Chapter 9

He walked slowly to exit as the laugher continued. He left the hall and now he was outside the school soaked and cold. He walked straight to his bike.

When he got to his bike, he saw it on the floor and it was all crushed to pieces. He knew who did it and it got him even angrier. He kicked a piece of the bike out of angry and yelled out with tears still in his eyes.

He realized that he had no choice but to walk home. It was going to be a long walk but that was the least of his problem at the moment. So many things went through his mind as he began to walk. He had already left the school surroundings and was now walking along the road. He wondered what he would tell his mother when he got home, the thought of that broke him. He could not think of any excuse this time, his mind could not let him think of anything.

And then there was Celia, he thought of what John has been telling him about her and how he felt that going to the dance with her was a bad idea. But Derick still
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