The fact that she was still fidgety despite my attempts to calm her down was a very clear message that she was still very worried and didn't trust us to say what she had to say. But at the same time, her proposition was a very tough one. In one way or the other, she was still going to be dragged into this case no matter what.

She had to pay for what she did, but since that was what she wanted before she could give me the answer, then I would do my best to help get her name out of the case as soon as I'd found the mastermind behind this whole scheme.

I nodded before replying.

"No problem, Marcia. Just give us a name and we will be good to go. All you have to do is to tell us who made you do this and we will take care of the rest from here. I'm sure you don't want to suffer for nothing. Is that what you want?" I asked, but she gave me an unsure look.

I chuckled internally, knowing that it wouldn't be bad if she went to jail for what she did. She deserved to suffer but there wasn't an
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