2. I'm a Killer?

"You, who killed my father!" shouted the young man who was usually called Vernon in a loud voice.

He immediately grabbed Daren's shirt collar, which was still stuck in place. Staring blankly at his father-in-law's body.

Vernon gave him a blank look. The bottom line of his eyes was red, emitting an aura full of emotion.

"Say! You were the one who killed my father, right? Look! Your hands are covered in blood and there is a knife near you! Admit it, that you were the one who took my father's life! What is my father's life? Damn, you have the heart to take his life, ah!”

Vernon shouted while Daren could only surrender. His lips wanted to say no. However, all his words got stuck in the corner of his throat. Daren was too scared, what's more, Vernon's gaze was scary.

Sherly turned her gaze towards Daren. A few minutes ago, she was surprised by the presence of the fat man because he caught him having sex with another man. Now it is known that his father died because of that fat man too.

Two major events came together, naturally causing his mental shock to be greatly shaken.

"So you killed Dad!?" Sherly snapped, immediately grabbing Daren's hand.

Vernon was amazed because his older sister's power was so strong. When the mind is filled with the fire of anger, a woman can turn into a furious lion ready to pounce on her prey.


A hard slap landed right on Daren's face. The slap was so hard that it left a red mark on the fat man's cheek.

Daren fell to the floor. His mind was blank so there was no chance for him to explain the actual chronology. Moreover, the current conditions mean that Daren cannot defend himself.

Sherly's breath was short. His chest rose and fell and his appearance was disheveled. His eyes were teary and red. His head started to hurt because emotions had drained his energy. Plus, she had just finished doing hot activities with his girlfriend a few minutes ago.

"What did my father do wrong with you, ah? My father has always been good to you. He was willing to accept a useless man like you in this house! I was forced to marry you because of my bad behavior. Dad asked me! If only he didn't force me, then I wouldn't be willing to marry a fat, ugly, useless man like you!"

Sherly has lost control. He said everything he felt and Daren often heard those words.

Daren looked up. He stared at the beautiful beads of the woman he loved so much. Oh no. What he meant was the woman he married out of compulsion.

"Oh, I see?" Daren muttered while holding back the tightness in his chest. His head, which had been lowered, now looked sharply at Sherly again.

"So, it's true. All of this is just a joke. Your sweet words in front of Dad were just to make him happy. Is that so? It seems I was the one who hoped and dreamed too much. From the start, I was just a toy. To you, I was stupid, was still silent, and considered your words only temporary. In fact..." Daren joked full of pain.

Sherly looked away. The crying was no longer there. There are only a few grains stuck to the cheeks. Sherly wiped it and exhaled lazily.

"What kind of woman are you, Sherly? You accepted my father's request to marry me, even though you were having sex with another man. Is this a form of devotion to your father, ah?"

Daren's voice trembled. As time went by, he couldn't hold back the emotional turmoil that continued to pierce his heart.

Sherly is still silent about her affair with the man who stole her virginity. Vernon didn't answer either. As far as he knew his older sister didn't have any feelings for Daren.

The same thing was also shown by a woman with the status of Sherly and Vernon's mother. The woman named Lusi did not mind her daughter's attitude towards having a relationship with another man. At least Lusi feels grateful, because her eldest child is still normal.

Finding his honesty ignored made Daren even more confident. His presence in this family is nothing more than trash or maybe a parasite. People they could get rid of at any time without mercy.

Daren stood up straight while looking angry and disappointed at the woman he respected so much.

"Yes. I was the one who killed Dad! I stabbed the knife into Dad's stomach! As a form of revenge for the bad treatment I have received so far!" Daren admitted clearly while shrugging his shoulders.

Daren admitted, even though what happened was not what was said.

Sherly clenched her fists. Meanwhile, Vernon gasped in surprise and swallowed heavily. Meanwhile, Lusi was stunned without saying anything.

"You deserve to go to prison! You bastard! Rot you there, a man who doesn't know how to make a profit!" Sherly insults Daren, who now in her eyes is just a criminal.

“Soon the police will arrest you. You better not commit any more crimes or the punishment you receive will be more severe," he continued, was that a warning or just to scare?

After saying that, Sherly left the room. His steps were limp and helpless. Nearly lost his balance and Vernon rushed over, swiftly trying to support her. However, Sherly refused this help.

Half an hour later the police car and ambulance arrived. Harry Jiang's body. The fifty-year-old man who was stabbed to death in the stomach was taken to an ambulance to undergo an autopsy at the hospital. To find out the cause of death. Sherly doesn't want this to happen.

Meanwhile, the police immediately arrested the suspected murderer, none other than Daren. Both of his hands were handcuffed and there were two policemen standing guard beside him.

Daren did not resist when the police arrested him. He gave up and didn't move. Maybe it's better that way. Instead, he defended him, but no one wanted to believe him.

Daren got into the police car, his gaze fixed on the people who in the last few months had become his family.

As far as the eye could see, Sherly was not present. Deren took a deep breath, suspecting that Sherly was currently with a man in her room. This made Daren chuckle.

Next, the police car and ambulance left the Jiang family residence.

Vernon and Lusi's expressions looked normal. Doesn't show any sadness at all. Both of them indeed cried, but it seemed forced. Even now looks happy again.

"I'm grateful to see that the fat man has left this house," Lusi muttered while folding her arms in front of her chest. Wiping the remaining tears on my cheeks.

"You're right, Mam. I feel like this house is no longer busy because that stupid, useless man has left our lives," said Vernon, smiling triumphantly.

His heart rejoiced because the barrier to obtaining the entire Jiang Family's possessions was gone.


Meanwhile, during the journey, Daren just remained silent. There wasn't a single word he could say. He looked at the road filled with two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles.

There are various types and of course, the prices also vary. Daren realized that he was useless, weak, and uncool. No wonder Sherly prefers another man to give up her virginity.

Daren smiled wryly as he replayed the scene of Sherly moaning in pleasure in the confines of the man's memory. Sherly seemed to enjoy it. Even white people.

Daren closed his eyes. Just imagine what made Sherly sigh was herself.

"If it were me... maybe life wouldn't be as painful as it is now." Daren kept his eyes closed while on the road. Grieving for a fate that was never fair to him.

After traveling for almost forty minutes, they finally arrived at the city prison.

"Let's go!" said the policeman while pushing Daren's body so he could walk faster.

Daren didn't move. From now on, he can only stay silent. Just obey every word the police officer says.

Right in one of the cells. The police opened the padlock attached to the iron bars.

Once it was open, the officer invited Daren to enter. Many times Daren didn't fight back.

"Already fat. Ugly. A murderer too. Ah, you useless human!" he quipped as he relocked the lock.

Daren and the man whose clothes were in tatters could hear the officer's words.

“Hey, you, fatso!” called the man, with a fat appendage.

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