours. I heard some other teams went to cause trouble what with the 32 hour floor boss spawn time, I'm sure it'll cause more problems."

Oko: "I'm surprised they wouldn't just all go as a group."

Quincy: "That was suggested but most didn't want to risk it not counting for the clear. Besides, not enough loot to go around then."

Oko: "Seems everyone is confident in their strength."

Quincy: "Of course, these creatures are pretty weak if you have a team. Of course I haven't heard of anyone beating a boss yet so idk."

After talking to Quincy a bit about the new settlement, Abby jogs up to them.

Abby: "Hey! Apparently the wolf is still up, Alice's team was wiped. She only survived because the leeches jumped in to kill the boss and all died. Apparently the longer it survives the more of its minions arrive."

Oko: "That can be deadly when your busy fighting each other instead of the boss."

Abby: "Exactly, most teams are planning to go tomorrow since it's getting late. But me Arcus and Felsen were going to go try it tonight. It's only like 5 and it's an hour walk there so we should have time, You two want to come?"

Oko: "Hell yes! Is there a settlement rule on picking up a dead mans stuff?"

Abby's eyes light up.

Abby: "Yes actually, don't take their beginner weapon, Everything else is on the table. Hehehe there was a good 18 people that just died, The other teams might be lying about going tomorrow so we should hurry, you guys ready now?"

The group left the clearing, climbing over the logs since they were kinda just plopped there and forgotten.

'Seems most people are busy farming monsters'

On the hour long journey the group discussed roles and strategies while killing a few wolves.

Abby: "Alright, we have 2 front lines and 3 back lines. How do we want to handle this?"

Oko: "I don't know Felsen's skills but I have a movement skill if you want me to keep on the boss."

Arcus: "No I trust Felsen more, you and your boyfriend can deal with the scrubs while we handle the boss."

'This guy really doesn't like me… well as long as he doesn't try to kill me it's fine, I won't be letting my guard down. Unfortunately I still only have 26 hp from the last fight.'

Oko: "Sure I guess that's fine, Quincy focus on killing them and I'll make sure none go towards the back line. Try not to spread out to much or it'll be harder to protect you."

Abby: "Let me know if anyone needs healing, I'll try to keep some mana back but we need to kill the boss quickly and I can only cast 3 spells so I'll save enough for only 1 healing spell."

With Arcus leading the way they surprisingly made it there without to much trouble.

'He must have a tracking or directional skill or something like that.'

Ahead is a much bigger white barked tree and under it is a pure white wolf with one Grayish leader wolf and three minion wolves. Unlike the other wolves Poko fought, these wolves look better fed.

Around the clearing are weapons and packs, it's unknown how many are there hiding in the grasses and brush but they could already see 6 just from a glance.

As soon as the group sees the wolves, the ears of the boss twitch and it raises its head to sniff in the groups direction right as a gentle wind hits them at their back.

'Damn we should have thought about the wind.'

Abby wastes no time casting her spell as the boss stands up.


The other wolves stand at alert as the boss suddenly dodges to the side as a water ball and two arrows narrowly misses it and hits the tree.

Oko: "That's a movement skill, we're gunna need to lock it down to hit it. Quincy focus on the minions let them get the boss."

Quincy: "Right sorry!"

'With 4 minions this boss is going to be annoying. Maybe I should go all out, I can't lose a whole day after all. Let's see how it goes.'

Felsen: "The bosses name is different than what the guy said, it leveled up my skill."

'That's not a good sign…'

The 4 wolves charge over and Quincy shoots one through the head and another to the chest before they arrive.

The boss doesn't immediately commit as it  barely dodges another arrow.

Felsen is quick to run up to it, attempting to slow it down.

Poko blocks the minion and grey leader wolf. The wolves split up to circle around Poko, targeting Abby, Quincy is quick to shoot the minion and Poko stops the last wolf.

Poko focuses the leader, killing it with a piercing stab as a rustling comes from the right and left, another leader and 2 minions.

'This is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be!'

The boss continues to dance away from Felsen, always keeping either Felsen or the big tree in the way of arcus's shooting. Thanks to its high mobility Felsen can't keep up with it but Arcus manages to hit one shot, nearly hitting Felsen in the process.

The arrow barely penetrates its skin before falling out.

Abby: "Arcus focus the minions with Quincy and Oko. Felsen come back and deal with the Minions too, let's see what it does."

With the extra attention the group takes care of the other wolves quickly and the boss seems content to wait for its brethren.

But that's when it suddenly opens its mouth at the three of them.

Oko: "Run!"

Arcus Abby and Poko are the only ones in its way as the other two were finishing the last wolf. Abby in the center, she doesn't have time to get out of the way and based on her stats she only has 10 health.

Arcus dives out of the way and Poko jumps in front of Abby, holding up the shield.


A cold wall hits Poko's shield, dealing 18 damage and sending both of them flying.

They land in a mess of limbs as Quincy and Felsen rush to keep the boss busy.

Abby: "Are you okay!?"

Oko: "Damn that's some bad morning breath. You got a heal?"

'I still have 8hp but I'd rather not waste a potion or risk it with this boss.'

Abby: "Ya."

Abby heals 10 hp for Poko as 6 more wolves show up, 2 being a grayish leader.

Oko: "We gotta finish this or leave!"

Felsen: "Oko has movement skills, let's swap us"

Arcus: "If you can stop it for a second I can hit it with the enchanted arrow."

Poko runs to the boss and starts trying to give Arcus a good shot. He suddenly realizes the boss doesn't seem to want to move far from its tree.

'I wonder if that's the towers doing or is there is something valuable near it?'

Poko started using this against it and was just about to get the boss right where he wanted when suddenly.


Poko felt a danger behind him as his hair stood on end, he instinctively used quick feet as he got nicked with the arrow, taking 3 damage.

The arrow pierced the boss in its shoulder as it tried to dodge, unfortunately it didn't look like a fatal wound.

When the wolf dodged it also used its movement skill and was near Poko so he quickly jumped forward using his shield as a ram. He wasn't able to knock it over but the wolf did get staggered with its injury.

Just then a water ball flew in and slammed against its body, sending it to the ground.

The wolf turned its head, clearly trying another breath attack at Abby and arcus but there was no way Poko would let it.

He plunged his sword with piercing stab straight down its throat before it could finish casting.

"Deep throat my sword bitch!"

The remaining two wolves run away when they see its leader is dead.

[Congratulations! You have defeated a fifth Floor Boss!]

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